League Of Legends


I broke down and bought a 7 page rune bundle. Watch me quit this game in a week.
This is honestly one of the most "value" purchases in the game IMO. I recommend buying that bundle to everyone seriously into the game that doesn't mind shelling out a bit of money. Having that many rune pages lets you have a basic page for every role, and a few custom pages for your "main" role in different types of set up (whether it be more armor mid vs an AD caster, lifesteal/armor pen top depending upon match up etc etc). Honestly that was a good buy Draegan, now naturally you're going to eventually need to get all the runes to fill out the pages
but that's one thing you shouldn't regret.
Ahri is broken right now, you probably aren't going to win a lane against her as Ryze with the distance changes on his abilities. Basically she'll just dance around outside your range farming and when you go for back line creeps she'll try for charm if its available or just Q harass. Forget it once she comes back to lane with DFG. If you plan on continuing to play Ryze after the nerfs and its against Ahri then I recommend taking teleport and farming like a madman. Then either TP to counter gank against her or TP to the opposite lane that she went to for your own gank. If TP is down just push and hopefully take your tower because she is going to out push you and roam if she just doesn't straight up kill you.


Vyemm Raider
anyone play Fiz much since patch? holy cow he destroyed me as teemo. very early, i was 0-5. before either of us backed, i was winning harass really good. he had almost no CS, a level below me and only reason I didn't push more was fear of gank. once he hit level 3 and I was almost level 4, he burst me down and killed me. 100-0. then, every time he hit me w/ an ult, i died. wasn't even close. he carried their team off my feed and ended the game w/ 17 kills. i ended 9-7 and somehow we pulled out the win with good team fights, catching them (shroom vision OP) and getting 2 free barons; but i still feel like i deserved a loss from how bad i started. didn't matter where i was, if he got me w/ an ult, i died. that was my 2-5 deaths.


Potato del Grande
Ahri is broken right now, you probably aren't going to win a lane against her as Ryze with the distance changes on his abilities. Basically she'll just dance around outside your range farming and when you go for back line creeps she'll try for charm if its available or just Q harass. Forget it once she comes back to lane with DFG. If you plan on continuing to play Ryze after the nerfs and its against Ahri then I recommend taking teleport and farming like a madman. Then either TP to counter gank against her or TP to the opposite lane that she went to for your own gank. If TP is down just push and hopefully take your tower because she is going to out push you and roam if she just doesn't straight up kill you.
Alright thanks. That's pretty much what I was assuming after the game, just stuck playing defensive and farming with early warnings to the lanes when she disappears. Luckily I almost never see Ahri.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
fizz is an assassin that doesnt rely on autoattacks... teemo is bad vs assassins, especially ones that dont need to autoattack. Fizz, like any assassin, can get out of control really fast if he gets a few kills.
Yah it especially sucks because Ryze was one of her hard counters before the range nerfs since you could Q her whenever she tried to harass, and just burst her ass down if she got too greedy. Now its flipped because of the ranges.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So whats the going rate on how long until yi nerf? 1-2 patches or hotfix?

Luckily haven't faced it myself yet, only played a couple of games since the patch though, but I played a game with my nephew last night who played yi and late game yi is just retarded. We started the game down like 1-8, and by the time the game ended yi just wrecked team fights. He got a couple of quadras, one that would have been a penta if ashe didn't steal it, several triples all on his own, he was killing every champion in about 2 hits, and that is against lvl 18 champions with full or near full builds.


Potato del Grande
AD yi has always been able to do that late game if you let him get his farm. I've played with/against 3 or 4 yi's since the patch and haven't seen anything screaming nerf.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm still indifferent with Yi. I've seen him completely destroy, but I've also seen him be very mediocre and it makes me think Eve. Since Yi I've mostly seen coming out of the jungle lately, and Eve does the same, if you just don't die to him early he's not going to snowball and takes forever to be very powerful, much like an Ashe if you took away her arrow.

For Ahri and Ryze it used to be considered a "skill" match up. If you're building Ryze down utility like I would assume you are, dodging the Q and E shouldn't be a huge issue, especially if you just play a little more cautious when you're down to one or two creeps in front of you. Ahri is normally going to hit a couple minions trying to poke you as well so naturally the lane will be a little pushed. This will give you and your jungler an opportunity to gank to either blow the ult or flash. I notice people without Ahri's ult play a lot more passive and this should, in a way at least, allow you to bully the lane and farm out wraiths.

Personally I like seeing Ryze go top more than mid now anyways, I feel he completely shits on bruisers and if you keep wards up you'll have plenty of time to escape any danger that could come.
He really shouldn't be a problem anymore with the range nerfs. I've played against three ryzes since the nerf. Once with renkton, one with tryn, and once with lee sin. Pooped over all three. Previously those were hard matchups but now that you can gap close on him pre 6 and kill him makes the lane tons easier.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Personally, I think the new Yi is OP. Yeah, they gutted his AP viability, but they overbuffed his AD build in compensation. Before, if Yi went AD his early-mid game was godawful, his alpha strike was a joke, but his late game melee ability was monstrous if he got farmed up. Now, his early game is still weak, however mid game onwards he's a monster. With alpha strike now scaling off of AD AND being able to crit, he does stupid amounts of ranged damage in addition to his very strong melee abilities. he can utterly snowball and dominate over just a few early/mid-game kills.

A lot of people are saying he isn't OP because just like old Yi you can shut him down with a stun and some focus, but between his ULT and cleanse it really isn't that easy, not to mention stun/focus is pretty much the counter to any champ. He's just too mobile, too slippery, does too much ranged damage with alpha, and of course still has amazing melee ability. Last night in Dominion there was a Yi in every game and triple kills were everywhere. About the only nerf he took was to his meditate where he cant sit there and laugh anymore as your whole team focuses him as he heals up.


Tranny Chaser
The biggest difference between old Yi and new Yi is that no one played old Yi. I've yet to see one do anything other than what he always did. I could see him being annoying in Dominion though.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The biggest difference between old Yi and new Yi is that no one played old Yi. I've yet to see one do anything other than what he always did. I could see him being annoying in Dominion though.
He's played a lot in Dominion (both old and new) because of his great mobility, and as AP he had great wave clear so could go bot lane. I also used to see him a lot in SR, but usually played by the same 14 year old ADD mouthbreathers that fixate on Tryndamere that keep saying how they are going to rape face late game and their current 2/10 score doesn't matter.

Imho he's going to take a nerf to his alphas strike. Old Yi you had to make a choice that if you went AP, your melee ability would suffer but your ranged burst with alpha was huge. Your early game was great but late game you fell off. Old AD yi your Alpha was near useless, but your melee ability was pretty much unrivaled and your late game was insane. Now you build Yi AD and your alpha strike does insane damage without any decrease in melee ability. Overall the change was a big buff.

The Ancient_sl

He's still a shifty jungle which is where I've seen him tried to be playedin my matches. Yeah he's got great burst but without cc there is no good way for him to donate kills to ganked lanes. I wish people would stop trying to use him one that way.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. I don't get how anyone doesn't see this change as a buff. It's 80% of the damage AP Yi did on alpha strike, combined with the melee damage AD yi always did. He gets Q and E resets whenever he gets a kill, NOT just when his ult is active, btw. If he gets one, or an assist, while ult is up it extends the duration of the ult AND takes 18 seconds off his cooldowns.

Yes, the scaling on alpha strike is a little worse with AD versus the old AP, but you get kills easier in the early/mid game, so you get to that unstoppable burst point quicker. Previously, Yi sucked until he got fed and could practically one shot squishies with alpha strike. After that, how fed he was at a point of the match was irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you do 100% or 200% of a squishy's health, if they are dead they are dead. So, past a certain point his AP scaling didn't matter, it was only until he got up to that high burst point.

Now, scaling off AD, he farms the jungle or lane much easier.. gets items faster, and does more combined damage on his ganks since his auto attacks are chunking people along with the alpha strike. Doing 100 dmg, for example, less on his alpha strike now versus AP YI before doesn't matter, cause your auto attacks/passive/E does that much and WAY more if you activate E and R.

Seriously, the change boils down to, BIG damage buff at all stages of the game and a nerf to his late game 'invulnerable meditate tank lulz!' bullshit. His damage gets so crazy, combined with his resets, though, that it doesn't matter. You used meditate to stall for another alpha strike to come up and hopefully get a reset. Now, you just melee the squishiest/lowest person once or twice to get the reset.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Seems like trinityforce would be better on him now. Anyone try it yet?
Hmm, not sure but since his Alpha strike seems to apply "on-hit" effects, it could be good. Still, he doesn't benefit much from the AP or mana stats on T-force. I think it would be good but more as a late game item because rushing it would weaken his early game. I don't play him and haven't researched any build guides, but if I had to play him blind based purely on his kit I would probably go: zerkers, Zephyr, Sheen, Youmuu's, Infinity Edge, T-force