League Of Legends


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Need numbers on it before we can really know anything. On paper I'm really afraid his Q is going to suck, as how often are you really hitting anyone with 2+ second old barrel? Not even pros can line that shit up with his ult 100%.


I'm sure it's because of my lower level (almost 11 now) but...

LOL @ me wrecking people mid game - late game with Garen. I pretty much carry mid and top lanes on my own.


You can't simply use a third LS quint and it be an improvement. That 1 AD quint helps quite a CSing under turrets early on.


A Man Chooses....
I'm sure it's because of my lower level (almost 11 now) but...

LOL @ me wrecking people mid game - late game with Garen. I pretty much carry mid and top lanes on my own.
How do you play him? I'm tired of Zac top and don't really like Shyv. Garen seems like he would be hilarious to play.


Tranny Chaser
Because he hates Gragas?

There are no numbers but yeah, it reads like all nerfs. Overall less damage on Barrel Roll unless it sits around for a few seconds (counterplay!), no mana regen on Drunken Rage PLUS more times you are vulnerable (counterplay!) PLUS a single attack bonus versus tons of bonus AD. Where before there were situations where leveling Drunken Rage made sense there will be no situations where it makes sense. Body Slam is a lateral change, maybe small nerf. Less damage on ult and expecting players to use a waiting Q in conjunction with the ult is a huge nerf.

I would rather Riot just came out and said that Gragas needed to be set aside because he's been popular for too long for a 3150 champ that doesn't move skins.


A Man Chooses....
He always seemed like a bruiser to me. Now he should be. His ult is still game changing. Let's see how it plays out. This isn't an abomination to me like the Lee changes are.


Tranny Chaser
With some decent numbers the kit could work, sure.

Interestingly enough Gragas started out as a bruiser. His flop had no AP ratio at all, his %dmg reduction was higher, and he was one of the major abusers of Innervating Locket. I think going and making him into a magey bruiser/jungler is far more interesting than keeping him as a caster.

Lee Sin is taking it in the pooper though. The Safeguard nerf alone is probably too much.


A Man Chooses....
Man I am having one of "those" days. Two blind picked first Katerinas, both smashed by counterpicks(or so they say). Then a disconnect. I almost want to dodge every time I see a Kat. The champ is so worthless compared to about 15 others who do the exact same thing better.

Then I had a Nidalee getting her ass kicked mid who kept pinging for ganks, but she never hit spears so they were never low and she couldn't help in the gank any way.


I just started playing 5 weeks ago, and having such a hard time getting out of bronze. I can only carry from certain spots, like Akali mid or Jax top but I only get them in maybe 50% of my matches. About 50% of the games I do get them, I get some type of troll who just forces us to lose. I know this has to be a common issue among people.

Anyone around my level want to duo queue and help our chances? (skill wise I'm probably about Silver 3, maybe a little higher)


A Man Chooses....
I just started playing 5 weeks ago, and having such a hard time getting out of bronze. I can only carry from certain spots, like Akali mid or Jax top but I only get them in maybe 50% of my matches. About 50% of the games I do get them, I get some type of troll who just forces us to lose. I know this has to be a common issue among people.

Anyone around my level want to duo queue and help our chances? (skill wise I'm probably about Silver 3, maybe a little higher)
It placed me Bronze 1 a few games ago and now Silver III. Was silver 1 last season. I'll play with ya some if you like. Graiban ingame.