League Of Legends


Potato del Grande
For everyone talking about it, 2 top 2 bot and 1 mid came from back in DoTA (and why it started there I don't know, that's way too long ago).


<Silver Donator>
For everyone talking about it, 2 top 2 bot and 1 mid came from back in DoTA (and why it started there I don't know, that's way too long ago).
Still played in pubs but rarely played in pro games anymore, common setup tend to be trilane+2solos, trilane sometimes being 2+1jungle(so similar to lol), with the main difference being they're not necessarily mirrored since there's no dragon, so you can run trilanes top or bottom, and since the lanes aren't balanced toward the middle but instead skewed toward one of the tower on either side, you setup your trilane depending on your goal(easy lane is for farming defensive trilane, hard lane for agressive kill oriented trilanes).

I think biggest issue with lol and the "meta" is their design heavily favors the 1 1 2 +1 setup and unless they do massive changes, there's very littles reasons to move from that unless you're trying to shake things up on purpose. Dragon being bot means there is an inherent advantage to having 2 people bot, and the jungle having the important buffs+so many champions designed as being very efficient junglers means it's a waste not to have a jungler. In dota the "buffs" are runes that spawn in the river so they can be picked by anyone, sometimes mid, sometimes supports from the sidelanes, sometimes solo from the side lanes, and jungling isn't that efficient besides a few key heroes which have very particular set of skills so you only pick them in certain setups and not in any setup. This and the lack of early game objective since Roshan can rarely be killed before 10mins means the lanes are a lot more free to be whatever you want.


Tranny Chaser
Thus far for season three I have failed six best of fives for platinum.

But hey, after that last series I'm only 10 points away from qualifying for a new series!

Actually playing with that goal in mind is without a doubt the least enjoyable League of Legends experience I have had. The last game had AD Yi middle rage the entire game because Evelyn fed AP Trist three kills middle in a row every single time Yi roamed. That was my game five. AD Yi middle vs AP Trist who gets three free kills from Evelyn and goes on to ride his keyboard for 30 straight minutes.

edit - qualified for a new series, truly this game is my own personal No Exit


Molten Core Raider
I'm trying to get gold after failing 5 promos due to sucking, bad luck, or trolls, people that already got gold. Insta lock Teemo and sit near wraiths all game or double mid because, hey it's not ranked and pick or call order means nothing! I'd kill for a solo queue TT ranked, at least that way I'd not have to worry about so many fucking variables. That or be able to dodge a match and not lose a promo match because of it, alot of times you can see a shit storm coming and still can't get out of the way.

Also, crawling up 1 LP at a time is retarded yo! 4 more wins to go...


Golden Squire
I'm trying to get gold after failing 5 promos due to sucking, bad luck, or trolls, people that already got gold. Insta lock Teemo and sit near wraiths all game or double mid because, hey it's not ranked and pick or call order means nothing! I'd kill for a solo queue TT ranked, at least that way I'd not have to worry about so many fucking variables. That or be able to dodge a match and not lose a promo match because of it, alot of times you can see a shit storm coming and still can't get out of the way.

Also, crawling up 1 LP at a time is retarded yo! 4 more wins to go...
Hah yeah I'm on a four game losing streak because people have been "giving up early" and trolling. My favourite was the game where our ADC refused to participate because he was behind early and we would have won three team fights to swing the game if he had been participating. It's effin stupid but what can you do? :\


Molten Core Raider
Hah yeah I'm on a four game losing streak because people have been "giving up early" and trolling. My favourite was the game where our ADC refused to participate because he was behind early and we would have won three team fights to swing the game if he had been participating. It's effin stupid but what can you do? :\
I'm use to that kinda stuff, what I've got a problem with is these people that already got gold and just don't even try any more because of it. They set a goal, they got it, now they are going to ruin it for everyone else, give me that fucking silver 3 try hard over the gold 5 guy that doesn't care if he wins or loses because he is "done".

And lost 3 points, couldn't save all the lanes!


Golden Squire
Ah, yeah I just got promoted to Silver I and am sitting at 0 LP. I figure I've got one or two more losses before I get demoted so I'm hoping I can eek out a win.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Looks like League is putting in Mystery Gifts which is a cool idea.

I'll be giving out some Gifts, courtesy of Junkiesnation.com, randomly to people on my friends list in the coming weeks. So if you want a chance, hit me up "Mr Razorface". I guess you have to be my friend for 2 weeks before getting a gift.
clearly this should be done for euwest. We are, after all, the red-headed step children who could use some love. Ranked was, not surprisingly, down again last night!


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
clearly this should be done for euwest. We are, after all, the red-headed step children who could use some love. Ranked was, not surprisingly, down again last night!
Servers have to be up long enough for him to actually be able to look at his friend list.


Vyemm Raider
Season ending very soon! Anyone need boosted? Let me know! Best prices you can find anywhere~


Tranny Chaser
So I'm doing my series for plat. It's my seventh. I did a bunch at the start of the season and gave up and am now trying again. I'm up two games with one loss. Swain dances in a bush to give enemy Ezreal FB. He shops to a Longsword and it's just enough to kill a Caitlyn with lag issues. Skarner top dies to the level 2 Riven all and starts raging about how Swain's FB gave Riven extra pots and let her beat him to level 2.

Then the enemy jungle Udyr does a gank bottom that turns in to a triple. Naut and Skarner kill Riven. Then they do it again. Skarner still mad. They kill her again. And again. Skarner calms down. Ezreal is starting to derp and Cait's connection cleans up and we start crushing bottom. We kill them both a few times, take their turret, do dragon. And then my power goes out. Run to see if anyone is operating power tools on this circuit. Nope. Circuit breaker says everything is fine. Run back upstairs. Nothing. Someone lightly jostled the extension cord that provides power to my computer. It's connected to a light in the basement. Run back up, start up my computer, get back into the game.

Still winning. Phew.

Enemy Mid Zyra gets caught, caught again, caught again, team surrenders. Plat 5!

Hate this game.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
nice, grats! only 103 games played in ranked? Damn

Season 3 has been extended until 11/11/13 so we get an extra 2 weeks. I might be able to make a run at plat myself ...


A Man Chooses....
So I learned something a bit ago. I had played Zac and Nasus jungle almost exclusively when I came back and went from Bronze 1 to Silver II. Then I decided they were too passive and I picked up Vi and Udyr and J4 and some more aggressive junglers. Some games it works, some games it doesn't. If you get fed early on Udyr or Vi it feels like lategame(and most games at this level go lategame because people don't know how to finish games) they fall way off. So after my third demotion from Silver I I said fuck it and went back to Nasus and Zac. So far I'm 21-5 with them. No, I don't gank at level 3 unless there's an obvious one. I gank at level 4. I counter gank. I farm, and I force objectives with NAsus and I take dragons at level 6. I think the biggest problem for me is that with those aggressive, early game junglers you feel like you HAVE to make a play early. If you don't your power level wanes and you fall off. With Zac and Nasus I know if I just play smart, keep my farming up, take opportunities when they arise, once 20 minutes rolls around I'm going to be 10 times as useful as a Vi or Udyr or Lee Sin.

So yeah, my advice would be to stick to what works and don't try to force things. Learn how to take calculated risks and play smart rather than thinking aggression is the only path to success.


2 Minutes Hate
Played my first 2 ranked games tonight, 2-0. First game was a smash. Renek top, went 0/1/0 and just turtled against a Garen. The rest of the team did the work. GG in 25. Second game was 40m and we played passive as fuck until we just won out.

Game 3 coming up now.


Potato del Grande
Just got into my promo series to S2. Looks like I might hit gold before season ends after all depending on if I get clamped again and/or how badly.