League Of Legends


I am hoping they will make BC have unique passives. So many people are just stacking these during my recent matches. It feels like the era of stacking sunfire capes it was good while it lasted.
On the PBE already:http://www.surrenderat20.net/2012/12...be-update.html
"Black Cleaver

Armor Penetration changed to Unique
Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15
Passive effect now reduces armor by 6.25% per stack down from 7.5%


Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15."
So yeah, getting nerf'd so there's not really as much of a point on stacking them as people are atm. Pretty hilarious to abuse it right now though, playing Khazix and 1shotting people with your e/w/q combo and it resetting as you leap around the map is hilarious


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I really don't understand the point of nerfing brutalizer (obviously the passive on cleaver needed to be unique). It was already kinda meh, so make life even shittier for the pantheon/talon/raven/garen/etc crowd? It's not as if any of the AD castery types are even relevant these days (aside from maybe Darius), and with the slew of new options for AP/ADC I don't see that changing very soon.

What in the fuck happened to their whole plan of itemizing for the AD caster? They threw in cleaver and are going to nerf the shit out of it now. So instead we get one new mediocre item for AD and a pile of awesome new options for every other role?
Have they said anything about, you know, NOT releasing so many champions ? I mean balance is already a pain in the ass as it is, the more champs they release the harder they make it on themselves. I realize that they're on a freemium model and they have to release more content to keep the revenue flowing, but at some point they need to take a break for the health of the game.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I think they should slow down and release champs half as often, and release other perks, like legendary skins, more often instead. That Pulsefire Ezreal probably made them more than any single new champion does.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah they just released a legendary nocturne skin and its not getting half the advertising blitz that pulsefire ez got, which is a shame cause it looks pretty badass.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been under the same assumption that more champs is not healthy, but I'm starting to change my opinion on the matter. I'm sure there has to be a critical mass at some point but I don't think we're near it atm.
I'll probably start playing again over the Christmas break. I've been playing since beta, would be a shame to let my rusty blitz skin go to waste.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The only real problem I have with the model of a new champ every 2 weeks is it makes it seem like a lot of older/unpopular champs are just forgotten never to be played again. I mean, why does Karma still exist? Or Xerath? Or Sion? You get the point; there are quite a few characters in the game still that have just languished in obscurity for a long, long time. I'd rather see them do something like 1 new champion a month and one overhaul/revamp of the least played/least popular or "worst" champ in the game.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
This is why riot probably bringing out the nerf bat



They actually have slowed down on champ releases. It used to be every 2 weeks like clockwork, now its usually 3. The danger with constantly releasing champions is that (1) eventually the game gets ridiculously confusing to learn and (2) you reach critical mass of certain ability types and then characters without those never get picked. Just look at gap closers on melee characters. 2 years ago when I started gap closers were a feature. Now any melee character who doesn't have a gap closer is trash. This is a huge part of why Udyr has fallen out of favor.

I agree that they really should move to a release champ / remake alternating system. Tons of old extremely simple champs like Sion badly need reworks.


Trakanon Raider
What exactly did they change to the guinsoo rageblade? I was playing an ARAM (lol, i know) and had a few people on the other team stacking 2-4 rageblades, and they were owning with them. Dunno if it was an arranged troll team, or one guy on the team just got the others do it, but I didn't notice the extreme stacking until late in the game.


Golden Squire
So yeah, getting nerf'd so there's not really as much of a point on stacking them as people are atm. Pretty hilarious to abuse it right now though, playing Khazix and 1shotting people with your e/w/q combo and it resetting as you leap around the map is hilarious
Even with the Black Cleaver nerf Kha'zix will still be pretty crazy if you go mid or top with him. My build with him only grabs two Black Cleavers and I still do ridiculous damage. If I replace my one Black Cleaver with something else it's not going to change much.

As for Riot releasing champions every two to three weeks I'm pretty sure it's due to the fact that their business model is reliant on it. I would argue that it's a flaw with the business model, but it doesn't seem to have hurt the game too much. I think one of the reasons Riot is pushing e-Sports so much is that they want to get a more stable cash flow with sponsorships from companies, etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, they have definitely slowed down on making champions a little bit but they still usually bring them out every 3 weeks now. I bet they could still be fairly profitable by just releasing new skins but I think they could easily make more champions since I don't think they are in a bad spot just yet. Heck, wasn't there something like 70 of the 100 champs used at the season 2 worlds?


Mr. Poopybutthole
One thing they could do is bring the price of a champion back up to 975/6300 when they revamp him.


The only real problem I have with the model of a new champ every 2 weeks is it makes it seem like a lot of older/unpopular champs are just forgotten never to be played again. I mean, why does Karma still exist? Or Xerath? Or Sion? You get the point; there are quite a few characters in the game still that have just languished in obscurity for a long, long time. I'd rather see them do something like 1 new champion a month and one overhaul/revamp of the least played/least popular or "worst" champ in the game.
Dunno if you heard, but karma is actually getting a rework soon, it's been tweeted about by Guinsoo and whatnot already -
@RiotGuinsoo: I'm getting excited for Karma. I'm buffing her Mantra Soul Shield today. It's not viable or interesting compared to Q or W #leagueoflegends

@RiotGuinsoo: I'm feeling frisky, so here's what we're trying with Karma's Mantra Soul Shield: "Stuns in an area around the target, damaging targets...

@RiotGuinsoo: ... and shielding the target based upon how many targets were hit." #leagueoflegends
So if you're a fan might need to dust her off soon! And yeah, a bunch of champions need reworks/updates.. slowly comes with time. Look at evelynn, she was in pretty bad shape but now competitively viable. Twitch as well received some love - Jax too awhile back after they removed dodge runes. Can take a bit but i think they can update most champs at least in a rotation to keep a lot of fan favories still relevant.


The thing with Guinsoos Rageblade is that each one adds 1 level of the stack (they still cap at 8 total) so 4 of them would make 4 stacks per attack/spell, would still only cap at 8. So I cant see a good reason to use more than maybe 2 of them.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So to expand upon my earlier remark..

I've now been playing League for a year and probably the first 8 months I was fearing the saturation of champions into the game but more recently I've seen how well Riot has balanced new champs and how the number of champions really doesn't affect much.

There are definitely some underpowered champions but on the whole most are balanced. What's deemed as OP can change on a whim from what I've seen. Usually OPness is determined from the competitive scene. There are certainly some "very good" champions, but everything has a counter and everything requires execution. While most of solo-Q fears a Blitzcrank support, he isn't OP if you are aware and can dodge his Qs. He is a 1-trick pony and if the player can't land a Q then he's worthless. Blitz CAN decide a match if played well, which is why he is often banned. The luck-factor of whether you'll be against a good or bad blitz is too much for most people and so he's often banned.

Back to the original point though... I don't see a cap limit on champions coming anytime soon. Most new champions simply shuffle the deck of existing tools and rarely bring anything new to the table. What's the difference if there are 100 champions or 1000? As long as everything is horizontally balanced then there isn't much to worry about. Most players focus on only a select few champions anyway. There is no pressure to master more than a few champs. Everything considered: having more champs doesn't affect anything.

It might be overwhelming to know what every champ does but play enough and you can figure it out easily enough. Regarding the pro scene: the majority of champions are used, which is great. Pro-bans often focus on banning out the champs that are the favorites of the opposing team, like banning out Anivia from Froggen as example.

Since players will strive to master only a few champions, this tactic will remain and keeps the game exciting. Having 100 or even 1000 champions won't change how the banning phase works. Froggen will remain as an amazing Anivia player and will likely see Anivia banned out against him more often then not. Future pro players may master other champs and be renown for whatever champ they decide to play.

I played the original GuildWars for 2 years. I compare it to LoL a lot since both LoL and GW revolve around creating a team "build" that is cohesive. GW eventually failed due to too many skills & classes and this is what has spurred me to beworried about LoL undergoing the same fate. But I've changed my mind on the matter.

There is a massive difference between the games: LoL has a pick & ban phase where teams can pick & counterpick each other. This keeps games extremely balanced. GW never had this. Often times it was a game of luck. You had to get lucky that you weren't going against a team that countered you. Example: Your team is a Hex heavy build, enemy team brings many hard counters to hex-builds.

LoL can have as many champions as it wants without affecting too much since the pick & ban phase eliminates any "luck" factor. It is certainly possible a player could counterpick themselves, but at least it isn't a surprise when it happens.

LoL has slowed down their release schedule which is good. I like keeping champs fresh and relevant for the most part. At their current pace they will release about 17-18 champs a year. At this pace LoL could potentially have a total of ~300 champions in 10 years. That's very manageable imo. The game won't implode and the power-creep should be minimal. Anything that falls from power will likely get a rework and become relevant again (Jax, Eve, Twitch, Kat, etc).

Like I said, first 8 months I was extremely worried, but now I embrace every new champ and am just searching for the few that appeal to me most and that I deem fun to play.