Justice League (2017)


Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah, Superman is just boring being so OP
In marvel you had Tony Stark (A non powered human who's only super power is technology) fight Thor (The strongest Avenger) to pretty much a stand still.
That's good stuff there

Then you had Captain America and Bucky beating Iron man's ass, so it's actually stupid and inconsistent. They had to just pretend Thor didn't exist for Civil War.

Thor being on the same team as Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow isn't any different than Superman and the Justice League.

You just have to have the others bring things to the table besides brute force.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
since we are doing nerd stuff here. who would win in a fight?
Superman Vs Thanos with no Infinity Gauntlet?
Superman Vs Thanos with the power gem on the Infinity Gauntlet?
Superman Vs Thanos with full gems Infinity Gauntlet?
pretty sure nothing can beat full gem Thanos, but would be interesting to see.

Thanos probably = Darkseid since he was based on him.

So the question is, how would Superman do against Darkseid one-on-one?

I have no clue. They can both whoop Steppenwolf's ass. DeSaad or Goodness are probably closer to Superman but likely also not as strong as him.

I'm sure someone who is an expert on the Apokolips stuff knows how Superman vs Darkseid went down.

Now, Thanos with full gems might be stronger than Darkseid, I don't know.

I always saw the Gauntlet as more of a prop that gave him the snap/wish ability rather than actually making him that much stronger physically...but I don't know.


FPS noob
Stan Lee answered all the "vs" questions years ago, tl;dr "whoever the writers want to win"

if chuck paid enough he could get <insert random 80s metal band ive never heard of> to win against Thanos. im sure someone will now like a marvel or DC comic where indeed some random ass metal band beats Darkseid or Thanos
  • 1Worf
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Egg Nazi
Good, now they can just drop him and get Jim Parsons himself instead of some half-rate Jim Parsons impersonator


Millie's Staff Member
lol, what the fuck?

'I will bury you and your sl*t wife': The Flash's non-binary actor Ezra Miller is accused of threatening and robbing couple who bailed them out AFTER karaoke bar arrest in Hawaii​

  • Miller, 29, was reportedly staying at the home of the couple who filed the petition, and broke into their bedroom on Monday night
  • Miller then allegedly threatened the male victim by saying 'I will bury you and your sl*t wife'
  • Couple claimed Miller stole 'personal belongings, including a social security card, wallet, passport, driver's license and bank cards'
  • Ezra was arrested Sunday where Miller was said to have been harassing patrons at a bar, and charged with disorderly conduct and harassment
  • Couple had earlier bailed the actor out of jail, according to a report
  • Miller was last the subject of controversy in April 2020 when a video circulated that allegedly showed them 'choking' a woman while at a bar in Iceland
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Fun fact smoking meth was invented in Hawaii. Before us people snorted and shot it.

The reason we could smoke it was we got the really good medical grade quality from Japan. The 'Shabu'. Not that shit tier Trucker Meth.

It's everywhere here. Brown folks love it.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
So I didnt read the article til now, this all happened on the Big Island which is still pretty wild west once you get outside the cities and towns, it is a mix of old school Hawaiians, a lot of burnt out Haight Ashbury Hippies lost in time, a dash of super duper Nudist Homos making daisy chains of buttfucking in the remote wilderness.

The majority of the island is only barely 'on the grid' a lot of it is not al all. You can literally live out in the middle of nowhere without close neighbors and be pretty fucking lawless and no one is around to complain. There is a massive amount of drugs there, it used to be an almost 100% illegal weed growing based economy that made for tons of hard drugs and guns getting added to the mix.

So going into town for karaoke, meeting a movie star and bringing him home to plow your wife while you watch and do rails of blow or heroin off his bisexual cock is totally probable. The law there has to pick their battles, there are some places they will not go into because its too remote and too many wanted felons with nothing to loose are living in the bushes. But Big Island cops are large Polynesian men built like world class Triathletes. You try and run from them they will chase and catch you and if nobody is around maybe even end you so they dont have to haul your resisting ass back to their 4x4. That ding dong is pretty lucky he didnt end up dead and left on a lava field with rocks stacked on his corpse for an unmarked grave.

They never did find the body of Tea Leoni's cousin, he went missing in the jungle behind my house in 95 and I am in a pretty civilized area of Oahu. I still hope one day to run across his remains when I am fucking around back in that valley and collect the $100K reward.
  • 2Mother of God
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Aychamo BanBan

So I didnt read the article til now, this all happened on the Big Island which is still pretty wild west once you get outside the cities and towns, it is a mix of old school Hawaiians, a lot of burnt out Haight Ashbury Hippies lost in time, a dash of super duper Nudist Homos making daisy chains of buttfucking in the remote wilderness.

The majority of the island is only barely 'on the grid' a lot of it is not al all. You can literally live out in the middle of nowhere without close neighbors and be pretty fucking lawless and no one is around to complain. There is a massive amount of drugs there, it used to be an almost 100% illegal weed growing based economy that made for tons of hard drugs and guns getting added to the mix.

So going into town for karaoke, meeting a movie star and bringing him home to plow your wife while you watch and do rails of blow or heroin off his bisexual cock is totally probable. The law there has to pick their battles, there are some places they will not go into because its too remote and too many wanted felons with nothing to loose are living in the bushes. But Big Island cops are large Polynesian men built like world class Triathletes. You try and run from them they will chase and catch you and if nobody is around maybe even end you so they dont have to haul your resisting ass back to their 4x4. That ding dong is pretty lucky he didnt end up dead and left on a lava field with rocks stacked on his corpse for an unmarked grave.

They never did find the body of Tea Leoni's cousin, he went missing in the jungle behind my house in 95 and I am in a pretty civilized area of Oahu. I still hope one day to run across his remains when I am fucking around back in that valley and collect the $100K reward.

That's insanely interesting. I went to Hawaii as a kid, I think Oahu and Maui (???) but I don't remember. Obviously it was the popular cities so it all felt civilized.

I assumed land, etc, in all of hawaii was just insanely expensive and all overcrowded.

Is the big island just a couple of large cities and then really just rural?? Can you get like a plot of land up in the mountains, with ocean views, cheap?

Fuck, now I'm going to spend half my day looking on google maps to see how "big" the big island actually is. And looking at real estate.

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
You try and run from them they will chase and catch you and if nobody is around maybe even end you so they dont have to haul your resisting ass back to their 4x4. That ding dong is pretty lucky he didnt end up dead and left on a lava field with rocks stacked on his corpse for an unmarked grave.
"You can't catch me, I'm the Flashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
This is it, its exactly why MCU worked.

Prior to the Iron Man movie, the Avengers were C-list Marvel superheroes. Every comic reader knew who they were, and a little about them, but they were basically nobody's favorite superheroes. (somebody always wants to chime in and be the exception on this one - thats fine)

Thats exactly what DCU needed to do. All they had to do was copy it.

You can see the success of this in the DC pieces that have worked. Suicide Squad 2. Peacemaker. Doom Patrol. You don't start with fucking Superman - its probably better if we don't even do superman or batman again - you do the lesser known stuff, and do it well.

Marvel got this, DC failed at it. But we'll see another Batman reboot within 3 years, guaran fuckin teed.
Didn't the Arrowverse do that?

Shows for minor characters and only brought Superman in at the end?

Never seen any of those shows but they appeared to have a workanle multiverse.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
That's insanely interesting. I went to Hawaii as a kid, I think Oahu and Maui (???) but I don't remember. Obviously it was the popular cities so it all felt civilized.

I assumed land, etc, in all of hawaii was just insanely expensive and all overcrowded.

Is the big island just a couple of large cities and then really just rural?? Can you get like a plot of land up in the mountains, with ocean views, cheap?

Fuck, now I'm going to spend half my day looking on google maps to see how "big" the big island actually is. And looking at real estate.

There's a number of areas where only natives can own the land or something like that. I think most places a non Hawaiian can buy that has a good view is going to be expensive. But that's just from what I've been told by people who were living there a few years (not born there).


<Gold Donor>
Stan Lee answered all the "vs" questions years ago, tl;dr "whoever the writers want to win"

if chuck paid enough he could get <insert random 80s metal band ive never heard of> to win against Thanos. im sure someone will now like a marvel or DC comic where indeed some random ass metal band beats Darkseid or Thanos

Not quite the same, but KISS fought Dr. Doom! Didn't win though.

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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
That's insanely interesting. I went to Hawaii as a kid, I think Oahu and Maui (???) but I don't remember. Obviously it was the popular cities so it all felt civilized.

I assumed land, etc, in all of hawaii was just insanely expensive and all overcrowded.

Is the big island just a couple of large cities and then really just rural?? Can you get like a plot of land up in the mountains, with ocean views, cheap?

Fuck, now I'm going to spend half my day looking on google maps to see how "big" the big island actually is. And looking at real estate.

You are 50 yrs too late to find some cheap epic property on the Big Island. What's left is lawless because much of it is a volcanic hellscape with chances of new hot lava mowing everything down again in the future.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean if society ever legitimately breaks down it would be pretty easy to murder your neighbors and build a little kingdom.
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