League Of Legends


Got something right about marriage
Add in the fact that Faker plays a god riven so everyone wants to copy that too.
Faker doesn't play a god Riven. He plays a completely different character that looks like Riven and has the same skills but is connected to the Matrix. Nobody else in the world can play Riven like he does. It's fucking disgusting and awesome to watch.

I'm kind of hoping he's been playing Yasuo. That champ is fun to watch a good player play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I could play Blitz and Leona all day long at the moment. I love those supports. Nothing is more enjoyable then doing a flash + pull or just a long range R from leona and having your team be like "holy shit, gj!". Such a great feeling.

It's nice too because at least up in my MMR, Blitz is not banned much at all, mainly like 10% of the time. Leona is also never banned. Either way I can play one of them!


Golden Squire
Not a big accomplishment anymore, but considering I don't get to play much anymore, I'm pretty happy.


2 Minutes Hate
It's almost comical how I can't win a single ranked game. Two games where we win lane but when ya get to the group fight everyone starts wandering around. Though it's pretty amazing watching a guy like Nightblue3 (Challenger guy) go from Bronze to Plat 1 in like a week only losing 5 games or some shit.

I actually had a really good game with a Karma support but I guess I have to start playing Annie if I want to attempt to carry more.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ranked is the devil.

The thing with ranked is that average players are not consistent enough to carry every game or make the right decisions most of the time.

I suffer from this a lot.

I find that Ranked is about luck a lot of the time since it is a team game, but I feel like the Challenger players have 1 advantage beyond the ability to dominate lane most of the time:

Communication: I normally talk very little in my games, which is good & bad - mostly bad imo. Talking too much can make teammates find you annoying or cause more drama or you will simply be ignored if you don't win your lane or are feeding, however, if you do win your lane normally players will listen to you. Talking too little means bad synergy and also makes everyone play more "tunnel visioned". Communicating ganks/strategies actually helps A LOT. I suffer with communicating too little. Coordinating when to focus turrets, dragon & ganks leads to more successful games. I often find myself tunnel-visioned on my lane and just wait for someone to decide when a gank/turret/dragon objective might occur but if nobody determines this then your team will be a step behind the enemy. Pressuring early turrets or dragons or ganks can be extremely beneficial as your team will have the 1st move and will catch the enemy off guard. Communication later in the game is also a huge asset and making the right decisions is also supremely important. Higher ranked players will make the better decisions more often.

When I watch a Challenger player play in low-elo games they normally win because 1.) The can get so crazy fed that they can single-handily carry. 2.) They let everyone know who they are (or the players already know) and the team will focus harder and/or listen more to this player. 3.) They communicate with the team a lot and normally make correct decisions.

1st step to being successful in solo-q is win lane the majority of the time.
2nd step is to communicate.

I win my lane often (though not as often as top-tier players), but mainly I'm still working on that 2nd step.
Best way to go about it is to only communicate when its about an objective or enemy movement, or at most to give advice if someone asks for it. Never ever type anything that isn't strictly game related. Even if its just the crappy pre game banter people like to do before minions spawn. There are a couple reasons for this.

1.) Its a distraction and unless you totally out skill your opponents then you don't need to distract yourself or your teammates.
2.) If you are typing it is probably to either berate mock another player or to defend yourself from the same thing. There is no point to this, it doesn't change anything and it just makes things worse usually.
3.) Even if the chatting is just good natured stuff it conditions you to actually respond and you want the exact opposite so you can ignore the jack ass spamming best heimer NA at you after you gave up first blood.

When I watch high mmr streamers they almost never chat anything non game related. If they do its usually some reaction to a really good or bad play on their part. Now of course this is only for those that want to climb ranking. Get down in the mud with the groundlings all you like if you could care less about your mmer.


Vyemm Raider
getting back in to ranked, 2 of my 1st 3 games was a 4v5. 4th game, "top or feed/afk" in lobby. my 1 time going jungle, blitz demand we invade, our top doesn't come, we lose 3 to their 1 in a right, i get to my red and its gone. every lane loses and all 4 blame me.


Grats on plat broskie

These days I hate invading, especially blitz invades. If I am going to invade, I want to do a delay invade and catch their jungler doing a buff and gank em at half hp.


Tranny Chaser
I know I've said this before but goddamn I hate how bans function in solo queue. It's been so long without a serious balance patch that Evelyn, Mundo, Kass, Shyvanna, Nasus, and Riven have all ascended to Mount Olympus where if the enemy team gets any of them someone is going to spend their entire fucking game talking about how they weren't banned.

Terrible decision making? Silver quality farm? Never group? Poor objective defense? Fuck all that! It's only a loss because of one champion!


Goddamn I hate that shit.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Been owning left and right with Viktor in Dominion lately. Finally think I figured out the right build depending on friendly/enemy team comp. Lots of squishies on enemy team, build Augment: Death and Wooglets and two shot them--your mid game laser hits like a max range Nid spear. Lots of assassins on enemy team, build Augment:power, Rylais, and furor boots and kite them all day. Mainly bruisers/melees on your team, build Augment: Gravity and you can drop a stun field smack in the center of a defending top tower from behind the wall below it, or from the brush.

He probably has the most satisfying/devastating combo of all champs in the game if you land it properly. Was being chased by 3 enemy champs and dropped a stun field in the brush as I was running through it, which they proceeded to get caught in. Dropped R, then E, and melted all three. Feels so gud..


Tranny Chaser
Now that I'm seeing them consistently in my games I just cannot believe how fucking terrible Plat 1 / D5 players actually are.

I've always known that everyone who plays this game is terrible but now that I've been able to finally look past the curtain the truth has all but torn me asunder.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I know I've said this before but goddamn I hate how bans function in solo queue. It's been so long without a serious balance patch that Evelyn, Mundo, Kass, Shyvanna, Nasus, and Riven have all ascended to Mount Olympus where if the enemy team gets any of them someone is going to spend their entire fucking game talking about how they weren't banned.

Terrible decision making? Silver quality farm? Never group? Poor objective defense? Fuck all that! It's only a loss because of one champion!


Goddamn I hate that shit.
I mean... again.. the problem with champs like Nasus is that they dictate how your team has to play... and yolo-q teams just dont coordinate well enough. I cannot stand when my team doesnt ban nasus then first picks a jungler with no ganking potential. Enemy team takes Nasus and sorry.. unless he is awful it is GG. Sure, if you coordinate and shut him down its fine... but that just doesn't happen often enough to make it worth dealing with.

I dont understand why you have such disdain for such a necessary system.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Only champion that is 100% ban for me is Annie. That champion is such a skilless champion that does waaaay too much AoE, Burst & CC for such an easy champion. Has like one of the longest AA ranges so last hitting/harassing is easy. Can also just last hit with Q since you get all your mana back. If you get ahead on xp early in mid lane and get 6 before the enemy, Flash + Tibbers + Ignite means you can pretty much 100-0 them. She can also own as support because of all the reasons I just mentioned. Sometimes it's just fun to rush Majei's on her if you're support. Majeis > sightstone and just proceed to blow everybody up.


After months of playing I finally hit 30 last night. Came home from work today and played my first ranked game. I got mid lane as thats my best position.

I got my ass kicked left and right against a Lux. she had like 17 kills at the end of the game. my entire team didnt have any kills and I was flamed hardcore all game for feeding this lux. At the end game chat Lux goes on to brag about this is his first ranked game on his new smurf account and calls us all stupid noobs etc. IDK why I even play this game.


Tranny Chaser
I dont understand why you have such disdain for such a necessary system.
It's not the system. It's the attitudes that go with it. If a champion is banned frequently enough people mentally start putting them on a pedestal. It becomes a big deal when they are even allowed into a game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
After months of playing I finally hit 30 last night. Came home from work today and played my first ranked game. I got mid lane as thats my best position.

I got my ass kicked left and right against a Lux. she had like 17 kills at the end of the game. my entire team didnt have any kills and I was flamed hardcore all game for feeding this lux. At the end game chat Lux goes on to brag about this is his first ranked game on his new smurf account and calls us all stupid noobs etc. IDK why I even play this game.
What I have learned is that ranked becomes a whole lot of fun when you focus on your own abilities and see yourself improve. Ignore the toxic player base and just do the best you can every time. You'll rise up before you know it.