League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
Regarding ADC, me too. I am just not comfortable as a ranged player, I need to be in the mix. So far I have learned Top and Support, next is Jungle. I know to be a really good well rounded player I will have to be able to do everything, but for now 2/5 and soon to be 3/5 ain't bad.
It's not about ranged play for me, it's about the role. I prefer champs that can initiate, control, roam, splitpush, wave clear etc. Not to say an ADC can't do these things, but typically an ADC's job is to farm into the mid game and then eliminate single targets once you're fed.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
lollipoppy was one my biggest regrets for years. I cant think of another skin where I truly regret that I didnt buy it when it was out for a limited time. Its such an artistic masterpiece.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So many changes on PBE, I just find it easier to tune it all out and wait for them to go live. That Nasus skin does look badass.

ADC is my most played role but I got to gold playing top/jungle. Since the Sivir remake I've gone back to trying to get ADC every game again. Sivir is just hella fun. IMO she plays a lot like MF. Both are AOE comp ADCs. MF is a better duelist while Sivir actually sucks in a 1v1. Sivir is great for team fights and can poke from pretty far away for safety.

I've never been good with the duelist ADCs like Vayne/Quinn/Caitlyn/Corki/Graves and I actually tried hard to make these champs work for me, just couldn't. I'm 15-41 with these 5 champions combined. Only 28% win rate.

I've always preferred the safer support-style AOE/CC Comp ADCs. MF/Jinx/Sivir/Ashe have been my preferred. I'm 326W 247L with MF alone, 57% win rate. I'm at 49% win rate with Jinx/Sivir/Ashe combined (so almost 2x as effective than if I played the duelists.) Ashe is the only one that is under 50% and I don't really play her anymore because of that, but I still feel like she can fill a specific team comp in some instances.

For carrying hard I love Kog Maw but the Assassin meta kinda fucked him. He's still "ok". I'm 17-6 with Kog, 74% win rate. He melts tanks though and can out-duel any other ADC. Against tank-heavy-assassinless teams I would still consider him.

I never really got into Varus/Twitch/Tristana, I have 0 games with Trist/Twitch and I'm actually 2-0 with Varus but just don't find it enjoyable playing him.

Ezreal I consider to be more of a caster-adc or duelist and again, my performance is not so great with him. Only at 39% win rate.
Lucian on the other-hand is the one duelist I've done ok with and sit at 53% win rate.

To conclude: There's a ton of ADCs out there and while the concept of ADC is similar among all of them, there actually are some significant differences between kits. You just need to find what suits your playstyle best and who you enjoy playing the most.

typically an ADC's job is to farm into the mid game and then eliminate single targets once you're fed.
This is true but I find the most important thing for an ADC is to come out of lane EVEN or AHEAD. How many games have you played where bot lane feeds? It can be devastating. ADCs can win the game within the first minutes of the game. If you can land first blood or even a double-kill you can end the game quickly if you take advantage of it. I've made opponents rage quit a ton because I would keep pressing my advantages to the max. I just had an MF game 2 days ago where I went 13-1-15 and the game lasted 20 minutes. I ended up getting the coveted double kill than kept pressing until even the Jungler couldnt help, we would 2v3 and win easily. I had a game yesterday where a duo wanted bot lane, I hesitated because most of my duos have fed hard recently, but I took mid and this duo team won us the game. They had the inhibitor turret dead before any other lanes had the 1st turret dead. I ended up winning my lane, too, but it helped that there was no jungle pressure to deal with.

Even when I play Tryndamere top or someshit where the goal is split push and draw pressure, if my bottom lane feeds too hard it almost becomes hopeless. Bot laners really need to contain the damage to give their team a chance. I will admit that sometimes I get myself into trouble but I also know when to just sit back and wait for late game. The biggest problem I have with bot lane is when my support isn't on the same page and ends up dying like 6x because they still want to be aggressive when we're behind. That's why I had transitioned to the other lanes/jungle, because you can determine the outcome on your own and aren't reliant on a 2nd person.


2 Minutes Hate
True, if your ADC dominates the laning phase is very hard to lose the game. But you can say the same thing about any lane though imo. The big difference, I suppose, is that ADCs always build for damage, so you'll most likely have the better build going in to it from the start. Same for mid if you're playing an assassin type.

Regarding the changes, I can't wait for the assist train gold to come through. When I play champs like Ori, I tend to go 4/5/17 or something like that.

I've been peaking at the support changes and item changes. Then I saw a funny video where someone jungled Soraka and just ran around the map healing people all day. I wonder if that style jungler could actually work in S4. Run around the map farming, not ganking but assisting objective pressure and applying support. Even that's possible, I can see a 1-2-1 setup where you apply pressure down mid the most and control dragon from there.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hah. I just saw that SivHD vid too, his vids are always entertaining:

According to the posts, he ended up losing that game. He also rarely plays ranked and usually plays with his Subscribers. He can do this shit cause his team is just happy to be playing with an e-celebrity.


2 Minutes Hate
Heh yeah. But I think it's worth talking about. Depends how things ultimately scale, but support junglers could be a thing.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It is a fucking great feeling picking up Sivir when the enemy went Blitzcrank Support.
I feel this way vs almost every support lol... i was against a lux yesterday and would intentionally walk into her Lucent Singularity to regain mana. I felt like a baus.

Also funny to shield vs lee sin Qs. I get great enjoyment out of blocking shit. Walk over Caitlyn traps for free mana too.


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't played against, played with, or even seen the new Sivir in action. How is she in general and can she play in any other lanes? I typically play with a guy who mains ADC so I wouldn't want to mess with his mojo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't played against, played with, or even seen the new Sivir in action. How is she in general and can she play in any other lanes? I typically play with a guy who mains ADC so I wouldn't want to mess with his mojo.
I don't think I'd try her in any other lanes tbh. She lacks mobility and CC which makes her a terrible duelist. If anything you could try Mid lane but that's just being wacky.. Her spellshield would help vs mages. Only issue is it has an insanely long cooldown and mages have much shorter cooldowns. An assassin would fuck you up hard. Top lane is likely a no-go, she has like nothing to help vs bruisers.

She lacks steroid until lvl 6 and again, no CC. You need an ADC like Vayne/Quinn that have mobility+CC to go toe-to-toe with bruisers. Even Jinx does well due to her CC.

I saw imaqtpie try Sivir in the Jungle,which seems almost viable because she can clear camps fast, but she has 0 gank potential. He lost the game anyway and said it was "for science" and noted to never play Jungle Sivir again.

Basically Sivir really only works in bot lane with a support. You play to get fed and do shit-tons of AoE dmg in team fights. Already mentioned previously but I managed a penta kill during my 2nd game with her.

She is a very safe laner due to her spellshield and her Ultimate to run from trouble quickly but she sucks going toe-to-toe unless she's really fed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm jumping on the Support Annie hype train. Been playing her more often as support and god damn it's absolutely amazing. I actually feel like a shitbag support though because I usually don't buy many pinks early game until after I get sightstone. Usually just 1 around the 7min mark if we're planning on doing dragon. I always start dring + 1ward, then slowly save up for a Mejais, making sure to buy 1 or 2 green wards everytime I back. After Mejai's, I go sightstone then it depends on many kills/assists you're getting. If I can I'll get the occasional pink but mainly just pocket cash til a large rod > dcap or I go codex > dfg/morellos.

Had a game last night, I had 10 kills, had my ruby sightstone + boots1 + oracles, yet still had dcap & like a 15+ stack of mejais. The damage from your flash/stun initiate is basically enough to drop an ADC/Support/Mid if they get caught out.


Tranny Chaser
I'm jumping on the Support Annie hype train. Been playing her more often as support and god damn it's absolutely amazing. I actually feel like a shitbag support though because I usually don't buy many pinks early game until after I get sightstone. Usually just 1 around the 7min mark if we're planning on doing dragon. I always start dring + 1ward, then slowly save up for a Mejais, making sure to buy 1 or 2 green wards everytime I back. After Mejai's, I go sightstone then it depends on many kills/assists you're getting. If I can I'll get the occasional pink but mainly just pocket cash til a large rod > dcap or I go codex > dfg/morellos.

Had a game last night, I had 10 kills, had my ruby sightstone + boots1 + oracles, yet still had dcap & like a 15+ stack of mejais. The damage from your flash/stun initiate is basically enough to drop an ADC/Support/Mid if they get caught out.
There you go, join the carry support bandwagon. I'm super villainous and start Doran's Ring in every lane I think I can get away with it. Ring, blue ward, green ward, biscuit, health pot, AP quints, AP glyphs if I think I can get away with them too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Psh, fuck utility masteries. I go full blown offensive. Mpen marks, mp5 yellows(sometimes armor if it's a poke heavy bottom like cait/ez etc etc), ap blues, ap quints, 21/0/9 masteries.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Surprise surprise, all the "core" supports are getting nerfed in to crummy "utility" scaling so they don't shit on the world with their real gold. Pretty terrified of Stairs once this patch hits, and the non-support supports like Annie/Rengar/Fiddle and having them get to run a regular-ish item build all game.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I am so glad they made Jinx