League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't played jungle since I was around level 20-23 but I've been getting stuck playing it recently in ranked. I need to practice again because I was getting good at it (in a pre-30 sense). I've been playing so much top/mid/support that my jungle skills diminished. Gotta get some normals going and practice j4, elise, vi, zac some more.


Tranny Chaser
I prefer jungling (and supporting) because I last hit like dog shit and always have. It's a role where I can be clever and play against my opponent in a way that doesn't necessary depend on my mechanical prowess.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The tier-1 junglers become more impactful the higher skill level your games are. Below Plat and gold probably, you can do crazy carrying with tons of shitty junglers. Carry junglers are feast or famine obviously but you just need to be able to pick which lane will get you a kill early as a carry jungler and act on it, then snowball hard. At low levels, that is basically any lane where your team has CC. Lee Sin is especially great for this because you can build offense if you get successful early or just go the tank sin route if you faceplant hard and still be useful.

Edit: Jungle is probably my worst role simply because I'm bad at timing everything and knowing when to apply lane pressure and when to wait those extra 10 seconds in the bush for a kill. So I lean towards carry junglers because then I can just farm and still do what I do when I don't play jungle. I also am a fan of Trundle jungle though, pillars are just amazing and W let's you crush down towers. Really, there's tons of junglers I enjoy playing, I'm just bad at jungling so I don't :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well I am considering Jungling with Nasus. Is that a bad idea at level 12?
Nasus is probably a fine lower level jungler. He levels up Spirit Fire first in the jungle for clearing and objective taking, has built-in lifesteal, is beefy and builds beefy, and stays relevant all game.


Tranny Chaser
Nasus is perfectly fine. He's got good buttons, good wave clear, he comes with sustain, he's always relevant in team fights with his Wither, and he's good at taking objectives.

Absolutely nothing wrong with him.


Got something right about marriage
Jungling at level 12 is going to be frustrating. You won't have runes and masteries that make it easier/viable and your top laner will almost never know how to 1v2 that lane (enemy teams often won't have a jungler at that level)

The Ancient_sl

Yeah, don't jungle at level 12 unless you really want to practice at it. 9 times out of 10 you'll be putting a teammate in a 1v2 lane that they have no idea how to play and as a jungler you are more rune/mastery dependent because while your opponents may not have better runes than you, the jungle doesn't scale down to your lower level.


<Gold Donor>
Funny thing is I love when I 1v2 the top, I prefer it. Most people with me over extend and die and then yell at me for their death. Instead of getting mad back at them I just say "I am sorry! I am new, I will try to do better."


Golden Squire
Also best tip I can give is: if your team is starting to lose and feeling a bit down, remind them that this is the "League of Throws." I have won many a game by reminding people of that.

The Ancient_sl

You really have to be patient when playing a 1v2 lane and remember that your advantage will come in the form of increased experience and diminished gold supply for one of the top laners because there it is really difficult to get farm vs a competent 2 champ lane.


Tranny Chaser
Jungling at level 12 is going to be frustrating. You won't have runes and masteries that make it easier/viable and your top laner will almost never know how to 1v2 that lane (enemy teams often won't have a jungler at that level)
If you get some help from bot lane (a good opportunity to teach people what leashing is!) Nasus can do buff, buff, and show up at top at level 3 while everyone else is level 2 and then just lane top with a big advantage if it's necessary to do so. If things look stable you can then go take the enemy buffs for acrazybig advantage.
You completely missed the point. Thank you.

I lost two games because we weren't good enough in the end. I lost two games because players weren't playing to win. I came here to vent because it makes me feel better. It helps with the frustration. I'm ranked exactly where I need to be. See I qualified that for you.

Next time you have a bad day, let me know so I can tell you that your wife is ugly and if you just tried harder at the gym you could be fucking super models.
I replied to you once during this discussion and the post you quoted wasn't it. I was completely on point as to what Earthfell started going on about in his first response to you and subsequent posts that he made, which I quoted and replied too.

As far as the current conversation goes. Nasus is a great all around champ and I love getting 1v2 lanes. Makes you really hone in on your csing and mechanical skills to avoid massive harass but keep your turret somewhat healthy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was playing on my level 10 smurf the other day and both teams had junglers in all but 1 game. Getting through the jungle mobs can be pretty easy this season :p


Vyemm Raider
While i do not play my 12yr old plays and did this for halloween:

spoilered due to size-i'll get a lit one up that looks good, the phone doesn't do good shots in the dark and the camera was dead.


Tranny Chaser
Also best tip I can give is: if your team is starting to lose and feeling a bit down, remind them that this is the "League of Throws." I have won many a game by reminding people of that.
It kills me when people at any rating act like the game it's impossible to come back from a minor deficit. There is no lead in this game that you cannot flush down the toilet. You never, ever know where the enemy team's morale will break. Not winning fast enough can set someone off.

The Ancient_sl

I hate the never surrender mentality. The slim chance of winning that people seem to inflate is not worth wasting everyone's time and getting a new game going. If have lost an inhibitor, don't have a single inner turret down, haven't been nabbing every dragon and are significantly behind on kills, the game is over, just resign.


11% win chance once your inhib goes down and believe me, those winnable games are when the game is close in other aspects.

The Ancient_sl

It is competitive play, so yes one would expect a competitive team to press their advantage better than solo queue, but at the same time they also are less likely to be as far behind as solo queue players can be when inhib goes down. I'm not suggesting that every time you lose an inhib you just quit, but when you have accomplished nothing all game and none of your lanes won, the game is over stop being stubborn about it just because you've won a game plenty of times when you were behind in kill counts but managed to stay competitive in objectives.

Those are not useful stats.
How's that now?