League Of Legends


AHGL season four announcement:http://day9.tv/d/kirason/welcome-to-season-4/

I hope to see at least a few of you scrubs playing
Registration fee will be $300 per team.


Tranny Chaser
I've been screwing around on other game modes while I wait for FF14 to become available for purchase and today I blew five whole dollars on a starter pack (7 week exp boost, 1 day IP boost, Ashe, Annie, Garen, Yi, Ryze, and a Yi skin) to try and push my ancient smurf account up to 30 and figured Dominion was the way to go for speedy advancement. Oh boy.

The first game I queued for took around five minutes, was a 4v5, and we five capped them pretty fast. The game too less than 7 minutes to play so there were no rewards. Nothing.

The queue for the second game was short and was mostly all the same people from the other game. It went like games go. I went and made a cup of tea and I guess missed the next queue pop because -


The only reason I let it run was for morbid curiosity.


Lord Nagafen Raider
AHGL season four announcement:http://day9.tv/d/kirason/welcome-to-season-4/

I hope to see at least a few of you scrubs playing
I just did the tryouts for my company's team on Saturday. Pretty weak showing for the most part but we have a great support, at least one solid top (besides me), and I think I won the ADC role (even though that was my secondary pick). Not sure on any of our mids. Mostly it was a disorganized mess but we got the games in and just waiting on results now


Golden Squire
And? They are requesting teams have 8-12 players so it isn't too bad and it is for charity.

I was on my company's B-Team last year and it was loads of fun. I like the rules change for this year since it means a wider variety of skill levels can compete and there won't be anymore shenanigans with platinum players sneaking their way into the B-League.

I'll be on the look out for you Amzin


Bronze Squire
From what I gather with the skin codes is sometimes they are region specific. You can't use a NA code on the EUWest servers and vice versa.


And? They are requesting teams have 8-12 players so it isn't too bad and it is for charity.

I was on my company's B-Team last year and it was loads of fun. I like the rules change for this year since it means a wider variety of skill levels can compete and there won't be anymore shenanigans with platinum players sneaking their way into the B-League.

I'll be on the look out for you Amzin
I take it back, I might end up in that league with a few friends.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I take it back, I might end up in that league with a few friends.
Isn't it for company-based teams? I know Google/Amazon have been the teams to beat past 2 seasons. One of my company's major competitors keeps making it to the top 8 so my goal is just to beat them :p


Golden Squire
Isn't it for company-based teams? I know Google/Amazon have been the teams to beat past 2 seasons. One of my company's major competitors keeps making it to the top 8 so my goal is just to beat them :p
Yeah, it's only for company-based teams.


A Man Chooses....
Thoughts on Draven? Saw someone playing him today and he seems like a fun ADC to learn. Right now I only own Corki, Trist, and Ashe.

Also, I bought Zyra for a support, but how does she do mid? Right now I play Karthus or Cho mid and I don't really like either of them for solo queue.


Tranny Chaser
Everyone dropped Draven like a hot potato when they changed his passive from liquid awesome to bonus gold on kills (and only kills). I don't play ADCs, I barely know what they do, but that dude went from showing up constantly to showing up never.

Zyra is alright mid. She's got a bunch of skill shots and options so at any given opportunity there are chances to look great and chances to look like a chump. You'll probably eat dick for a ton of games with her but once she clicks she's pretty awesome. Having that line root is also just amazing for level 1 team fights. If you have spellvamp her plants' attacks work with it and they also apply Liandry's Torment. It's good stuff.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
cho is an absolute beast mid.

If you want to learn a high elo ~plays~ mid, learn diana. Shes strong, farms well and is very good all around. TF is also quite good in most situations.

That said, if you want to main mid to higher elos, learn a lot of champs. Most mids are good, and mids are always strongest when they understand why they play certain champs. Its important if you play mid to understand that certain champs will wreck your day. Top is more forgiving with how easy it is to freeze lane there compared to mid, and you're less exposed to ganks. The higher elo you go, the more likely you are to get completely shat upon for messing up mid by their mid and jungle.


2 Minutes Hate
I picked up Orianna last night because I've been itching to play her. After struggling a bit learning the range of her spells, she's really enjoyable to play. Her ULT is really great for team fights and her utility to slow/speed and the shield is great.

Also a bunch of pro players have been messing around with AP corki a bit. Build Athenes->Sorc Boots->Liandrys->Rabs->Void Staff. If you can manage your placement, your rockets are awesome and it's hilariously fun to play.

By the way, YI is still disgusting. Played him last night for the first time since he's mini-nerf. Went 22-6-9 or something stupid. Triforce is hilarious on him. Dat burst coming out of Alpha Strike is amazing with that proc and Static Shiv. I built Tri-Zerks-Shiv-IE-BT and I was even chunking Jax and Pantheon in tank mode.

About Zyra, she's kind of frustrating to play mid, but she's pretty fun. Apparently if you build Spirit Lizard, Liandrys, Rylais her plants proc all of those. I haven't tried that yet, but I've seen some game recaps and her Champ damage is lulzy. If you pick her up, one of the tricks I learned fast (but is still tricky to land) is casting her lash first, then drop a seed. This way the seed just doesn't sit there for melee's to hit in lane. They kind of hit at the same time.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Draven is dead until they redo his passive again. It cost him way too much early game power losing his old one, and his early game was really all he had. His new passive is also just really bad, as it'll do nothing if you're losing/behind, and it's just win-more if you're already stomping.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Win-more is great for solo queue though. I don't really buy the 'dead' thing, at end-game, with ADC items, he's still decent range with 2 steroids, an ok-disengage/CC, a sorta AE sorta global ult. He's gonna do shittons of damage and kill people just like anyone ranged who buys IE + BT + PD +LW. The problem for solo queue is that he has a way higher skill cap to hit his potential than, say, MF or Graves or Ashe. But end-game teamfighting as any ADC is super skill intensive and not too dependent on your actual character in a way. For LCS/Pro-games, his weaker early game made people try Twitch/Cait as alternatives, which has stuck so far, although now Twitch got nerfed early too so who knows. Riot said they're "looking" at Draven's passive to make it more Draven-ey so he'll probably change again in a few weeks. Not for Worlds, though.


Tranny Chaser
The last time I was paired with one I felt like such a heel when the last tick of my ignite got a kill after we were behind most of the laning phase. He's just not even remotely the same character.

edit - Just got out of a Dominion game where we won the fight at top, bot won, and we pushed on and five capped and held it for long enough that we had to let the enemy recover or the game wouldn't award IP/Exp. That map already has artificial comeback mechanics that suck shit. I don't need to be afraid to win too early. I also don't need to be in a 5+ minute queue, have a 6 minute game, and get nothing because one team or the other gave up early.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The last time I was paired with one I felt like such a heel when the last tick of my ignite got a kill after we were behind most of the laning phase. He's just not even remotely the same character.

edit - Just got out of a Dominion game where we won the fight at top, bot won, and we pushed on and five capped and held it for long enough that we had to let the enemy recover or the game wouldn't award IP/Exp. That map already has artificial comeback mechanics that suck shit. I don't need to be afraid to win too early. I also don't need to be in a 5+ minute queue, have a 6 minute game, and get nothing because one team or the other gave up early.
I almost exclusively play Dominion and haven't noticed any "artificial comeback mechanics". What do you mean? Comebacks are frequent in Dominion, as a team with a lot of "late game" champs can turn things around as the game progresses, but I haven't seen anything that artificially "boosts" the losing team.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What did Draven's passive used to be? He's one of my go to ADCs since I started back up again. I really like his laning phase and if your with a good support his burst is pretty insane. Has anyone tried Trinity on him?