League Of Legends

The Ancient_sl

Again, all of these comparisons to mainstream professional sports instantly fall flat because those other sports have collective bargaining and much better pay. Minimum salary for a NFL player is what, 400k? And anyone playing has union protection.
Another huge difference is professional sports have licensing agreements in place with broad distributors(tv networks) and franchises that front the majority of the cost of actual play. LoL has a minimal entry to become a broadcaster, all you need is a bandwith and a computer.

We are so far from the same type of situation as conventional professional sports that trying to shoehorn a comparison is a very far stretch.

Why do they insist on shoving the term "athlete" down our throat? It is an E-sport call them an E-athlete.
It's a misguided attempt to legitimize the marketplace. I don't see what's wrong with "gamer" or "pro-gamer"


Lord Nagafen Raider
You guys are hilarious. It's not like they can't play these games, they just can't stream it. Heaven forbid the streamers might actually have to interact with their viewers instead of just queuing up and playing something else for 20 minutes. Anytime I'm watching a stream and somebody is sitting there playing another game I turn that shit off anyway because I don't give a shit how well Dyrus is playing Hearthstone, I came to watch him play league. At least he could be answering questions or going over runes/masteries or talking about a specific champion.

You also have to realize a lot of these streamers are featured on Riot's website which is how they do get a lot of the casual viewers. So you're a casual viewer and you want to watch some league, okay find a featured streamer on the main LoL website...huh, they are playing Dota2? Why? What? Huh?

The Ancient_sl

You also have to realize a lot of these streamers are featured on Riot's website which is how they do get a lot of the casual viewers. So you're a casual viewer and you want to watch some league, okay find a featured streamer on the main LoL website...huh, they are playing Dota2? Why? What? Huh?
That's a very good point.


2 Minutes Hate
Forgive me, as I am not up on all the details, but isn't that standard operating procedure for pro sponsorship in a sport? For example, Dale Earnhardt Jr., as per his contract, is not allowed to be publicly seen or photographed drinking any other beer besides Budweiser. He is allowed to drink any beer her wants I as long as it is done privately, but not to be seen tacitly endorsing a competing product to the company that is actually paying him. Doing so would be a violation of his contract. Soft drink companies do the same thing.

I could be missing something, but it seems to me if riot is sponsoring you to endorse LoL it is part of a standard commercial contract that you not publicly endorse a competing product. Now, there is plenty of negotiation room in what a competing product actually is and Riot's definition might be too broad, but I would say anything that falls into the MOBA category is certainly valid.
You aren't missing anything. This is a non-issue for anyone with a brain.
Pretty much. Not sure what people are angry at. A big company is promoting you and also paying you to compete in it's official tournament. They don't want you to help promote any other online gaming product. Makes sense to me and is pretty much standard in any other industry. If you don't like it, don't participate in the LCS.


2 Minutes Hate
Well there is a lot of little things that need to be put into place before Riot goes all Nazi. Firstly, probably some player association needs to be created. Secondly, Riot needs to talk to the players and not just go all "We are the overlords".

Another point is LoL players are streaming for thousands of viewers and are often sitting at 15+ minute queues so they stream other games during the downtime. While other MOBAs shouldn't be streamed (and 15-20 minutes isn't enough time anyways), why can't they play some other popular/fun games that aren't MOBAs?

If Riot wants their game to be like basketball, football, baseball, or nascar (lol?) that is fine, but considering this is new to gaming, you can't go all Hitler and demand respect.
Didn't you come into this thread a while back to just shit on LOL since you're a Dota2 player? I can't remember what the subject was.


2 Minutes Hate
There's a difference between predicting their anger and understanding on some level of reality why they are really angry.

I mean I can predict that the Westboro Baptist Church is going to stand infront of a soldier's funeral and say God killed him because of teh gayz but I'll never know why they do it.

Seriously, retards like Delly fail to understand that you have a major gaming company PAYING and PROMOTING active player's streams. Of course they have the option to tell you not to stream any other online competitive game. The market is competitive games and typical LOL players can easily be typical HOTS/Hearthstone players.

A business owner that lets their spokesman actively promote other products is a stupid business owner. Especially after Worlds got like 8 million viewers. This shit is growing too quickly for Riot to go amateur hour.


Tranny Chaser
Excuse me? This entire thing is amateur hour. This was a terrible implementation of a half-baked decision and now Riot has a rather ugly PR backlash to deal with. They, and I guess you, don't really understand gamers all that well.

The Ancient_sl

To be fair, Riot can do plenty of completely justifiable things that sends Gamers flying off the handle, so to say that they messed up by not understanding gamers is unfair. Gamers get pissed all the time about shit that they are completely in the wrong about.


Trump's Staff
So I looked through the leaked contract again, and I haven't seen this addressed, but... it seems to me like you could stream those games as long as you did it on a separate channel/account from your "official LoL channel." Because this thread is lousy with analogies I'll throw out another one. If that were the case it would be a bit like sending an email from your work email account vs your personal email accounts. Even on your own time, at home, if you send an email from your work account you are theoretically acting on behalf of, or as a representative of, your company and there are likely things you can and can not do from that email account.

If that is the case, I find this totally acceptable. You could create a "work account" for all your official paid by Riot LoL stuff and then have a "personal account" for anything else as long as you don't cross-promote.


Tranny Chaser
The talk right now is that there is an addendum that clarifies that a LCS player is forbidden from playing those games on stream period. Not just not allowed to play them sandwiched with LoL content. Never, ever, ever steam those games.

But as always our information is not perfect.


2 Minutes Hate
Excuse me? This entire thing is amateur hour. This was a terrible implementation of a half-baked decision and now Riot has a rather ugly PR backlash to deal with. They, and I guess you, don't really understand gamers all that well.
You're 100% wrong. This is a business decision, not a let's make gamers happy decision. It's a good one.


Trakanon Raider
Didn't you come into this thread a while back to just shit on LOL since you're a Dota2 player? I can't remember what the subject was.
Eh wrong. LoL is fine, Riot is not. It was about Riot's laziness to not update their game and what not even though they have tons of employees etc. Plus some other stuff, but I don't remember.

Regardless, you quoted a post that made some real good points like player associations (which I was the first to mention it in this thread) and Riot talking with its players before introducing rules,considering that even non-LCS players did not know they were apart of this contract.

Still waiting for LoL-junkies.


Tranny Chaser
You're 100% wrong. This is a business decision, not a let's make gamers happy decision. It's a good one.
That list of games includes titles such as Warhammer Online - Wrath of Heroes, a game that died back in March and you are going to take the position that I am 100% wrong for saying that this was a terrible implementation of a half-baked idea? "Ha," I say. Ha.

You said you don't understand why people are angry. If you don't understand why people are angry you don't understand the species you are a member of.


Potato del Grande
You think professionals in any other game/sport didn't get mad when rules/contracts first started getting implemented?

Edit: News flash, every person gets mad when they have to follow new rules.

The Ancient_sl

Between this:
You also have to realize a lot of these streamers are featured on Riot's website which is how they do get a lot of the casual viewers. So you're a casual viewer and you want to watch some league, okay find a featured streamer on the main LoL website...huh, they are playing Dota2? Why? What? Huh?
and this:
So I looked through the leaked contract again, and I haven't seen this addressed, but... it seems to me like you could stream those games as long as you did it on a separate channel/account from your "official LoL channel." Because this thread is lousy with analogies I'll throw out another one. If that were the case it would be a bit like sending an email from your work email account vs your personal email accounts. Even on your own time, at home, if you send an email from your work account you are theoretically acting on behalf of, or as a representative of, your company and there are likely things you can and can not do from that email account.

If that is the case, I find this totally acceptable. You could create a "work account" for all your official paid by Riot LoL stuff and then have a "personal account" for anything else as long as you don't cross-promote.
It's totally blown out of proportion.


Tranny Chaser
You think professionals in any other game/sport didn't get mad when rules/contracts first started getting implemented?
You need to sit down, take a breath, and go back and read what I've already posted about this. Go back to the start of this and catch up.


Potato del Grande
That list of games includes titles such as Warhammer Online - Wrath of Heroes, a game that died back in March and you are going to take the position that I am 100% wrong for saying that this was a terrible implementation of a half-baked idea? "Ha," I say. Ha.

You said you don't understand why people are angry. If you don't understand why people are angry you don't understand the species you are a member of.
Sounds to me like all you're trying to do is say gamers are somehow special in regards to being angry about rules enforced by their boss (unless you're going to argue that the people who said Riot is the one paying them are, in fact, not paying them).