

Bronze Baron of the Realm
Turn them in for fraud.
They live several hours away now and we won't be doing christmas together. Basically I'm writing them out of my life. My sister told me she was offered a part time job that paid $35/hour which is pretty damn good in Louisiana where they live. I believe that's pretty accurate considering my sister is the HR manager at the company that offered her that.

Oh well, another reason I'm glad I didn't have kids.


Trump's Staff
My niece is a walking example of why they need to do something. She is 30 and had twins about 4 years ago. They've told her since a young age that child birth could kill her because she has a heart issue and had open heart surgery at age 5ish. She lives with the father, they're not married. They've lived together for close to 10 years, they have moved states several times so not sure on the common law deal. She went to school and got a certifiation or whatever they do as a vet tech which I assume pays decently. He has a masters degree in architecture and is working at a firm to get his stamp or whatever they need. His goal after that is to go to work for the state fire marshals office and do inspections. Seems odd to get a masters degree but whatever. He was offered a job that paid 2x as much but he has to live within 10 minutes of work or he just won't work, which really in the south is not really an option most of the time.

Anyway her and her 2 kids don't have insurance. They could get insurance thru his employer but it "cost too much". Ok that may be....but I told her with the ACA now she should get something. I'm not a fan of the ACA but I'd like to see her kids covered because they are leaning now that one kid has the same heart issue she had. Nope can't do that because it's too big of a pain in the ass and with the subsidy it would still cost $40/month or whatever it was. She says they won't turn them away at the hospital, which is true but still.

She doesn't work. I really don't give a shit how they live thier life but cover the kids with insurance. I tried to at least give her a little push and told her I would cover it for a year till she could get it figured out and get with the ACA during the enrollment period. NOPE, too much work.

I finally stopped giving a gentle push and had my attorney send her a letter giving her an ultimatum that if she didn't get insurance on the kids she was out of the will (I hold the entire familys inheritence/land in my name including what goes to my sister) and had it spelled out what it was valued at.

NOPE, too much work. She collects food stamps for herself and the kids even tho she lives with the father, as well as whatever else I have no idea.At Chirstmas there was an hour long discussion she talked about the "free" stuff she gets for her and the kids even tho she in the past had a good job as a vet tech and her significant other makes decent money I assume.They live in a nice house.

The finaly straw which led to the inheritence threat was they went on a fucking Carribean cruise last summer cause they needed a break.Then at the same christmas her significant other/father of her kids was telling me how he really liked X cigars that came up because my sister gave me a box for christmas. They were $15/each cigars. WTF.

JFC. I have her kids on the inheritence and a college fund, but I cut my niece out. She asked after I had the attorney send the letter if that included the father of her kids...like I was ever going to give him shit if they aren't married lol.
Sounds like the shitty fruit didn't fall far from the shitty tree?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm a productive member of society and pay 6 figure in taxes yearly. Sure I'm a racist, but I'm a productive racist.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
If she's unemployed and they're not married, it's not fraud.
Yeah I'm not sure how that works and with them having lived together for X amount of time. We're not really close but I wanted her kids to be covered with insurance. I get the feeling she has made the decision (she may not have said that) it's easier to take X than work. I gave the kids a college fund, but I'll have to look into buying them insurance. If she's not interested I'm not sure it would do any good unless I could get major medical only and hold onto it in case they needed it. Not sure how that would work.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Not sure how Louisiana is but in Washington children are covered until a certain age automatically I believe.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Not sure what she does. I don't live in LA. I really never talk to her, my sister says she takes them to charity hospital ER since she doesn't have insurance and they take them. I have a pretty good idea what the father makes that she lives with from what my sister has told me and it would be close to $50k since he's just starting out and is working on getting his stamp or whatever they call it.

She gets food stamps or something similar and I thought that was based on household income.


Molten Core Raider
The finaly straw which led to the inheritence threat was they went on a fucking Carribean cruise last summer cause they needed a break.WTF.
This infuriates me.

I work in an insurance office, and you wouldn't believe the amount of times people have called to say "Oh, I can't pay my home/car insurance this month, we just got back from vacation"

Some people think going on vacation is a god-given right and will completely neglect other responsibilities to do so. We've got people who have LOST THEIR HOME TO FORECLOSURE within the last 3-5 years, but still take a couple vacations to Disneyworld or cruises every year, or whatever.

Get some damn priorities people.

I've taken 3 vacations in the last 12 years, not because I don't want to go anywhere but because I have crap to pay for and I refuse to put a vacation on a credit card, or dip into savings to pay for a vacation. I'd rather have the security of having a years salary in savings than take a couple nice vacations every year.


Trump's Staff
This infuriates me.

I work in an insurance office, and you wouldn't believe the amount of times people have called to say "Oh, I can't pay my home/car insurance this month, we just got back from vacation"

Some people think going on vacation is a god-given right and will completely neglect other responsibilities to do so. We've got people who have LOST THEIR HOME TO FORECLOSURE within the last 3-5 years, but still take a couple vacations to Disneyworld or cruises every year, or whatever.

Get some damn priorities people.

I've taken 3 vacations in the last 12 years, not because I don't want to go anywhere but because I have crap to pay for and I refuse to put a vacation on a credit card, or dip into savings to pay for a vacation. I'd rather have the security of having a years salary in savings than take a couple nice vacations every year.
From what I've seen, having kids instantly makes people absolutely stupid about money, and it's one of my biggest fears about having kids. People have them and their finances almost instantly turn into a debt-ridden abyss. I have two co-workers in my department alone that have household incomes between $125,000 and $150,000, and both of them have to maintain more expensive disability insurance that kicks in after 14 days instead of 30, as well as always keep two weeks' PTO in the bank, because they're so in debt they absolutely cannot go even a single week without getting even one of two paychecks.


Silver Squire
They were likely always shitty with their money just as they made more they borrowed more and the hole just got bigger and bigger. Most of America is a check away from not being able to pay their bills and its because they love to spend money for things they can't afford.

Has nothing to do with kids. kids are awesome, assuming you aren't letting daycare raise them for you.