League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
You gave to most basic uninformative advice ever. What did you expect? In a game like lol telling someone to try better just tends to pass people off more.

He just needs someone to feel his pain. He really doesn't need advice so the best thing we can do as a community is to make sure he doesn't go into his next game on tilt.
Are you done editing this post now? Can I respond? Alright then.

Have you confused your advice and my advice? Your advice was to be selfish at champ select and to pick mid and jungle to impact other lanes. That is some of the most useless, overstated shit that you could hand out. Oh, and you've been watching Nightblue3's stream (you know, the #3 NA Challenger last season as a jungler, he's kind of a big deal). I didn't tell him to "try better" or whatever the fuck that means. I told him to focus on his own play and not worry too much about the outcome of any particular game. The goal is to improve and the goal is to have a good time. Everyone puts all this emphasis on winning. How to win, what roles to play to win, what champs to play to win, what items to build to win, etc. HOW DO I WIN AT LEAGUE OF LEGENDS?

Winning is a shitty goal to have. Winning makes every loss a failure. It empowers every troll. If your goal is to improve than every single game you play is an opportunity. Every game has lessons. I lost a game today because I didn't support someone's terrible idea. Riven was in position to try and backdoor an undefended nexus and I was spam pinging her to recall because we were strong enough to win a 5v5 and win the game. All five of the enemy team shows mid, she goes in, and all I had to do to win the game was run into the fog of war and interrupt their recalls. I didn't because I was too hung up on why Riven's plan was terrible instead of trying to make it succeed and by the time I went to act the window had closed. So at the end of the day it was 100% my fucking fault we lost that game. I didn't play as well as I could have. Period. But even losing that game wasn't a big deal. I got to get in some good practice on a champ I don't frequently play in a game that had more lessons than just that one. I've had games where I've felt like I've played amazing and they turned into losses for reasons completely outside of my control. You want to freak out because the jungler didn't gank your lane enough and then you feed intentionally (at Platinum) while your bot lane is collectively 10/0 and your team is up three dragons and turrets? Go nuts. I'll be right back in the game after that warding shit, taking timers, getting my ADC huge, and you'll still be that grumpy little bitch who prefers to lose than get carried. And I'll still try to make that game a win if I can. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

I'm not here for you. I'm here forme.

In regards to filling specifically -

If you try and butt heads at champ select over who is playing what than you are setting yourself up to have a bad time. As long as you are still playing something you like to play and that you think is good there is no reason to not make an effort to get along.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
If anyone in the silver skill level wants to duo-queue I really want a relatively dedicated solo queue partner. Before the reset I was around Silver I/Gold V MMR.
Im probably the most dedicated here with over 4k ranked soloq games in Season 2 & 3 combined and I hovered in low-mid gold at end of S3... Im willing to duo

ign: ravishing


Lord Nagafen Raider
~10 games in Season 1 (Or whatever it was just to get the Kayle skin?) I also just got level 30 right around the time Season 1 was ending.

79 games in Season 2.

350 games in Season 3.

Currently 13 games in Season 4.

(This all assumes Lolking is correct haha)

I also have a fuuuuuuckkkkk ton of Normals & Dominions. Hell probably 50 of my games in season 2 were right when I got 30 and just wanted to ranked. I then didn't ranked at all for like 90% of the season and when they announced rewards I picked up Ahri and played nothing but her to Gold. Did that in about the final ~25 games or so. At that point because of all the normals I played, last hitting / all-ining / etc etc was much easier.


2 Minutes Hate
Are you done editing this post now? Can I respond? Alright then.

Have you confused your advice and my advice? Your advice was to be selfish at champ select and to pick mid and jungle to impact other lanes. That is some of the most useless, overstated shit that you could hand out. Oh, and you've been watching Nightblue3's stream (you know, the #3 NA Challenger last season as a jungler, he's kind of a big deal). I didn't tell him to "try better" or whatever the fuck that means. I told him to focus on his own play and not worry too much about the outcome of any particular game. The goal is to improve and the goal is to have a good time. Everyone puts all this emphasis on winning. How to win, what roles to play to win, what champs to play to win, what items to build to win, etc. HOW DO I WIN AT LEAGUE OF LEGENDS?

Winning is a shitty goal to have. Winning makes every loss a failure. It empowers every troll. If your goal is to improve than every single game you play is an opportunity. Every game has lessons. I lost a game today because I didn't support someone's terrible idea. Riven was in position to try and backdoor an undefended nexus and I was spam pinging her to recall because we were strong enough to win a 5v5 and win the game. All five of the enemy team shows mid, she goes in, and all I had to do to win the game was run into the fog of war and interrupt their recalls. I didn't because I was too hung up on why Riven's plan was terrible instead of trying to make it succeed and by the time I went to act the window had closed. So at the end of the day it was 100% my fucking fault we lost that game. I didn't play as well as I could have. Period. But even losing that game wasn't a big deal. I got to get in some good practice on a champ I don't frequently play in a game that had more lessons than just that one. I've had games where I've felt like I've played amazing and they turned into losses for reasons completely outside of my control. You want to freak out because the jungler didn't gank your lane enough and then you feed intentionally (at Platinum) while your bot lane is collectively 10/0 and your team is up three dragons and turrets? Go nuts. I'll be right back in the game after that warding shit, taking timers, getting my ADC huge, and you'll still be that grumpy little bitch who prefers to lose than get carried. And I'll still try to make that game a win if I can. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

I'm not here for you. I'm here forme.

In regards to filling specifically -

If you try and butt heads at champ select over who is playing what than you are setting yourself up to have a bad time. As long as you are still playing something you like to play and that you think is good there is no reason to not make an effort to get along.
You've completely missed the point which doesn't surprise me. I wasn't telling him to go "mid or feed". If he has the opportunity, at champ select to go a specific role he enjoys and excels at he should take it when the opportunity arises. If he's picking in the top 3 positions on the team he shouldn't say, "Ok I'll go X because you want to go Y." when X is not in his comfort zone and the person going Y is last in the picking order. I'm saying that when it's your time to choose, you should pick exactly what you want to pick and play and not compromise your fun/game because you are in a good mood.

Of course if Y is something you enjoy as well, then the question is moot. My only point is when you're playing in soloq, you have to play selfishly and smart. The selfish part is you playing the role you want to play and you excel at if the opportunity arises (and you don't troll to get there) while taking advantage of in game opportunities to snowball your champ. The smart part is putting your character in the best position to win, whether that is following your team's call even if you don't want to or think it's a bad idea. Playing smart is putting you in the best position to win.

The selfish part is easy, the smart part takes a lot of time to realize what is smart and what isn't.

At the lower elos, you will have the biggest chance to impact a game from the mid or jungle position. That doesn't say any other role can't do it, but it's reliant on other things.


Trakanon Raider
The whole perception of which role affects game outcome most is interesting, since there was a disproportionate amount of dedicated support players in challenger for most of last season (over 25% of frequent challenger players were support players according to the stats I saw), and people usually regard support as the LEAST influential in game outcome. Clearly not the case. The best way to win your games is to be the role you enjoy and are best at, they all have a huge, huge impact on the game. I'm 2-3 in my placements right now, and both games I won so far were in my worst two roles (jungle and support), you won't always win just because of getting your role, but it does help.
I think that you are correct in your assessment that good play in any role influences a game in a positive way. I also think that the most uncommon skillset in league or dota is that of a good support player. The problem in both games is that the lower your ELO - the less being a good support matters because your team does not have the map awareness or mechanics to extract near 100% of the gold available in any given situation. This is why pulling Challenger League stats is probably a little misleading to say someone in a lower division. Supporting an ADC who understands the dynamic of the lane, understands the situation of the game and works with your combo is highly effective - Because at challenger league level - the ADC/Support lane matters far more than it does in Bronze 1 as far as victory outcome.

The reality of the different leagues is more a reflection of how much efficiency do the players in the game extract from the map - Pro's are attempting 100%, challenger or diamond 1 are probably pulling 95-98%, and so on down the line till bronze 5 is probably pulling between 10-25% of the available gold (numbers made up for illustration - but the notion is correct).

Attempting to queue pure support out of bronze will be a much harder as you are learning the game and mechanics relative to other roles. I'm sure a challenger league support can climb out - but that player isn't playing a bronze tier game to improve mechanics improve over time at the game - that player is already at the challenger skill level. And I'm sure most players displaying a Bronze -> Diamond climb definitely aren't doing it as pure support role.





Mr. Poopybutthole
You are obnoxious in about 95% of your posts in this thread, but this post is exactly on the fucking dot.

If you play only to win, you will be on tilt 50% of the time. I struggle with this at times because I'mextremelycompetitive. I get upset about losing ARAMs (yeah, I'm that guy). I have to put a lot of conscious effort into subduing that aspect of my mentality when I approach Ranked games.

I do think, however, that if you're concerned with trying to rank up - you should spam the roles you are best at. In the end, you are the only common factor in every single one of your games, so you need to try to be the deciding factor in every game you can be. That means if you're last pick you should say that your prefer Middle (or whatever your best role is). Doesn't mean you will get it 100% of the time, but getting it even just 10% of the time makes it worth trying. Additionally, if you are first or second pick, you are the highest MMR on your team. I see it as your duty to play your best role and carry hard.

There's that retarded (and wrong) win-oriented bullshit again.
I disagree that it's wrong. You've acknowledged in your previous post that you can play perfect and still lose to factors outside of your control (such as your team doing poorly). Mid and Jungle, on average, have the most presence on the entire map in the laning phase - when most games are determined.

Now that doesn't mean you should only play Mid or Jungle, but I do think there's merit to the idea that each person needs to be the deciding factor in each of their games. Being able to help every lane win goes a long way to become that deciding factor.

But that's not the only way to influence the game. As you alluded to in your previous post, people who really want to get better and rank up need to review each game with analysis and understanding on what they did, and what they could have done better.

Sometimes what you could have done better is gameplay related, but also could include things like being more supportive (positive in chat, defusing arguments, etc).


I have the bad habit of completely checking out of a game if I don't get one of the three roles I'm actually decent at. Having to ADC or Support just ruins my whole mood even if I'm just playing normals.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't mind jungling much, I just feel bad for my team if I get stuck in that position (although I guess I have like 100% winrate with it in ranked in S3/S4 so wtf do I know). Support I actively hate. I don't like the champs in support, I don't like the laning phase as support, I don't like the mid game as support, I don't like the end game as support. There is no phase of being support I enjoy. I'd much rather pick some boring ass champ and fatty-duel up top for 40 minutes than play support.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I main Mid, so I just go Annie 'Support' and start 1-comboing enemy squishies once mid game rolls around.


Molten Core Raider
I generally don't like supporting either. That said, if I end up supporting, these champs are still quite fun because they either don't need alot of money/items to be strong or useful or they are easy to KS with so you end up playing a carry. VOLIBEAR, Poppy, Ashe, Nidalee, Anne


2 Minutes Hate
I hate Poppy support because you have to mess around with getting into the right position for your charge so it stuns. Not enjoyable for me. If I have to support, I like to play Annie/Viktor/Karma.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I play Poppy alot so I am used to jockeying for position, but her stun is the strongest thing about her in bot lane because most bot lane comps aren't used to it. If you can land a stun at lvl 1-2 youre gonna burn 2 summoners or get a kill and after that you just zone them and free farm because people are usually too scared to want to fight you again. It's also very fun to bait people into all-ins and /ctrl+4 at them after surviving via her OP passive. And good luck killing Poppy at all in bot lane without ignite or a Teemo support or something like that.


Tranny Chaser
I loved Ziggs support until he's been added to the perma ban list. Won a game with him today even.

Bot lane is just not prepared for his level of harass.


Molten Core Raider
Poppy is a terrible support and you should feel terrible for even suggesting her.
I don't feel terrible for suggesting her and there is literally nothing you could do to convince me other otherwise. Why? Because I didn't claim she was good, I claimed she was fun (go back and count how many times I used the word 'fun'). The entire point of my initial post was to suggest to Amzin some FUN champs to use as support since he doesn't enjoy it, so go suck some more LOLLCSRIOTMETA dick, troll.


Golden Squire
I loved Ziggs support until he's been added to the perma ban list. Won a game with him today even.

Bot lane is just not prepared for his level of harass.
Even before the changes Ziggs was a borderline decent support with good zoning and anti-gank utility. I'm glad he's back in vogue since my other favourite champions, Nasus and Shyvana, are banned all the time. While he is also banned a bunch, at least one of those three is usually open.