League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im carrying games with Nunu. 5-1 so far. Probably ride him until he doesnt work anymore


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, I was Plat 1 with about ~30lp, went 6-4 in promos and got placed in plat 3. I went Win, Loss, Win, Loss, Win, Win, Win, Loss, Loss, Win. incase anybody was wondering :p haha.

I actually expected I'd get gold, if not silver 1 just because of all the horror reddit stories (and saint vicious going from challenger to gold) but surprising I only "dropped" 2 divisions. My goal...diamond this season! and since there apparently isn't any clamping until diamond 1, I assume it shouldn't be "that" hard lol.


Tranny Chaser
The reset is another example of just how disconnected the League system is from MMR. It was dumb on the transition from S2 to S3 and it's still dumb. No one can get placed in Diamond. It just can't happen. No matter your prior rating, no matter if you go 10-0, you'll get placed in Plat 1. That leaves the system trying to stick everyone in the game somewhere between Bronze and Plat. But your MMR is still your MMR so the League system is going to be stuffing people with points until the divisions are an indicator of rating again.

I'm really disappointed that they did almost nothing with the League system this year. I really think that there should have been one or two tiers added. Something to further differentiate bronze and silver and then something for plat and diamond. The difference between D5 and the top of D1 is unnecessarily extreme.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fucking Nunu.
6-2 now.. had a game that was uncarriable even with 18 minute baron. Oh well, here's a few highlights of some games I won largely because of my Nunu:

mfplayer - 25 minute Solo Baron - Twitch
Soloing Baron @ 25 minutes, this is the 2nd Baron of the game but my team was still struggling.

mfplayer - The Boss - Twitch
Same game as above, 3 minutes after I Solo'd Baron. Super fed Nunu tanking enemy team and turret for a while, we get 4 kills for 2 deaths.

mfplayer - 15 Minute Duo Baron, with bonus fight. - Twitch
Duo Baron @ 15 minutes with only 2 items. I had to smite early to make sure I didn't die. This game was a real struggle. We had an AP Shaco mid that fed a Syndra. Took 3 Barons and 4 Dragons to give my team enough advantage to win, and also the fact I got tanky enough to eat Syndra's Ult easily.

Edit, last one:
mfplayer - Eating Ults - Twitch
Eat a full Syndra + MF ult to end the game. Both teams had 33 kills before the fight but my team was way ahead from objective gold.


Trakanon Raider
Asides from Nunu being Nunu, which items are best for soloing dragon / baron at really early levels ? What's the earliest you've tried it ?

Is there anything else super important?like armor stacking runes?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Since spell vamp was removed from the jungler item I mainly rush Will of the Ancients which once completed you can do Dragon/Baron. You can't solo baron until you get at least WotA+(FH or SV)+CDR Boots+Blue Buff. Remember Baron's health is based on the highest level in game so you don't want to try solo'ing if you're way behind. Duo is always possible with just CDR boots+WotA, as shown in my video. I go 30 in defense. Magic pen Marks / Armor / MR Runes. I currently have +EXP Gain (6% total) Quints because with the old Mastery you could get enough XP gain to level you up after buffs, now its impossible but Ive kept the XP anyway just to make sure I can stay one of the highest level. I have been considering changing it out. Maybe for Health or something.

Nunu mainly needs CDR+Spell Vamp. Once I get WotA then I usually go Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage. WotA is so good on Nunu as it offers everything he needs.


2 Minutes Hate
Oh sweet, Tango Eve is going on sale tomorrow. Been waiting for that skin to go on sale for a while. AD Eve is entertaining. If you ever feel like getting in a normal game, try Triforce > Hydra > Rageblade with CDR boots, CDR marks, CDR masteries.

The last two item slots are up in the air though. I've been trying BORK/GA and that's better than BT/GA imo. I want to test out Black Cleaver but I haven't had the chance. I also am curious how squishy she is or isn't with a Sunfire/Banshees.

I'm not sure if she's good enough like this for ranked, but it's fun enough in normals.


Molten Core Raider
So is it worth it to build only AD on Eve since the change to her E? My team got tooled last night by an AP eve that went Spectral Wraith-> Boots-> DFG -> Rylai's


Molten Core Raider
New Renekton skin is badass



2 Minutes Hate
So is it worth it to build only AD on Eve since the change to her E? My team got tooled last night by an AP eve that went Spectral Wraith-> Boots-> DFG -> Rylai's
Her ratios have always been the same, her E was changd to do physical damage and not magical so DFG only works on her Q. Because of that, I would think focusing on her attack speed steroid on her E might make her an interesting candidate to play around as an AD assassin type. If you build a Tforce, Rageblade, BORK, her E puts you at max attack speed (2.5 I think?) without any additional marks/masteries but I'm not sure if that's with Rageblades passive or not. Using hybrid items really allows you to make full use of AP/AD combo items because except for a 5% difference on her Q they contribute the same on both her E and Q.

I just wish her CD on the E was lower. Right now I can only get it down to 6.7ish with masteris/marks and boots. Still missing 10% cdr since I don't rely on getting blue.

She's really fun to play though but she's still super duper squishy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Her Q AP ratio is technically better than her Q AD ratio because if you stack AP vs. stacking AD, you'll have a lot more AP in the end (as much as 300 more depending on build), which equates to a lot more damage per cast on such a spammable spell. It's also why hybrid items are so bad typically, Deathcap doesn't multiply AD at all and crit doesn't multiply AP at all so the stats are just inherently less cost effective than they look.


2 Minutes Hate
True, but if you're abusing the attack speed steroid, you have to consider her auto attack damage with sheen procs and bork procs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sheen procs from Triforce are actually worse than Lichbane procs in most cases, on paper, since Triforce only scales with base attack damage, but LB scales with the AP you should be stacking with it anyway. The attack speed helps with BoTRK for sure, but that deals physical damage, so you need a Last Whisper to maximize that, which does't scale with Hybrid items, which again shows the huge problem right now with hybrid itemization.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Lord Van Damm's Pillager has got to be the most OP item in the game right now imho. Dominion flooded with Critplanks parlay'ing for 1500 dmg.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lord Van Damm's Pillager has got to be the most OP item in the game right now imho. Dominion flooded with Critplanks parlay'ing for 1500 dmg.
It's the exact same cost and stats as Infinity Edge. The patch notes even said 'same stats as Infinity Edge' instead of giving the stats :p

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
It's the exact same cost and stats as Infinity Edge. The patch notes even said 'same stats as Infinity Edge' instead of giving the stats :p
Haha, talk about placebo affect. It's never been available in Dominion as far back as I can remember. Maybe Critplanks are back in fashion for some other reason, but no joke they're running around two shotting squishies. btw, why create an item with exact same stats as another item already in game? :/


2 Minutes Hate
Sheen procs from Triforce are actually worse than Lichbane procs in most cases, on paper, since Triforce only scales with base attack damage, but LB scales with the AP you should be stacking with it anyway. The attack speed helps with BoTRK for sure, but that deals physical damage, so you need a Last Whisper to maximize that, which does't scale with Hybrid items, which again shows the huge problem right now with hybrid itemization.
I agree mostly, which is why I wouldn't touch this build in ranked at the moment (assuming she isn't banned every game). However, I enjoy the theorycraft element of it. Right now I'm messing around with stacking hybrid pene runes but I don't have hybrid quints. I have enough IP for at least two of them, and they're good on Elise, but outside that they are useless for most champs.

If only her E was like Elise's Spider Q that acts as a mini gap closer.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hybrid pen is actually great on most ap champs. Even Bjergsen uses them on his Leblanc in LCS. I don't think you need full hybrid pen though, probably just Hybrid marks, that's how I have mine setup anyway.