League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
If karma can get some farming done she can dish out some very impressive close range damage. I have had more than a few games where I was trying to be a good lil support turn into Karma carry. Get some agressive guys attacking early she can pick up some early kills with her cone/shield blast thing. Get some kills early and get money rolling early and she can turn VERY nasty. She tanks up pretty well especially when she shields herself and if you can get some AP for her going the attacks she has while short ranged really do rock peoples socks when you land them.

She is a good and effective champ that just does not fit the current meta super well.


38 minute queues are hilarious. I'm at 1200 elo looking for someone to duo with or maybe a few of us can start a team.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That new champion on the PBE, Thresh, looks amazing. Also seems like a buff to a lot of the ADCs without any type of escape (Ashe, Sivir, MF) because they can latch onto the lantern and get pulled towards Thresh. That or just makes the already OP ADCs even more OP because now they would just have an extra escape. lol.

Also, speaking of streams, this preseason is killing me, I want a tournament soon! There's IEM Katowice in about a week but I don't think the teams competing were any big name one.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's a soft reset, more of an adjustment, according to what I've seen so far. I don't think there are details out but they said preseason elo will count towards your S3 elo.


Bronze Squire
That new champion on the PBE, Thresh, looks amazing. Also seems like a buff to a lot of the ADCs without any type of escape (Ashe, Sivir, MF) because they can latch onto the lantern and get pulled towards Thresh. That or just makes the already OP ADCs even more OP because now they would just have an extra escape. lol.

Also, speaking of streams, this preseason is killing me, I want a tournament soon! There's IEM Katowice in about a week but I don't think the teams competing were any big name one.
I am not sure who thought his kit as a whole was a good idea seeing as how they are combining some of the most annoying elements in the game all in to one. It will be almost impossible for your ADC to ever be out of position when you engage. The only way I see him not being god mode is his kit is going to require some thought to actually use properly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
His E push/pull has such tiny range I don't see it mattering much. His Q is like Rocket Grab, but probably worse. His W is fantastic but 16 second CD at rank 5 makes it terrible for laning. His ult will be great in a lot of teamfights, without the random crappy plays Janna's ult can make. His passive is just a gimmick effectively, for long games it'll make him pretty tanky I guess.

Right now it seems like there's other supports I'd rather have. The lack of constant shielding/healing makes him lean towards being an aggressive support, but his damage and disruption in lane is going to be lower than say Blitz of Ali, maybe even Zyra. His ult really seems like where he'll start to affect the game, but you can lose your lane many times over by level 6.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I pretty much agree. His hook in the youtube video I saw didn't seem to pull the target all the way to him? Kind of like Nautilus it seemed? I think his W, even though it's a 16 sec CD at rank 5 is still godlike. It's a free escape for anyone every 16 seconds. Basically a flash on a 16 second CD. Although on the Riot general forums one of the guys said the enemy can block the lantern? Could be weird. His ult though, I like a lot, it's a great zoning tool, decent damage but that slow is amazing.

Still, doubt I'll buy him immediately though, probably just wait til his free week and give him a shot.


Bronze Squire
From what I understand about his Q is that is either a blitz grab or a naut hook but you actually go all the way, not just meet half way. The E will be enough disrupt to cause a problem even though it has such small range (looking at you kat). I can see him being innately tanky and able to control the lane, but maybe I am over estimating his passive. I picture him kind of like a leona where early you can just focus on some health and laugh. I just see his W being way strong for escaping in the laning phase even though it is on a long CD...I mean if you can save me where I don't have to blow flash then well...my flash is still up. That is where I am at with him, but I am not sure.


Wow, that MRN vs. AZG game in the Season 3 qualifiers was great. MRN was down by a lot of gold throughout the game, slowly came back, then won after several very tense team fights.


Avatar of War Slayer
got a chance to check out dota2 finally.

Man, lol is so much better. So much dumb legacy shit from wc3, that should have been removed by any sensible designer. Fucking useless UI as well. So cluttered.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can't believe they want 20$ for that crap, I agree

Anyhow, my recent problem in LOL seems to be these people, whom I meet in solo-duo queue who keep saying how "pr0" and "high elo" they are, but don't ward, because "it's the supports job to ward". Funnily enough, all those games of the current streams I've watched, everyone, including the ADC had wards. So, where does the separation come into play where those "pro ranked high elo" players start declining from the "real pro players" with thinking that placing wards around the map is just one persons job?

Even when I don't play support, I buy wards for my own security. That river bush, that tri-bush, that path behind my tower, i mean, it's all quite a good hiding spot for their gank-squad/jungler if you can't see them. Can't even counter gank if you don't know some low-hp retard is hiding in a bush.


Avatar of War Slayer
seriously. everyone wards. how you expect the bot support to ward top for you, is just idiotic. or expect the support, to ward river, etc alone, is just stupid.
Jungle is the most capable of warding. due to safety and mobility.

I was at a point where it was pretty rare for me to hear someone say something dumb like that to me, when I was still playing regularly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The best is when you're blue side and your top bitches about being camped 24/7 and can't do anything, yet proceeds to not ward the bush in river which would negate 90% of the ganks. That or people still starting boots + 3 thinking you have to start that. No, grab a ward so your lane can 't snowball out of control early. This goes for Top and Mid. There is no reason not to flask + pots + ward right now on almost every champion. That or if you're manaless go 9 pots + 2 wards.

Had an eve mid in one of my previous games who was bitching all game long about getting camped by the enemy lee sin, but he never, not once, bought a ward. I think he only died once or twice to ganks but holy shit, spend even the 75g and then just hug the side your ward is on and you'll be fine. Nope, no wards, bitches to his jungler saying to gank and spams /all chat bitching at the enemy lee to stop camping.



got a chance to check out dota2 finally.

Man, lol is so much better. So much dumb legacy shit from wc3, that should have been removed by any sensible designer. Fucking useless UI as well. So cluttered.
I had the same problem with both dota2 and hon. So much stuff that was only in dota because they had to work around the WC3 engine (which they did a masterful job of) but doesn't really belong in a game built from the ground up. I think both games are too afraid to change anything and alienate people even if it is for the better


Golden Squire
I had the same problem with both dota2 and hon. So much stuff that was only in dota because they had to work around the WC3 engine (which they did a masterful job of) but doesn't really belong in a game built from the ground up. I think both games are too afraid to change anything and alienate people even if it is for the better
I agree fully. Also, people are banning Kha'zix now
It makes me really sad since I could always pick him and at least go mid, top, or jungle if someone wanted to be a jerk and take the position I called.


Trakanon Raider
aphromoo left fear and joined CLG as support! Link joins CLG as their sub as well.
CLG.EU leaves CLG umbrella, currently independent/unsponsored (being courted by Azubu and Evil Geniuses I heard, but not confirmed)
CLG prime now only CLG team, CLG.Black disbanded as well.
Moscow five releases their roster due to CEO being arrested! Team roster currently unsponsored!
mouseesports changes entire roster!
Dinter joined Taipei Assasins, mistake and some people form sister team, Taipei Snipers.
Cats and Dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Lotta changes in the pro scene in the 10 days, surprised no one has been talking about it.