League Of Legends


Golden Squire
I get to buy my "Definitely Not Blitzcrank" skin AND my PAX Twisted Fate skin code retains its value! Yes I need to get off my ass and sell it :|


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Has anyone played Jinx with a hurricane and a crit build?
Hurricane might be lolzy but also seems bad lol... Her attack speed with the gatling gun would be crazy BUT the attack range is too small and she doesn't apply any on-hit affects. The Rocket launcher has potential, though. Sending multiple rockets which all do AoE damage seems like it could be very good, maybe even OP, in team fights.

The problem is that ADCs need to burst down targets fast and the rockets do less damage to a single target than the gatling gun. It would require a specific team comp to be able to utilize AoE as an ADC. Normally ADCs are kiting a tank or something and can't just sit there attacking. It's also rare to get the perfect AoE team fights, especially with almost every good champion having crazy mobility.

I build her standard right now, BT/PD/IE/LW/Boots/(GA/BotRK/Other) in whichever order seems best for the situation. PD/IE is the core crit build anyway. Sword of the Divine would be too risky.

If I was on a CC team and thought I could get use from AoE, going Hurricane/Sword of the Divine could be really hilarious, I just feel it is too risky overall, though, and it would probably make my team ragequit.

Edit: Chaox 2x Penta:


Avatar of War Slayer
Skin exclusivity was a terrible, terrible idea from the start and I'm very happy to see them abandoning it sooner rather than later. It's a policy that does nothing but handcuff Riot with almost zero benefit for them or the player base. I bought a couple of the old holiday skins (many were terrible) and it won't bother me in the slightest to see other Nutcrackos running around.

I couldn't be happier about this news.
yeah. I thought back then, they would be seasonal. I could just buy Silent night sona next year... I was so bummed.
That will be an instant buy for me.

Maybe a few Halloween ones. not blitz, kitty kat, and bewitching nida too.


2 Minutes Hate
Hurricane might be lolzy but also seems bad lol... Her attack speed with the gatling gun would be crazy BUT the attack range is too small and she doesn't apply any on-hit affects. The Rocket launcher has potential, though. Sending multiple rockets which all do AoE damage seems like it could be very good, maybe even OP, in team fights.

The problem is that ADCs need to burst down targets fast and the rockets do less damage to a single target than the gatling gun. It would require a specific team comp to be able to utilize AoE as an ADC. Normally ADCs are kiting a tank or something and can't just sit there attacking. It's also rare to get the perfect AoE team fights, especially with almost every good champion having crazy mobility.

I build her standard right now, BT/PD/IE/LW/Boots/(GA/BotRK/Other) in whichever order seems best for the situation. PD/IE is the core crit build anyway. Sword of the Divine would be too risky.

If I was on a CC team and thought I could get use from AoE, going Hurricane/Sword of the Divine could be really hilarious, I just feel it is too risky overall, though, and it would probably make my team ragequit.

Edit: Chaox 2x Penta:
I was fucking around with her last night and I played her mid once. The hurricane is just so good if you can get it early in the early/mid game. If you go up against a melee champ and rocket the champ around minions, the Champ is getting hit by the rocket and AOE from the other two rockets. Chunkchunkchunk.

However, mid sucks for another AD, so I'm going to try to go top instead tonight and hopefully I can get a team with a tanky jungler. Here's my solo lane build:

Doran Blade
Manasume and get it upgraded (whatever it's spelled). That toggle on your autos with rockets with hurricane is pretty funny. The regen lets you rocket all day long throughout the game.

Toss in boots somewhere.

Then you can follow it up with LW/BT/PD/BORK combos.

In my two games with here, I haven't gotten a full build yet, but I'd like to see:
Muramana, Hurricane, Boots, IE, LW then either BT or PD


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
That Rengar build is terrible.
its a suicide push build. Its entire purpose was suicide split pushing towers. I had a really bad team, and had to win solo, and that build lets me kill a tower in about 3 seconds from full health.

Additionally, I played against a jinx mid, and it definitely seems like that champ is strong. They got a jungling item and used her aoe hit to insta clear everything. She ended up losing because I was mid shaco, and shaco absolutely rapes any char without an escape in lane, but it was a lot harder than it should of been. I could definitely see how that matchup would be a nightmare for some chars.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jinx problem is no escapes so she should lose in solo lanes most of the time. Her CC abilities aren't enough to protect her. She can win laning phase (most ADCs can) but going 1v1 vs late game bruiser/mids isn't easy. An ADC really needs hard cc or good mobility to perform well in a solo lane: Vayne & Quinn are both decent solo laners because of this.


2 Minutes Hate
I think the benefits of some build outweigh that though, at least at my mediocre level of play. If I can get ahead, and even build soemthing like a frozen mallet and hurricane or something like that, it's killer. Plus roaming and dropping into a lane with rockets is just brutal. Also jumping into a group fight is crazy fun with all the AOE.


Riot matchmaking at its finest:

Yes that's Ecco, former midlaner for VES/MRN, and my lvl 26 smurf on the opposite team (GoEasyOnUs). Riot pls


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Riot matchmaking at its finest:
Normals has its own rating, im bronze V level for Normals and Gold for Ranked. Sure, maybe Riot should somehow cross-check rating systems to do a better job but they dont' right now and since I never play normals I'll always be bronze tier there. Someone that gets Diamond+ obviously spends a lot more time in ranked than playing normal games. Sucks but at least you can play with some good players and learn

The Ancient_sl

I was like holy shit, but then I realized you were complaining about matchmaking for normals with non-30s on a team. Shit's fucked, who cares, hit 30, play ranked.


I was like holy shit, but then I realized you were complaining about matchmaking for normals with non-30s on a team. Shit's fucked, who cares, hit 30, play ranked.
Yeah, hitting 30 though is annoying w/games like that. Sure, it's normal.. but how does a sub 30 even get in that game? My silver duo doesn't have high MMR at all. Just lame that shit like that can happen. I realize normals/ ranked have different MMR btw, i mean that SS alone should prove that. Still a big WTF


Bronze Squire
My thing is, if they shit stomped you, but you couldn't see their rating would you feel any better/worse about it? I don't think it would really change anything and also partially ties in to what is usually thought of as normals....they are irrelevant, otherwise the stuff would already be in place to prevent it.


My thing is, if they shit stomped you, but you couldn't see their rating would you feel any better/worse about it? I don't think it would really change anything and also partially ties in to what is usually thought of as normals....they are irrelevant, otherwise the stuff would already be in place to prevent it.
Well, if i lost to people w/an unknown rating, i'd probably feel worse than losing @ lvl 26 vs diamond 1s (i'm not a diamond 1 main or anything). I go into that game expecting to probably lose.

I have to disagree with normals being irrelevant though. I'm not one of them, but there are tons of people that play only normals. I think this season is the first where they had like up to 50%? or something of the playerbase actually competing in ranked (that number is a guess, it may be a little high tbh - it was on some chart I believe riot produced that was showing S3 ranked changes/improvements or something..), and I think a lot of that is due to the structure of ranked where you can't drop past 5 in a certain division. Lot less ladder anxiety with that type of set up. I do think that overall normals are a less serious environment which is probably what you're trying to say. But I also believe it's fucked when I own like 6 champions and 2/3rds of a rune page having to play against a full diamond team. Throw me against silver/golds whatever, and other "smurf" sub 30s. But you're really telling me the system can't distinguish something like this game as messed up? Or that they don't value normals enough to put in that kind of matchmaking? I'm doubtful of that. Don't misunderstand me either, it's not like i'm saying woe is me and it's the end of the world, i've lost way too many games to care. I just think riots matchmaking has gotten worse over time than better, /shrug


Trakanon Raider
So I haven't played in a couple years, is Alistar any good currently? I kind of just want to play him with my Black Alistar skin every match just to troll people.


Bronze Squire
Nah, I didn't interpret it as a "woe is me" type of thing. I also wasn't trying to come off as fuck you casual fuck your normals either as I still play a ton of normals myself. I suppose what I was trying to say is that riot IMO doesn't see it as a problem or else it would have been fixed a long time ago. I do agree and don't wonder if there isn't some kind of simple system that checks your rating real quick that could be implemented to make it happen less frequently or with less of a gap. In reality of the tons of games you will play, that will probably not happen often.


So I haven't played in a couple years, is Alistar any good currently? I kind of just want to play him with my Black Alistar skin every match just to troll people.
He's still decent, I wouldn't say a top tier support but on a lesser scale viable. If you can land his headbutt + pulverize combo he can be pretty deadly in lane. Otherwise though, he's still amazing at peeling for his ADC or someone else if the need arises. And great tower dive potential w/his ult running. A lot of the most popular supports right now (thresh, zyra, sona that come to mind) will harass the hell out of you though, so positioning could be a bit annoying. This advice is coming from not knowing where your skill level is really at. But hell, i'd play black alistar just because you have the skin, that's pretty sweet man. <3 my King Rammus skin for similar reasons, even if he's not all that great lately
Since you said years, Ali isn't a viable mid or jungle anymore. He's also a highly situational support because he has some pretty horrid matchups in lane. Running around as black ali is great though so just do it anyway.
Because he has high cooldowns and crap ratios. So dedicating a lot of farm to get him tanky or damage capable is pretty worthless. I'm sure he could lane up there and farm around people but his kill potential would be nil.