League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Curse Voice Keys:

e4b5e454-aa99-4ee2-8be4-76d827131455 - Used
572a9223-4338-4024-a763-7ca6fd44bfc2 - Used
0f3c5acb-70e5-4e75-8df8-454408ab2d5c - Used
415422fc-2e57-4367-8594-b1af74715d7d - Used
1919bfa0-ad52-42f3-9bfb-dbd5dd43e180 - Used
0d6f4acd-26a5-4eed-9aad-bd086ccbb3ef - Used
6ed208dc-5cbf-443d-baf6-1d8f3fc7c2f9 - Used
b5e4a0e5-7cb0-4649-8907-fe65616e39b6 - Used
6ce9a9f3-826e-4a57-81d3-5f865af39920 - Used
8af8cd48-6528-4aa0-9a2d-71345afc1678 - Used

Login - Curse Voice


<Gold Donor>
@Sidian - pretty much, according to their forums more features coming soon.



<WoW Guild Officer>
Had some interesting games recently. Got destroyed as Oriana mid by a Kha'zix that would just jump on me and rip me apart. What counters does he have?

I also played as Ziggs mid and had a WW just build tanky and completely ignore my harass. I killed him once at level 4 but after that he returned with a negatron and I was completely unable to push him out of lane, even with jungle ganks he shrugged everything off and eventually just started diving me under the tower. Not quite sure what I could have done about that one. Any ideas?
Had some interesting games recently. Got destroyed as Oriana mid by a Kha'zix that would just jump on me and rip me apart. What counters does he have?

I also played as Ziggs mid and had a WW just build tanky and completely ignore my harass. I killed him once at level 4 but after that he returned with a negatron and I was completely unable to push him out of lane, even with jungle ganks he shrugged everything off and eventually just started diving me under the tower. Not quite sure what I could have done about that one. Any ideas?
Play in your creeps vs Kha, especially as Ori. That way he does not get the isolation bonus on his Q, which should let you beat him if he jumps on you early. You needed to just straight up harass/kill WW as many times as you can pre six. He shouldn't have been able to farm enough to tank up against you if you were harassing properly because his sustain takes way too much mana early if he has to spam it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Play in your creeps vs Kha, especially as Ori. That way he does not get the isolation bonus on his Q, which should let you beat him if he jumps on you early. You needed to just straight up harass/kill WW as many times as you can pre six. He shouldn't have been able to farm enough to tank up against you if you were harassing properly because his sustain takes way too much mana early if he has to spam it.
Vs Kha, I'll try that.

Vs WW, that didn't work. I killed him at 4, but that was only because I literally was autoattacking him and bombing him every cooldown to whittle him down. When he returned with his spectres cowl at like 10 minutes, he had 147 MR. I wonder if it was some all-mr rune AP killer shenanigans or something. My bombs with 100ap were doing less than 1/20th of his life.
Well, you may not always be able to kill him, but you pretty much need to zone him early and you should be able to. If you cant then you basically get steamrolled as you saw. Also rushing MPen items probably would have helped there.


Used - 415422fc-2e57-4367-8594-b1af74715d7d & a co worker used 572a9223-4338-4024-a763-7ca6fd44bfc2, both from Fawe's original code list.

Thanks for the code. I just started playing this over the past weekend and my mind is boggling at the amount of info I need to digest, but Im having fun so far. No games against actual humans yet, just bot practice while I whittle down my preferred champ list, but Im working up to it. So far Morgana and Fizz seem to be topping my list. Love that little froggy bastard.


Molten Core Raider
Had some interesting games recently. Got destroyed as Oriana mid by a Kha'zix that would just jump on me and rip me apart. What counters does he have?

I also played as Ziggs mid and had a WW just build tanky and completely ignore my harass. I killed him once at level 4 but after that he returned with a negatron and I was completely unable to push him out of lane, even with jungle ganks he shrugged everything off and eventually just started diving me under the tower. Not quite sure what I could have done about that one. Any ideas?
Bruisers are good vs assassins like Khazix so if you want an ap mid bruiser try Swain, Rumble, Morgana, Lissandra, etc. Also, since Kha has no hard CC Fiddlesticks could also be a good pick, but Swain and Morg would probably be your best bets. Be very aggressive first couple levels and force him to use his mana to cs under his tower. If you are ahead and pushed to his tower be sure to ward and and you'll know when you're about to get ganked because he will stop farming under his tower to "harass" you.

I've yet to lane against a WW in mid lane with an ap, but I play alot of ziggs and I would probably only try to kill him before level 4. After that, just push him back to his tower and punish his tower (which Ziggs is crazy good at) if he ever roams. I would also consider getting ignite if I knew I was going against WW, and would almost definitely get a morellonomicon.

Pro-tip: After you land Ziggs' passive on a tower, casting 2 spells takes the passive's cooldown to like 1 or 2 seconds so you can land it again very quickly. This helps kill towers super fast and punishes roamers.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
If I was laning WW as Ziggs I would just focus on pushing the lane and causing him to lose farm under tower. Fuck trying to kill him-- you farm/push better than he does. Just focus on staying alive and neutering his farm so he is useless come mid-game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My progression in ranked was derailed pretty bad. Hovering in Silver III as a Gold V. Due to this I've been expanding my horizon and playing a greater variety of champions. This may lead to less success but for now it's more fun. I get pretty pissed losing while on a champ I've "mastered" but Im a lot less pissed when I lose on a champ I haven't played in a while. I'm actually having some decent success though, probably because I'm more relaxed when having fun. I've even been supporting more often.

Looking at my last 10 games, I've played 9 different champions and have gone 6-4.
Silver players are SOOOO bad though. It's absolutely crazy how much 200 MMR affects things. It's not just my teams though, both teams are usually terrible. This is another reason why Im playing a variety of champs atm. I can usually still out-perform my opponents even when re-learning a champ.

I've had a TON of games where tanks built straight up damage, players have no idea how to focus on objectives, mechanics are shit, tons of "selfish" players that HAVE TO CARRY OR FEED. etc. Of course my mechanics are also shit when playing so many different champions, but that aside, I tend to hold back and wait for my team to start fights, then I clean up. I also focus on objectives when it seems to make sense. Of course there are times when games are simply impossible to win due to the incompetence of all.

Oh and I've updated my post above, 2 keys remain unused.


Lord Nagafen Raider
EU LCS just let Alex Ich get Kassadin. Let's see if they had a plan.

Edit: They only got 1 kill on him pre-6. Slow start but Alex ends up 8/4.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Bruisers are good vs assassins like Khazix so if you want an ap mid bruiser try Swain, Rumble, Morgana, Lissandra, etc. Also, since Kha has no hard CC Fiddlesticks could also be a good pick, but Swain and Morg would probably be your best bets. Be very aggressive first couple levels and force him to use his mana to cs under his tower. If you are ahead and pushed to his tower be sure to ward and and you'll know when you're about to get ganked because he will stop farming under his tower to "harass" you.

I've yet to lane against a WW in mid lane with an ap, but I play alot of ziggs and I would probably only try to kill him before level 4. After that, just push him back to his tower and punish his tower (which Ziggs is crazy good at) if he ever roams. I would also consider getting ignite if I knew I was going against WW, and would almost definitely get a morellonomicon.

Pro-tip: After you land Ziggs' passive on a tower, casting 2 spells takes the passive's cooldown to like 1 or 2 seconds so you can land it again very quickly. This helps kill towers super fast and punishes roamers.
The problem was, after I pushed the lane, he would just stand in the middle of it autoattacking the creeps and not letting them reach his tower. I was never able to get anywhere near his tower.

Anyway after failing 6 promotions despite winning my lane nearly every time due to reasons like Fawe mentioned above, I rage uninstalled like I did in Season 1. I get infuriated by people who have no game sense. Like pushing nexus turrets against a full team that just respawned when Dragon is up at 20 minutes just because you aced them and got one inhibitor, or supports (especially Leona) who just keep initiating over and over despite being 2 levels behind due to their jungle camping bot. Ooo, or people who split off to farm when you are trying to push an objective. Or assassins who constantly target the enemy support. I could go on for hours. Of course it's never their fault.


Used 23ce235c-a0bb-48fa-b218-43accc14f363. Thanks.

*edit* I really like the way this is designed - it could be really cool for solo queue. Hopefully the beta will expand pretty rapidly so we can start getting random people in chat.