League Of Legends

How do you explain losing a game after dominating the lane you were in?

Black Magic?
You didn't dominate enough. You didn't win your lane hard enough, help mid win theirs, invade the enemy jungle and steal some buffs, carry team fights, or pressure objectives. I know people hate to be told they aren't good at something (keep in mind I still consider myself bad at this game), but it isn't hard to completely carry a game when your personal skill level is well above the enemy teams. Just winning your lane isn't enough. You have to destroy it to the point where the enemy team has to 2 or 3v1 you as you split push your lane in to oblivion. You have to head bot after taking top turret and gank their lane with your jungle so you can pick up a double kill, another turret, and then dragon. Carrying is easy, its just having the mechanical skill and the game knowledge needed to be that much better then your current opponents. If you don't have it then either you play a shit ton of normals or you practice until you do.


2 Minutes Hate
Now I see the frustration that some folks have. Jump into a game and people troll immediately at champ select. Oh boy.


2 Minutes Hate
Sorry, its the truth. There's a reason that people who get to diamond/plat don't get stuck dicking around in bronze/silver/gold for long when they make smurfs or a new season starts. I still blow chunks in this game compared to diamond level players. Had one in a normal I was in and he went 21-0-25 as jungle Karma playing against a couple plats and golds. It was disgusting. So there is no shame to admitting you are bad and just need to get better in order to advance. Its kind of like the key to getting further along in the rankings.
If I was awesome, I wouldn't be in Silver just now. If I was awesome and could dominate with a Karma Jungle I would be in diamond already, but I'm not. When you're playing with other people who are equal in skill level and you get a troll, an afk, a dc, or a feeder on your team, that's just enough to tip the balance. If the one game I was in didn't have an Ez that was just meh instead of feeding and trying to solo the other team, it would of been enough for a win.

Eventually, I hope to be good enough to carry hard and dominate everyone with a Sion mid, but until then, there is shit that just ruins your day.

Seriously though, there are just some games that aren't savable, especially when you have 3 people on your team where two are trolling, one is high as fuck as doesn't have the coordination to turn around, it's just time to try again another day. Most of the time, people come here to blow off steam, but then you get the people here who tell them they suck. Good one there.

I suppose that's why people always preface "Oh I'm not good at this game but..". So they don't have to read another guy telling them they are a shitty player.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You didn't dominate enough. You didn't win your lane hard enough, help mid win theirs, invade the enemy jungle and steal some buffs, carry team fights, or pressure objectives. I know people hate to be told they aren't good at something (keep in mind I still consider myself bad at this game), but it isn't hard to completely carry a game when your personal skill level is well above the enemy teams. Just winning your lane isn't enough. You have to destroy it to the point where the enemy team has to 2 or 3v1 you as you split push your lane in to oblivion. You have to head bot after taking top turret and gank their lane with your jungle so you can pick up a double kill, another turret, and then dragon. Carrying is easy, its just having the mechanical skill and the game knowledge needed to be that much better then your current opponents. If you don't have it then either you play a shit ton of normals or you practice until you do.
This is obnoxious. I've been playing this game since beta--your argument is essentially lrn2play and requires that you completely ignore the frequent contingencies that occur in ranked. You have said nothing I don't already know. Keep in mind I never actually complained about my position in ranked--I'm confirming what Draegan is seeing, that ranked is full of bullshit that will cause you to lose, and no amount of prescriptive advice is going to change that. I've won plenty of 4v5s, carried as Soraka support, flipped near losses to wins by split pushing, etc etc. Universalizing peoples negative experiences in ranked under the rubric of "get better" is both dishonest and lazy.
This is obnoxious. I've been playing this game since beta--your argument is essentially lrn2play and requires that you completely ignore the frequent contingencies that occur in ranked. You have said nothing I don't already know. Keep in mind I never actually complained about my position in ranked--I'm confirming what Draegan is seeing, that ranked is full of bullshit that will cause you to lose, and no amount of prescriptive advice is going to change that. I've won plenty of 4v5s, carried as Soraka support, flipped near losses to wins by split pushing, etc etc. Universalizing peoples negative experiences in ranked under the rubric of "get better" is both dishonest and lazy.
No its pretty much the truth. When I bemoaned the shitty comps, trolls, bad play, whatever I stagnated in bronze and silver shitland. Once I just ignored it all and concentrated on my own play I began my upward climb. It really is as simple as get better. Because as you get better games that would have been losses for whatever reason become wins. Do I get the occasional true troll or such a horrible player that my team could literally not win if the enemy team afk'd for five minutes? Sure. But people who think that it is even remotely common in ranked outside of like bronze 5 are just plain wrong. I honestly can't remember the last time I even had someone I would call a troll on my team. 100 games ago? Maybe more. The sad truth is that people with shit attitudes or that think they are better then everyone they play with tend to get the most trolls/whatever.


Anyway, this argument is pointless and I should know better then to get in to it anymore. In any MOBA you get the same argument and the people that are convinced it is all shitty play experience/trolls/everyone else sucks are those who don't ever raise their mmr/elo/LP.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, all the V divisions are probably pretty ruthless at the moment. All the players that know they can't gain another division before season ends so might as well fuck around.

I'd suggest just take a break and pick it back up in a few hours or the next day. Especially if you're getting frustrated it'll only cause you to play worse and worse. I had one of those happen to me about 3 weeks ago or so. I was kind of drunk at the time as well but I lost ~2 games in a row. I told myself I wasn't going to bed til I won a game...like 4 hours later, I still haven't won a game. Went from basically plat 3 promos back down to 0lp. Went to bed pissed off. Should have just stopped playing much much earlier lol.


2 Minutes Hate
No its pretty much the truth. When I bemoaned the shitty comps, trolls, bad play, whatever I stagnated in bronze and silver shitland. Once I just ignored it all and concentrated on my own play I began my upward climb. It really is as simple as get better. Because as you get better games that would have been losses for whatever reason become wins. Do I get the occasional true troll or such a horrible player that my team could literally not win if the enemy team afk'd for five minutes? Sure. But people who think that it is even remotely common in ranked outside of like bronze 5 are just plain wrong. I honestly can't remember the last time I even had someone I would call a troll on my team. 100 games ago? Maybe more. The sad truth is that people with shit attitudes or that think they are better then everyone they play with tend to get the most trolls/whatever.


Anyway, this argument is pointless and I should know better then to get in to it anymore. In any MOBA you get the same argument and the people that are convinced it is all shitty play experience/trolls/everyone else sucks are those who don't ever raise their mmr/elo/LP.
You completely missed the point. Thank you.

I lost two games because we weren't good enough in the end. I lost two games because players weren't playing to win. I came here to vent because it makes me feel better. It helps with the frustration. I'm ranked exactly where I need to be. See I qualified that for you.

Next time you have a bad day, let me know so I can tell you that your wife is ugly and if you just tried harder at the gym you could be fucking super models.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Comps dont matter for shit in solo que. People who think otherwise are blowhards. Play champs your good at, preferably in situations you're good at. Know what you're strengths and weaknesses are as a player, and play toward those strengths and weaknesses. Thats the number 1 rule to doing good at solo que. To figure out what you're good at, analyze your own play objectively, or ask others you play with or even you don't to tell you. Once you know these strengths or weaknesses, you can bend what is typical and use people's expectations against them.

I think I can make diamond this season. I keep winning 70-80% of my lol games, but I'm having a hard time finding the motivation to play toward that last series.


<Gold Donor>
Just discovered Nasus he is a pretty fucking cool champ. Not sure if he is the best to level with, but I really want to get good with him. Might mix it up with Garen from time to time, but I like this Nasus a lot.

BTW, my IGN is OblioVegas. Level 11 and always looking for groups.


2 Minutes Hate
Nasus is fun, I use him to Jungle with most of the time (and that's because I don't really jungle that often anymore). The key to nasus is just farm up your Q until late game and then smack people around.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Sometimes you just need to vent. Solo Queue is a drug. We all want to be higher, we all believe we could be Plat or Diamond, but there are so many variables and when you have a bad day it is insanely frustrating... I had a horrific day myself yesterday, lost 7 in a row and got demoted again. I was almost into my Gold 2 Promo. Now back to Gold 4. I started the day on a win and thought I would end the day in Gold 2, not 4. I could have just not played and been in better shape but alas.......

Weekends are particularly bad because the high-schoolers are all playing. I got stuck with so many teammates that had their moms interrupting, bathroom breaks, etc... Crazily I was paired with a Jax player like 5x in a row and it was always the Jax players having these issues. Had 1 Jax player afk cause his mom was in the room then in the next game a different jax player afks on fountain to use bathroom while enemy is taking out our turrets/inhibs (and we were strong enough to defend if we had all 5 players).

It's a gamble on weekends that you get the better kids on your team. Solo Q is always a gamble but if you can play with college aged or above players at least you eliminate some of the crazier variables.

The Ancient_sl

This is obnoxious. I've been playing this game since beta--your argument is essentially lrn2play and requires that you completely ignore the frequent contingencies that occur in ranked. You have said nothing I don't already know. Keep in mind I never actually complained about my position in ranked--I'm confirming what Draegan is seeing, that ranked is full of bullshit that will cause you to lose, and no amount of prescriptive advice is going to change that. I've won plenty of 4v5s, carried as Soraka support, flipped near losses to wins by split pushing, etc etc. Universalizing peoples negative experiences in ranked under the rubric of "get better" is both dishonest and lazy.
Context is important, and you have to remember this thread has already been Wizardhawk'd. Dreagan may not have been suggesting that he can't advance because of trolls, but his tone was approaching that and Vimeseh was just heading it off. We all have games where our team makes it too frustratingly difficult to win, but the point remains that if you are better than the skill level of the players you are playing with you will advance by making a large difference in your games. If you find it difficult to make a size-able difference in your games it means you are at a similar skill level to all the people you are playing with and you shouldn't really complain that you can't advance.


<Gold Donor>
So I was just thinking, no one ever claims Jungle in the low levels. It seems like a good Jungler can really change the game, especially at low levels. I am considering to start calling Jungle and learn how while I level. Thoughts?


Tranny Chaser
Alright, so you want to be a jungler.

Learn some combination of Jarvan, Lee Sin, Elise, Zac, and Vi. I recommend always starting at the buff near your bot lane so you can both get a good leash (the players going bottom help you damage the monster), then immediately going to the other buff (no other small camps), and then go shit all over top lane. Then shit on top lane more. Drag your ass all through it.

There. You are on your way to Diamond.


Golden Squire
Alright, so you want to be a jungler.

Learn some combination of Jarvan, Lee Sin, Elise, Zac, and Vi. I recommend always starting at the buff near your bot lane so you can both get a good leash (the players going bottom help you damage the monster), then immediately going to the other buff (no other small camps), and then go shit all over top lane. Then shit on top lane more. Drag your ass all through it.

There. You are on your way to Diamond.
Yep, and if you're Jarvan and can get away with it, try to build Spirit of the Elder Lizard + Hydra then tanky, it will let you blow up the squishies on the other team for most of the game.


Tranny Chaser
It's actually really, really stupid how the jungle plays out right now. With five S/S+ tier junglers to pick from there's no reason to even try banning them. I still ban Jarvan if I can but it doesn't really matter. Every single one of them has some combination of ridiculous mobility, utility, damage, cc, or sustain. They are also all junglers that are completely capable of killing you even if you Flash properly and even if you have a ward placed.

It's nuts.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jungler is very impactful. If you can get your lanes ahead you will almost guarantee a victory. The problem with jungling, and why players don't particularly prefer it, is because there is a lot of pressure to try and get your lanes ahead. If you fail a gank and, god-forbid, die during the gank, you set your lane(s) behind and they may even rage at you. Obviously a successful gank gets you all the praise. If you can have more successful than failed ganks then you should win more than lose.

Jungle has varying styles of play. You have carry-junglers that build damage. Very risky to play because your team might lack tanky.
Majority of junglers go tanky-support and usually have CC abilities.

Junglers need great map awareness, need to know how to navigate the map effectively to avoid wards and keep up in farm, also control objectives, predict enemy jungler movement, and counter jungle if possible.

Most players think ganks must result in kills but actually just applying lane pressure can help out immensely. Example: I played Jungle Nunu yesterday, my bot lane was getting pressured hard, I attempted a gank but obviously it was warded and they easily saw me and backed off. I swung around and did my Golem camp then went back bot lane through the lane, tried another gank, didn't get any kills but forced enemy back more. Sat in lane about 10 seconds to keep pressure off my adc while he farmed up some gold. I didn't tax the lane, either (other than the shared xp). My ADC was 1/2 health and was an easy gank+dive+kill if enemy jungler showed, so by helping out I allowed him to get gold, push lane, and back to fountain to buy/heal before he could be killed.

I had some really good Nunu games yesterday. I just love Nunu because people never expect the 15-20 minute baron kill. When I pick Nunu my goal is objective control and pressure lanes. I feel like I've won so many games by playing Nunu jungle, games my team would have lost otherwise. The early baron kill has turned around soooo many games for me.


Golden Squire
That said playing a tier one jungler still doesn't mean you'll rise in rank as you still need your teammates to execute. The best thing I can say as a jungler is that it is your role to enable the rest of your team. The tier one junglers have a very easy time doing that. The biggest thing I have found that loses games in silver is overextending and not taking objectives and as jungler I have to constantly remind my team of that.

Still didn't stop me from hitting a massive losing streak this past week and dropping from Silver I 20 points and playing with Gold Vs to Silver III. I suppose there is always next season?