League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Haven't actually played League for about 10 days now, between being busy and NA having so many connectivity problems I just haven't been playing atm. Finally, get some time today, decide I'll just do a normal because why not. first 3 minutes, great, then...laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag, first someone on my team lags out, then I do, I come back, 2 people are gone and 2 on the other team, I then lag out again. Thankfully it's just a normal but it's still irritating as hell.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I used to play Irelia a lot back when she was considered trash (early season 2) but then everybody realized how uber she was and the multiple nerfs took their toll. She's got a super flexible kit, but is a perfect example of lazy Riot tuning. Instead of balancing her kit, they just kept watering down her ratios, sustain, and CDR until she became meh. She can't stand toe to toe with the best duelists anymore, can't carry like the best carries, and just generally doesn't feel all that strong. She probably has the weakest and least satisfying ult in the game-- it seriously hits like a wet noodle and doesn't heal for crap. There was a post awhile back on the LoL forums about how she's been overnerfed, and Morello basically openly admitted that her kit flexibility was OP, wish she was never made, and said the nerfs were necessary until they could figure out how to balance her kit.. I explicitly remember it because it was just after the Karma remake, to which he stated she had to be "remade" because her kit couldn't be balanced with number changes, so I asked how come Irelia despite a "broken" kit, COULD be "fixed" via number changes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, her ult isn't that great really. Hell, if anything you just use it as a free wave clear and then B right afterwards. I suppose it would be great to break Banshees with as well before you Q onto them. She still is a pretty fun champion to play...the reset on her Q is so fun to "waveclear" with. Plus, doing the whole Q to a weak minion that is nearby the enemy laner is pretty fun and they often don't expect it.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, her ult isn't that great really. Hell, if anything you just use it as a free wave clear and then B right afterwards. I suppose it would be great to break Banshees with as well before you Q onto them. She still is a pretty fun champion to play...the reset on her Q is so fun to "waveclear" with. Plus, doing the whole Q to a weak minion that is nearby the enemy laner is pretty fun and they often don't expect it.
Yeah, I remember when I first played her top, she could clear an entire minion wave with a few blades and heal to full. Now it takes your entire ult and the heal is miniscule. No idea how she went under the radar for so long considering how OP she was-- I used to get flamed for picking her lol. Anyways, her kit is fun but she just feels outclassed now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think I'm done with ranked this season, or atleast until they sort their shit out.

I've had about 5 games lost due to the server instability, most of them appeared to be on track towards winning until my team is plagued with lag or DCs. 5 isn't a ton, but it's 20% of my games played so far, including the loss of a promotion series. Unfortunately, the enemy team never seems as affected as my team, either.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
League has/is been eating a 400+gbps dos, so yea, I wouldn't play anything I was super attached to for a while.
Nerfs (not dumpster tier) to Kass, Gragas, Kha, Dorans shield, and mobo boots live now. Buffs to a couple of the gold items and health crystal/sightstone cost reductions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm thinking that still starting dshield on many champions is probably still the best thing to do. I'm sure some other people will do some testing and tell me what's best soon enough so I don't have to figure it out myself.

Fawe, get to work. lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Kha and Mobo nerfs are pretty harsh. Kha probably still viable but end game that's like half the damage gone from his E.

Edit: Doran's Shield still fine for top, for bot lane, Targon's only has 5 less health, Ice pick thingy is way stronger than before, so hopefully this does actually shake up bot lane some. There was also a mini-nerf to Tresh lantern where you can't click it if you're rooted/CC'd.


Tranny Chaser
Bot lane is probably going to stay the same even if it shouldn't due to the changes. I can't see people getting away from Thresh/Leona just yet. It'll take another patch or a change in the competitive scene to move it around.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm thinking that still starting dshield on many champions is probably still the best thing to do. I'm sure some other people will do some testing and tell me what's best soon enough so I don't have to figure it out myself.

Fawe, get to work. lol
lol.. I don't know what's right anymore. Im just trying to win a game sometime this century
(Went from ~1600 MMR to ~1300 in the past month... le sigh!)
Mobo nerfs were pretty harsh. I think this might end up being a wash for Kha, if the Ult evolve buffs mesh with a tankier Kha like I think they will. His survivabilty just went way up I think, which means you don't have to insta gib your target anymore to survive the start of a team fight. His Dragon/Baron control took a huge hit though with the Q nerfs. It was probably the most OP part of his kit though, so we'll see.


Vyemm Raider
rocking silver 5. playing maybe 3 games a week so it's expected. i get on this morning, i get wrecked my 1st 2 games. 1st i'm rammus jungle. it's 2-15, i have 1 kill and 1 assist, and every lane is blaming me. i had a few mistakes, but everyone jumps on me as their reason for losing. 2nd game, i suggest we ban Velk cause no one knows how to play vs yet, a guy that picks zed says don't cause it (velk) is a hard champ to play. he gets crushed, velk roams and i fall behind as cait. game is a slow loss. 3rd game, i go cait again and wreck an annie. every lane does good, but i carry hard, 11-2-16. the enemy shivana says

"cait, fuck you and your smurf, go play with people your own level".

i've n ever been so complimented in a LoL game before


I just started playing this past week and picked Graves. Really liked him of the free guys offered and ended up buying him with my IP. Reading the forums though, he doesn't seem to be a good champion up top. Any idea how far he can go?


2 Minutes Hate
Oh Velkoz is available now? I didn't really like his kit when it was released. I'll have to see what's up. Fucking true damage champs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just started playing this past week and picked Graves. Really liked him of the free guys offered and ended up buying him with my IP. Reading the forums though, he doesn't seem to be a good champion up top. Any idea how far he can go?
If you mean top lane, no he's not really a champion for top lane. If you mean as a marksman, he's fine, he's just not popular at the moment. He's still plenty strong.


2 Minutes Hate
Just watched Rain Man stream a VelKoz game. The new champ is boring as fuck to watch. Like I thought, It's just a bunch of straight line skill shots that do damage. His E looks so easily dodged.