League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
You do not get substantially more exp in the jungle than in a duo lane unless things are going awesome. He's also entirely missing the value of denying the enemy solo lane exp and gold. I don't disagree with him that people were overvaluing the 2 man top but he doesn't have the whole picture. You also don't have to stay top every single second either. You can like, go get golems, and then come back when you've both got two charges on your Relic Shield and immediately drop them. Over time, properly optimized, we would probably have seen 1/2/2 for dragon control.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im not even sure if I like the targon items tbh... Im fine with it helping change up the meta but it seems gimmicky. The item goes against most of what LoL stands for - easy to play, hard to master. The item can be confusing for a lot of people and especially spectators. I feel like the item does the game a disservice.

Sure, players will understand how to use it optimally and the casual peons will catch on, too. Right now it's just a disaster. I get supports buying it and not using the procs at all. I try to explain to them nicely how it works, but they rarely listen. They buy it simply because people are saying its OP without even knowing how to use it. I tell them if they aren't going to utilize the executes than sell it and buy a different gold item.

Sort of unrelated to Relic is the fact players are hearing supports are "carries" now and they start Doran rings. They completely miss the whole point of S4 and how it turns supports into carries. I've had a Support Brand and Support Teemo in the last 2 days, both during promo to Gold IV, both start Doran ring, both fed the game to fuck and back. I tell them nicely that by choosing a carry support you need to purchase a gold generating item otherwise you are missing the whole concept of the new changes. I also start Relic every time to try and help them out, but it still doesn't matter. These people are clueless it seems. It's to be expected when massive changes role in, which is why I haven't raged at all this pre-season and just try to help out, but I think there's a problem when at Gold tier people still can't grasp what you're telling them.

To be honest, the description for Relic is a little convoluted. The description doesn't say that the owner ALSO gets gold, it only says that the other player gets the gold bounty. I think they need to clarify it a bit. I think some players aren't understanding how it works and assume they won't get gold from it if they purchase it.

Changing the refresh to 60 seconds is also kinda meh. It seems like it pushes it out of the Support realm and makes it better for any other duo lane and for ADC still. Longer refresh means supports get less gold again since they will only be able to last-hit (execute) 1x per minute. Supports should just purchase 1 of the other items and Relic can still be good on the farmer (ADC or otherwise), since it will still supplement that support income every minute.


2 Minutes Hate
Didn't I read that the execute will only work on melee attacks now? Kind of fucks up the whole thing. It'll only be worth while on someone like Taric/Leona that will only use it for each cannon minion.

60s cooldown is just stupid. I'd much rather just get a coin now.

The Ancient_sl

Sure, players will understand how to use it optimally and the casual peons will catch on, too. Right now it's just a disaster. I get supports buying it and not using the procs at all. I try to explain to them nicely how it works, but they rarely listen. They buy it simply because people are saying its OP without even knowing how to use it. I tell them if they aren't going to utilize the executes than sell it and buy a different gold item.

Sort of unrelated to Relic is the fact players are hearing supports are "carries" now and they start Doran rings. They completely miss the whole point of S4 and how it turns supports into carries. I've had a Support Brand and Support Teemo in the last 2 days, both during promo to Gold IV, both start Doran ring, both fed the game to fuck and back. I tell them nicely that by choosing a carry support you need to purchase a gold generating item otherwise you are missing the whole concept of the new changes. I also start Relic every time to try and help them out, but it still doesn't matter. These people are clueless it seems. It's to be expected when massive changes role in, which is why I haven't raged at all this pre-season and just try to help out, but I think there's a problem when at Gold tier people still can't grasp what you're telling them.
LoL there is no cure for stupid.


<Gold Donor>

I lol'd

Quick update, hit 100 wins this weekend. Mostly been playing Draft Mode in Normals, I find it easier to establish roles Pre-game.

Not saying I am Plat 1 or anything but I feel like I took a huge step forward this last week. I can actually hold my own against silvers and golds when I play them. I still have trouble with ranged champs early in in the top lane like Vayne and Teemo but against Melee Champs I am solid. Been playing a lot of Jax, Renekton, Nasus & Maplhite. Also tried Jax in the Jungle, he is a beast on ganks at lvl 3.

I bought Riven, Wukong and Xin Zhao. Looking to add them to to my rotation, especially Riven.


A Man Chooses....
This game is incredibly frustrating. I spent like 3 weeks at 85+ points in silver one, lost two series, spent another week at 95+, then lost like 8 out of 9 and got clamped. The last day I'm like "fuck it, I'm 60 points away, I give up." So he says let me try and I'm like there's no way you have enough time, besides I don't want to get it that way. He kept telling me how easy it would be, blah blah blah so I finally give him my info.

This guy, legit high plat player who got to diamond, played 21 games on my account. He won 11. In Silver 1. He had many, MANY games where he went like 14-2-8 and lost. Now is slightly over 50% actually what his winrate would be in silver 1? No. But the fact that over a not minuscule number of games he could end up with that kind of winrate says a lot. This game is so hard to improve at because I can jungle and start 3-0-3 in the first 8 minutes and lose. I can lane and consistently win my lane and lose. Right and wrong are hard to determine because your isolated actions are incredibly difficult to evaluate from a +EV perspective.

The guy I duo'd with a lot spent over 200 games in silver 1. When he got to Gold V he got to Gold 1 in like four days. I spent like 225 games in Silver 1 and never got over the hump. Now obviously I'm not a great player, but the amount of variance in this game is enough to drive someone to commit horrendous and unconscionable acts of violence upon small furry animals. I'm questioning whether I want to play it next season despite thoroughly enjoying the competitive aspect of it just because it is so fucking obnoxious.


Molten Core Raider
I wonder how Bjergsen is going to play out in TSM. I`m predicting an EdwarD effect plays out and TSM gets cursed.


2 Minutes Hate
What build path are people using for Eve? Wraith (boots) into Liandrys or DFG first? And why don't I see people building Triforce or Lichbane on her?

edit: maybe I'm just not seeing games where it lasts long enough to get past the core purchases?


Molten Core Raider
I've only seen a few Eves in low plat (V-III), but it seems to me that the ones who ended up carrying built either Ancient Golem or Elder Lizard, Sorc boots, then Liandry's. I just remember it being similar to how most people are building Elise.
Elder lizard is sub par on her now since she doesn't really proc the burn. Liandry's in to DFG seems to be the carry route and then the build diverges to either pure glass cannon if you have good tank and initiation on the team or getting beefier if you are the tank/initiator.

As far as Gilg's frustration go. I'll try and be nice for once. I know, a shock. Silver 1 is the hardest single bracket to get out of for a variety of reasons.

1.) Huge player pool so play style and quality is a crap shoot. You get bronze style players who just wanna fight all day and fuck objectives, or you get players who know all the pro strats and builds but don't know why they should work. So its this big hodge podge of crap.

2.) Hand in hand with problem one is that you will be playing with everything from bronze's to plats/low diamond on a regular basis because silver is where your average person starts. So even if they are plat/diamond quality player down the line you might be having to deal with them now.

3.) Its like every other tier one in that you effectively are playing in the next division so if you aren't quite a gold player in mechanics/map awareness/whatever you're going to spend the time grinding those skills out.

4.) Shouldn't be an issue next season but this season you did have the tier 5 bottom dwellers that couldn't be demoted so they didn't really give a shit.

I had an experience similar to your friend in that I spent a hundred plus games in silver 1 then I finally got out. I'm now plat 1. Its just how it goes.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The guy I duo'd with a lot spent over 200 games in silver 1. When he got to Gold V he got to Gold 1 in like four days. I spent like 225 games in Silver 1 and never got over the hump. Now obviously I'm not a great player, but the amount of variance in this game is enough to drive someone to commit horrendous and unconscionable acts of violence upon small furry animals. I'm questioning whether I want to play it next season despite thoroughly enjoying the competitive aspect of it just because it is so fucking obnoxious.
This is kinda what happened to me (got gold I in like a week, but have since demoted back to Gold V lol)... it also took me 1584 games in Silver to get promoted. I went WAY back in this thread to find my post:
League of Legends - Page 104


Avatar of War Slayer
She basically scales with everything. CDR, AD, crit, AP, spell vamp, life leech. HP, MR/ar are useful on her too. So it would be hard to make a bad build on her. Tank works, AD/ap hyrbrid works, pure ap works. Mix and match as you like.

Not sure I would go liandrys or dfg on her though.
why liandry's? for her ult? The HP, sure obvious. but I think I would rylai's if I wanted health. or something more pure like Soulshroud/sunfire even perhaps.

DFG is also meh imo. Again, she scales so well. why bother with an active? only the debuff. which is good.. but again. Ravage gives her +120% attack speed..
Ravage with DFG is 230+120 for 350. Ravage with gunblade is 230+65+36 for 331 (50%ap/40%AD per hit)

Hate spike ALSO scales with both. and that is 45% ap/40% ad.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What build path are people using for Eve? Wraith (boots) into Liandrys or DFG first? And why don't I see people building Triforce or Lichbane on her?

edit: maybe I'm just not seeing games where it lasts long enough to get past the core purchases?
Actually this might sound crazy but it was Lumi's post that made me think of Eve. The ward situation makes her fun to play since you know if you are seen or not. And since Lumi's post made me want to play her I used his advice and went the 28-2-0 masteries and rune setup he uses as well as Smite/Ignite.

Build Order always varies for me depending on the match but I normally favor AP. I normally start lizard elder --> boots of mobility then I just build whatever seems necessary. If Im ahead Ill go more dmg (DFG/Void) and if behind Ill favor defensive (Zhonya/Abyssal/Rylai)
So. We all know that riven has been the current AD mid champ. But she's seeing lots of bans at my current MMR. So I was wondering what people's thoughts on Fiora mid as a sort of replacement for Riven would fair. You avoid her issues against bruisers by playing her mid and her all ins on most AP would be brutal I think. I think a core of Hydra, Last whisper then whatever would be pretty strong. Her shove starting when she gets tiamat would be really strong so you could roam easily post 6 for nice ganks and if the enemy laner leaves you should just take their tower(s) incredibly quickly. Obviously she wouldn't have the late game all around impact that Riven has but I think she would still be pretty strong especially if the rest of your team is running good peel cc for when you go on an enemy in team fights.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Was watching Bjergsen stream earlier and he got rolled as Kass vs Fiora mid. However, his team ended up winning in the long run. Fiora won laning phase easily and Bjerg got carried. I actually like Fiora and have 2 skins for her somehow. Mid seems like a decent fit for her, I never tried that.


Vyemm Raider
I dunno about that, I've been seeing fiora's stomping pretty hard lately. Just played a 65 minute game vs one and she was like the main reason it went on for so long.

Actually this might sound crazy but it was Lumi's post that made me think of Eve. The ward situation makes her fun to play since you know if you are seen or not. And since Lumi's post made me want to play her I used his advice and went the 28-2-0 masteries and rune setup he uses as well as Smite/Ignite.

Build Order always varies for me depending on the match but I normally favor AP. I normally start lizard elder --> boots of mobility then I just build whatever seems necessary. If Im ahead Ill go more dmg (DFG/Void) and if behind Ill favor defensive (Zhonya/Abyssal/Rylai)
I've actually switched it up a bit recently. I've been sorc boots more often now since there is no spell pen with masteries anymore other than that 6% so I feel the extra might help a bit. Also, I just realized elder lizard doesn't proc on spells anymore so that kinda sucks for eve altho I've still managed to do quite good with it. I've been going spectral wraith more recently tho. I also like to rush DFG after completing the jungle item. Liandry's is a bit more of a later game item imo.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
What kind of runes etc do you run? I've been having a bitch of a time with her initial clear after the changes. Unless I get an amazing leash at first buff I'm close to dying by the 2nd buff. I've even started running a shitty like 9/10/11 mastery page to get biscuits and shit, and it's STILL is shitty early clear.

And seriously, don't play Fiora. She has no sustain (her passive is a joke), no CC, her ult is an unreliable piece of garbage (can't start if rooted/any other cc, fails all the time due to vision, random by nature, etc), she's just awful. Every time you think about picking Fiora just play Trynd instead, as he does everything she does only about a bajillion times better.


Potato del Grande
Be me. Join ranked. Take Fiora mid. Be 17/5 steamrolling the game. Team decides the 4 of them want to focus Nami and Lux while Jax Vi and Vayne 3v1 me. Lose game. <3 silver.