League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
That article has its share of flaws.
Hearthstone was being streamed by all the top LCS pro players. As I type this, Bjergsen has 30k viewers and OddOne has 17k viewers. You don't think Riot is reacting to this free publicity? This is a business decision that appears was made due to the spike in views and success of Twitch.
The article is saying most anyone who knows anything about video games (watching streams especially) knew Blizzard released a card game, they didn't need to get their info from an LoL streamer. Sure, they might have watched a bit on their streams but did they most likely know the game was out there? Probably. I mean it gets pretty high viewership on Twitch so people wouldn't hear about it for the first time on an LoL stream.

Regardless, not same genre.


Trakanon Raider
That was an excuse for some champions, but Riot stated that for many champions the hardest part was coming up with a concept that would be unique and visible in game. Eve was the primary example: None of her current skins are really visible in game, and Riot has yet to come up with a new skin for her that is unique and visible in game.

The champions with "creative" issues far outnumber the ones with "technical" issues from my memory of the AMA.
Even though I don't play LoL anymore, I still love the Coral Reef Malphite skin. Shame I didn't sell my black alistar skin for mucho $$$ back in the day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Season 2 I got to Gold with only the 2 rune pages you get. 1 AD, 1 AP setup, not like you need 1 for each champion, just Armor Yellows, MR blues, AD/AP reds and AD/AP Quints. Sure having specific rune pages help but it's not necessary. Right now I'm plat 1 with 8 pages but I swear I only use 2 or 3 of them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Regardless, not same genre.
Hearthstone is a Free to play, PC game with micro transactions. Wildly dissimilar.


Golden Squire
The only thing I see wrong with Riot restricting how players stream is that the list itself is inconsistent. Beyond that then these terms are fairly reasonable, I mean have you seen some of the contracts pro athletes sign?

The real discussion we should be having is whether or not having the owner of the game and league be the same is a good idea. It is something that traditional sports haven't had to deal with.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Riot is fucking stupid. Don't they realize that these players made them what they are? Riot didn't give a shit about Esports in the beginning. It was venues like ASUS, ESL and Intel/Nvidia, with teams like CLG, SK and TSM that got this shit rolling. Riot has always been a shit company with a great game and this proves it even more.

Not to mention its just a fucking stupid decision. Can't wait to watch Bjergensen play solitaire for 10 minutes while finding a match. There goes the stream, there goes the money.

What's the point of it anyway. None of these games compete with LOL. Even Dota 2 doesn't compete with LOL and its the closest competitor in the genre. What horrible fucking 2 year cMBA student made this decision. Bad PR, no quantitative gains.

Also proprietary has never been good in games.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also if I was Riot I would pay to have Hearthstone streamed. What a great way to promote both games, and not have to deal with queue times.


these players made them what they are

Riot didn't give a shit about Esports in the beginning.

None of these games compete with LOL

Even Dota 2 doesn't compete with LOL

Riot has always been a shit company with a great game and this proves it even more.
Maybe the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life.

What's the point of it anyway
The point is that if I click to see Riot's featured streamer(s), I shouldn't get a video of some guy playing DOTA2 or anything else but Riot's game. The streamers are payed to display and promote Riot's product *period*. Valve isn't cutting them a check. Blizzard isn't cutting them a check. I can't think of a single example of a job where I could provide a service to a customer and then, once my job is done, tell that customer "Hey, I know our stuff is good, but have you taken a look at our competitor's offerings? Here. Let me demonstrate it for you." It would be grounds for immediate termination or, in this case, breach of contract and *no one* would say it wasn't justified. Welcome to the real world little kids. If the pros don't like it, make a grown up decision and don't sign the contract. The fact is that, if Valve had a better offer, they'd be taking their money instead of Riot's. In the previous arrangement, Riot was the one getting the short end of the stick despite the fact that they finance the entire fucking thing. Now the arrangement benefits only Riot and the Streamer, as it should. Valve/Blizzard/No One Else gets free advertising. How is this hard to understand?

Wait, aren't you the "only 30 champions will get played in LCS" guy?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Luckily you can type to get your point across because if you had to talk I don't think you'd be able to with Riots cock in your mouth.


Lord Nagafen Raider

Also, re: Runepages, people have gotten to Challenger (and obviously high Diamond 1) with the default 2 pages, so those are a smidge overrated. If you're good enough you can get where you belong.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's like 1/4 the LCS run for 2013, and an even smaller fraction if you count the Asian competitive League, which really one should considering they're the only ones anyone believes are seriously competitive anymore.


Trakanon Raider
While Penance doesn't help the cause, saying Riot is good for the Esports scene is only partially right. They're good for THEIR esports scene, so if we are all going to accept that we can only have baseball OR football OR hockey then sure. The dumbest thing was when they tried to get teams that had LoL teams to not have any other teams.

At least they are trying to move the esports scene to a more serious level, but god damn they are douchebags about it.
While Penance doesn't help the cause, saying Riot is good for the Esports scene is only partially right. They're good for THEIR esports scene, so if we are all going to accept that we can only have baseball OR football OR hockey then sure. The dumbest thing was when they tried to get teams that had LoL teams to not have any other teams.

At least they are trying to move the esports scene to a more serious level, but god damn they are douchebags about it.
People or groups that make the biggest strides in their respective fields tend to be assholes to a certain degree.

Out of curiosity, why do you hate Riot so much? I know you used to play league and I believe you play DoTA2 now... so why care what Riot is doing with what are effectively their own employee's. Especially since a stipulation that prohibits assisting a competitor is pretty common place across all types of industries.



Also, re: Runepages, people have gotten to Challenger (and obviously high Diamond 1) with the default 2 pages, so those are a smidge overrated. If you're good enough you can get where you belong.
If that's true then just play without runes or masteries, bro. I mean, if you're good enough you can get where you belong, right?