League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aphromoo playing support? Sadface. I loved his ADC play. He wasn't Chaox level but he was entertaining. Didn't hear about the Taipei changes either, that's interesting. Now EU/NA will have to deal with two TP teams this season, sucks for them :p

Edit: Re: Wards: Yea, everyone should be warding, ESPECIALLY early game. Late game it changes to just jungler/support usually but that's because ADC/APC/Top tend to fill up their inventories.


Trakanon Raider
Aphromoo was probably the best ADC in NA, very close to doublelift (could go either way imo). All 3 (doublelift, aphro and chaox) are pretty similar in technical skill and mechanics, but it's aphro's attitude and willingness to admit when he's wrong that makes him better. Chaox always blames others when he's streaming and shit, just a shitty entitlement attitude that most of TSM has had for awhile now (since just before s2 finals really) and it's soured my opinion on them.

Aphro was killing it as support when he'd duo queue with doubelift or someone on stream, having played ADC so well makes it easier to know what to do, and how to do it, as support. I think CLG got a lot better with that pickup, and barring an upset somewhere, are pretty clearly the favorites of the NA teams if a tourney was held right now. I can only imagine that will get more true the longer aphro practices with them.


LoL has made great improvements to the point I'll actually play here and there.

I don't see how the DoTA2 UI is cluttered.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is Believe from old FoH forums. If anyone (in NA) wants to play Ranked or even Normals and ARAMs, feel free to addTeekey. Currently mid-1500s in Ranked.


Bronze Squire
I am quite interested to see how the Season plays out with the new setup and all. The qualifiers have had some really good games.


I think Dota2 has its redeeming qualities, most specifically, I enjoy the very obvious Role separation. Only recently has LoL morphed into a game that was close to that with the buffing of support and tanks. I still find LoL a more enjoyable game to play (though I dont play competitively) but, DOTA 2 has its niche.


Bronze Squire
Ya I was expecting to see more AD mages as well. Might still be too early to tell and as the bigger teams start to play during the season we might see some crazy stuff. There has been some zed play and somebody else I forgot. There has also been some almost all AD comps being run as well. The new weekly game setup will be fun to watch, hopefully it will cause teams to run some unusual comps since it won't matter as much from week to week.


Bronze Squire
That is the one I was thinking! Ya he has been picked/banned in almost every game I watched.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Looking at the whole roster quick, Kha'Zix, Zed, Talon, Panth are about all I would classify as AD Casters, instead of just bruisers. 2 were played, 2 weren't, so that's not a terrible showing. Probably a better ratio than most of the other roles :p


Avatar of War Slayer
urgot was the quintessential ad caster. kog as well. Could make an argument for gankplank from time to time. Katrina.


Bronze Squire
Urgot has actually seen some play recently due to the muramana(sp) buffs. He can put out some damage with it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, when each acid hunter hits for an extra 100 damage with muramana and he's built almost pure tank. He's just another bruiser that just so happens to work well in bot lane. :p


enzie;56996 said:
Aphromoo was probably the best ADC in NA, very close to doublelift (could go either way imo). All 3 (doublelift, aphro and chaox) are pretty similar in technical skill and mechanics, but it's aphro's attitude and willingness to admit when he's wrong that makes him better. Chaox always blames others when he's streaming and shit, just a shitty entitlement attitude that most of TSM has had for awhile now (since just before s2 finals really) and it's soured my opinion on them.

Agree 100% about TSM. For example: watching Dyrus stream is just like having someone on your team constantly blame others when things go bad or having that person that says "I can't carry this team hard enough." Too negative and elitest for me. I don't think anyone playing solo or duo has the right to behave in such a superior way when they have their success as a team. I'm embarrassed to know that TSM is the best NA has.

Only Reginald and OddOne is worth watching imo. OddOne is entertaining and has valuable commentary.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Looks like they're taking a leaf out of SC2's book.

In Season 3 we're making some exciting renovations to ranked play. At the heart of the update is a new league system that provides more challenges for competitive players and a greater sense of progression for newcomers.
Here's the biggest change, IMO:

Once I'm placed in a league, what happens to my Elo?

Our matchmaking system still matches you by skill level, but this "rating" is no longer visible and does not have any bearing on your seasonal rewards or ladder standing. Your standing in your league is now determined by your tier, division and League Points, not your matchmaking rating.


Bronze Squire
This new shit sounds amazing and makes me actually want to continue to play ranked. I like the idea of once you get in to a certain tier you cannot drop below the bottom of that tier...that is awesome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had to read that thing plus the FAQ like twice to really grasp how it worked, and I'm still not 100% positive. I am nearly 100% positive that I like it, though. I was only vaguely familiar with the SC2 system back right after release so that may be why it's a foreign concept to me.

If nothing else, it's way shinier than an ELO number :p

Regarding the AD Caster stuff, Kog'Maw is in no way an AD Caster. He gets most of his damage from autoattacks, with his steroid on especially. He's less of an AD Caster than Corki even. Urgot I can agree with, GP I thought about but he's really just a bruiser that can build offensively. Kat is an AP Carry that has some AD scaling, building her as an AD Caster is basically fail mode but I'm sure you could win some games with it, just like with anything else.