League Of Legends


Got something right about marriage
Yeah I'm not sure how Shen beats Leona as a support. Once you hit level 6 as Shen your opponents... don't give a shit at all.


except when you can save your top or mid and gank as a support. definitely no one gives a shit about that. i can not see how that would be helpful at all.


Tranny Chaser
There's a rating where people never make unusual choices now?

Shen's got some ranged harass that also has built in sustain for himself and the ADC, he's got augmented auto attack damage form his passive, a dash taunt that can hit multiple targets, a shield, and a very decent ult. Not getting MR/level on a melee champ is kind of a problem but during laning? He's probably fine. All his buttons and his passive do useful things. In the case of a big fight bottom his ult is just a shield for the ADC and that's not all that great compared to other supports but if you've got big map awareness having I'm sure you get can get considerable value out of Stand United.

Shen's strength typically mid-late game is being able to split push and still be present at team fights while still being very respectable in a 1v1. Support Shen probably isn't going to be able to split and if he isn't splitting his engage is only mediocre. His counter-engage/peel is just alright. You better have been making plays with Stand United during laning because fighting from behind is going to be a serious problem.
I said where it worked*. Not that people don't play stupid shit at all MMRs. Because they do, and its annoying. I did say it was fun, but its nothing like broken ass Doran's shield Leona. Which is the comparison he was making. Sure Stand united is a great ult and Shen has some bonuses. But his zone control and harass would be fairly weak against any of the top four supports and any competent team is going to start ravaging your bottom lane as soon as they realize your adc is alone because Shen ulted out.

*Worked as in being consistently effective and not "that one time at band camp"


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, it's definitely not "like Leona."

I like that they are tinkering with all the support items on the PBE but I have this feeling that they don't want to make any changes to the supports themselves until after the item changes go in. That's going to keep bot lane down to almost always Thresh/Leona. They've been the most played champions for three weeks now and that's not going to change any time in the foreseeable future. Leona needs to not have almost the best health regen in the game and her ult needs a cooldown that isn't 20-30 seconds shorter than everyone else's at rank 1. I don't really know what to say about Thresh other than start very, very gradually lowering some numbers until he cools down.

But that isn't happening this patch. That means the patch after that is the patch where I can hope to see a little bonk on the head for the pair of them.

If I still cared I'd start putting in time with Morgana. I ran into a few of them at the start of the season and thought that she just amazing and I haven't had any reason to change my opinion as the season has gone on.
The Morg pick is really solid against them specifically. She holds serve against them in lane and wrecks havoc on them in mid to late game team fights. It is amusing though that because shes had success in the LCS people are trying to run her mid (where she gets trucked by most common jungle/mid combos or against the more passive less divey support and top picks. Then they or the team bitches about how she is useless. Or the FP support player bans her and picks Leona who didn't get banned by my captain.


Tranny Chaser
I'm still willing to pick Heimer into Leona and wait it out. She'll eventually get impatient and go in and I'll slap her shit around. He's the only other champion that I'm able to take bottom and feel good about the matchup. I don't really have anything up my sleeve for Thresh but his ban rate is at least creeping up. If there weren't so many ridiculous junglers there might be space to sideline them both for a while but that's just not the case. Kha, Vi, Elise, Gragas, Yasuo, Kassadin are all getting benched ahead of them and for good reason.

I really don't understand Kassadin. Riot has a history of nerfing the absolute fuck out of a problem champion in anticipation of a rework (Olaf, Evelyn, Rengar) and Kassadin gets to skate by with a 90+% ban rate in solo queue and an almost 100% ban rate in LCS. Even if they truly believe in their heart of hearts that he's notthatgood the entire player base has made it perfectly clear they do not want him in the game in his current state.
I just think Riot isn't going to dumpster a champ completely anymore. I mean looking at what they put on the PBE regarding dumpster nerfs to Rengar (still super strong imo), Kha, Riven, Gragas and others then it comes time for the patch and 90 to 100% of the changes aren't carried over. Look at Nasus (from a solo queue perspective at least) who has had no major changes while remaining incredibly broken if the game goes past 25 minutes. Riot for whatever reason is afraid to make the big changes that they didn't hesitate to pull the trigger on in the past. Now of course these champions get rotated out of common play dependent upon what the Pros stream or play in the lcs but they are still completely broken and just waiting for their turn to come about again.

Then again you have Kayle who cannot blink before the nerf stick hits her like the fist of a mighty god.


i never said shen was perfect, just a new thing ive been trying out. leona does get banned fairly often and shen is a good alternative. best pick ever? no. but it is a lot more fun than playing some of the other supports.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Irelia is a lot of fun. She was my pubstomp champion I would play back in season 2 when I was level 30 and my friends were still leveling. Got crazy kill amounts like 30+ in those games. Felt really bad about the low levels still trying to learn.

There was just an AMA on reddit about Irelia.
How You Should Build Irelia (2k+ Irelia Games d1 90+ Irelia Main) Build Path/Masteries etc.. : leagueoflegends

Basically Trinity > frozen heart > banshees. Also start dshield or dblade and always pick up 1 or 2 extra dblades is what he says. He also says dblades work with irelia extremely well, which makes sense because it's a pure early game item which is irelia's weakest point.

W > Q > E unless far behind then W > E > Q

He also goes 21/9/0, which I'll have to try out sometime since I always use to go defensive masteries on her.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, I saw that the other day. I played a game late last night and got dumpstered on by panth because I thought I could tank him early and I was retarded.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
yea, winning vs pantheon in lane is fearing pantheon in lane. he is the absolute strongest champ early game, and he will dumpster you if played even remotely close to right. I'm low diamond, and even when I play against pantheon in bronze i lane careful as fuck. I can and have gotten rolled by bronze 5 pantheons when i get it in my head I can fight them early game cause how strong can a b5 make pantheon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Unecessary roughness, 15 yard penalty.

On topic: I still love Thresh. I successfully flay'd Leona off my adc. Felt like a boss.