League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
If doublelift can do it so can I!

Probably the mentality a lot of those people have. Problem is CLG can do it before they usually always have wards everywhere and they know not to engage a 4v5 lol. The biggest concern for me when I'm playing a split pushing champ is that even though I tell my team not to get caught and play safe and just sit under they tower, they always somehow manage to get caught and dive in anyway 4v5 and end up losing terribly.

The Ancient_sl

Why are you team fighting without your ADC though? Your only excuse there is if your ADC was split pushing while your opponent was at Baron or you lost a team fight at one of your objectives while your ADC was split pushing.

Alternatively if your ADC keeps getting caught that's an issue, but your story didn't really describe that.


Golden Squire
To clarify yes the ADC gets caught because there is little vision. Also of course we aren't trying to team fight but if I'm on the other team and I see their ADC across the map I'm going to try to force a 5v4 fight.


Vayne is the exception to that. She has good mobility and can duel very well. That said, if vision is shit or an objective is almost up it is a bad idea. Lower elos really don't understand objective control.


There are times where splitting as an adc is acceptable, their whole team is getting poked by your disengage comp in top lane and you are bot? why not push it? However if your team is fucking retarded and cant disengage then don't do it.


Tranny Chaser
Curse became stagnant last season so roster changes make sense. Pobelter has potential, and Aphromoo + Zekent has potential. I'm really interested in seeing how they progress through the next season.

Voyboy still creeps me out though.


I think Pobelter + Voyboy will be really nice. Pobelter takes the tankier champs and Voyboy the assasins. Both can play mid and top so can alternate as needed. Aphromoo is very good mechanically but has never performed great in a pro setting. Would be nice to see him actually get into it.


Vyemm Raider
Public service announcement to people who play ADCs. You are not a split pusher. If you want to split push alone do not split push. If you think you can split push, no you cannot and you're better off sticking with the team.

Lost my third game today due to an ADC that kept thinking split pushing was better than team fighting.
what i tell everyone is no split pushing past wards/towers. if you want to split, ward up so you see the gank that you'll eventually get. if you're unwilling to ward and it's not save enough for the support to ward that far, it's not safe for you to split.

rarely works but at least after the next death they can only blame themselves.


Reaching diamond is harder than I thought, not because people play better but because you would expect the players to have a better understanding of things.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Curse has 4 new players in their lineup. It'll be surprising if they do well.

Voyboy has been lackluster in top lane. I don't think he's great with bruisers. He's good when he can get on an assassin-type champ. Akali was his best champion for a while but she doesn't fit into the pro scene.

Aphromoo has always been an ADC main but was forced into Support for CLG. Cop was always too passive for Curse, Aphro should be an improvement but I don't think he's seen as being "godlike".

Zekent is quirky. Should be fun watching him play his Janna. I have a feeling he'll be an upgrade from Edward. Not because Edward was bad but because he had no synergy with Cop & the team. Edward was known for Blitz/Thresh. Cop was too passive to utilize those champs and Edward was relegated to playing champs like Sona instead. Zekent actually plays the supports Curse wants (Janna/Sona/etc).

IWillDominate was known as one of the best junglers in Season 1, then he was banned for a year from pro gaming. I've seen his stream sometimes and feel like he's a much better personality & jungler than Saint. I feel like Saint melts under pressure (thus all the missed smites) whereas Dominate seems to perform better under pressure. Should be a huge improvement.

Pobelter is the only player I really haven't seen or paid attention to. I thought LinkNyjackywas a pretty good mid laner though. It seemed like the mid lane was the one area they had no issue at. Top/Jungler/Bot lane was always a disaster but LinkNyjackyseemed to always perform well. I'm sure Pobelter is a good player, perhaps even better than LinkNyjacky. I think keeping LinkNyjackyand trashing Voyboy might have been the better option.

I'm a big fan overall of this new Curse team though. I was never really a fan of them at all. Their players had 0 personality and none of them were interesting to watch. This new lineup has 3 players that I watch streams of (Aphro/Zekent/IWDominate).

I've typically rooted for TSM and then C9. I never got to see IWDominate in the pro scene as I never really got into LoL until S2 but I have been waiting for his return so I can see what all the fuss is about. His streams had been entertaining and informative.

I'm actually starting to despise TSM. Regi, Dyrus & Xpecial are too much drama anymore. Season 2 of Gamecribs just made me hate them. I <3 TheOddOne tho. Even Wildturtle gets on my nerves a lot. The quirkiness is a bit over-the-top.

I only rooted for C9 because they were our best hope internationally. I'm thinking their success may not come as easy this next season.

(Draegen, I'll consider composing some articles at some point)


Last night Curse was streaming their new line up in ranked 5v5. They ended up doing really well up until they faced Locodoco's Quantic ranked 5v5 and ended up getting stomped pretty hard. Quantic sent their duo lane(Zyra/Cait) mid, after the jungler(Nasus) secured his jungle buffs he just sat mid until the tower got pushed over. Seems like Quantic was going with a Dota2 meta and tri-laning.


Curse's new lineup.
Link is on CLG. Nyjacky was Curse's midlaner - he was an original member.

Pobelter is promising. He was a top laner for Curse in Season 1 and was very good but when the scene switched to the gaming house style, he was too young and they had to drop him (was also too young to play in LCS this past season). He's been playing mid for about a year now I think but I think him and Voyboy are pretty interchangeable.

I've been a Curse fan since Saint joined the team. Dunno if I'll continue though with Saint moved to coach. We'll see. I do like Aphromoo, he has always been a fun streamer to watch.


Jacky was someone I looked at in Season 2 and said "that guy really has potential". He could hold his own against the best mids and even give them a fight often. But he never went any further than where he was in S2 I feel. In S3 he was only mediocre. Never lost hard but never carried and never made plays. I definitely understand them looking for someone better, he just wasn't really competitive.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jacky was someone I looked at in Season 2 and said "that guy really has potential". He could hold his own against the best mids and even give them a fight often. But he never went any further than where he was in S2 I feel. In S3 he was only mediocre. Never lost hard but never carried and never made plays. I definitely understand them looking for someone better, he just wasn't really competitive.
Yea, he was never flashy but he never really lost his lane, either. It always seemed like Curse had so many issues in all the other lanes. Some games it was Saint throwing hard or voyboy getting too greedy or bot lane getting outgunned due to Cop's super-passiveness. I guess what World's has taught us is that if you want to win you HAVE to go HAM, which does make sense. Voyboy already meets that criteria and Nyjacky & Cop were the complete opposite.


I just started playing this recently and its pretty damn fun. Ability of the team I end up can either really make or break the enjoyment factor though.

I do really really well with Annie because of her insane burst damage and stun. With tibbers I can get a pretty much guaranteed kill everytime. Anyone have any suggestions for similar insane spike damage? I tried Ryze but wasnt near as effective with him. I really need to get better at other champions but its hard to not pick Annie and get mad kills.