League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, everything about that screenshot yells out "toxic." Bronze 2 triple attack speed build Warwick with a Spirit Visage versus four ADs has multiple people on ignore at the end of the game and is typing more shit out.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As you can tell, this isnt the forum to come to with that type of behavior. Im surprised people here arent worse towards you for having that attitude. If you follow what Bain's saying about being constructive and positive in the game, youll get out of that 291W/341L slump you're in.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Probably one of my better games I've had in awhile. Got 1st dragon at 5min, then again at ~11, and again at ~17. Pretty much ping-ponged between bot and mid multiple times with the occasional top lane gank. See that chat at the end of the game? Telling my team "well done and to take care!" and the ryze & enemy jinx praising me. Mmmmm. Felt like a boss after that game.

Pretty sure, like that video that was just posted, after every kill I probably was like "gj ryze, thanks for following up!" which only pumps him up more and makes him play better.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Good game Sidian, you are a shining example of proper behavior.


Tranny Chaser
Getting a successful gank early and turning that into an early dragon into another dragon into another dragon is about the best feeling ever as a jungler.


Lord Nagafen Raider
First game from my most recent series. 30 minute game. Look at those team deaths! LOL.

And, I won 2 of the lanes for these fuckers and they still managed to just die over, and over, and over, and over.
There is just literally never a reason to type that kind of thing. Talk about with your mates in skype, sure, whatever. But it will never achieve anything in chat, never be seen as positive, often be a negative influence on the game. Type out warnings, timers, and "coming to gank X". Those are helpful. If you care about doing well, care about what you type as well.

And dynamic item builds is one of the most underrated things to do in the game. It's actually something that annoys the shit out of me, seeing people just blindly buy items you know they predetermined before the other 4 people on their team and the 5 on the enemy team were known. ADCs can sometimes get away with it, but even then at high levels you see people adapting. Items are where most of a champs power comes from, there's no build so good that it works well in all games against all comps. Especially that build :p


I think most of yall take this game too serious. These dudes are straight awful and it's fun to laugh at them. Could give a fuck if they get butthurt and play worse cause of it.

On the build: Spirit visage is a great item for ww imo cause of the health, cdr and +lifesteal regardless of the AD though in retrospect, looking back, versus the AD I should have gone randiuns instead of wits.

edit: you guys should try the wits/bork/ff/spirit visage build on ww. The bonus ls compensates for an extra offensive item as opposed to defense and its a kill everytime mid game ganks because you do so much damage while the person is suppressed. If I get ahead even a little, I tell my team to just dive every time, even on full health opponents and with the bonus speed I get out every time as well. I'll say tho, most games I am not the only tank. That last game was definitely in the minority. Current game I'm heading into has Leona and Jax, so I'm def. going wits/bork/ff/spirit


Oh I'm definitely bronze. I've been playing less than 2 months. It's a fun game but if you think I'm going to carebear to these fucks who suck at the game and then bitch then you out yo damn mind


Lord Nagafen Raider
ff/bork/witts/sv is great on WW, but against a full AD team it's not. :p To be honest I've been seeing a lot more Warwick bans and picks in my games which to me is weird because still to this day I don't think I've ever been impressed with a warwick.


Yeah looking back I didn't build properly against those opponents... I like warwick cause it's such an easy kill on ganks and I can easily get my lanes going strong


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ironically, Warwick is heralded as one of the weakest junglers for snowballing your lanes because he can't gank until he hits 6 unless your opponents are on your turret waiting to die. You should try Vi, a character with much higher ganking potential and a similar single-target CC ultimate.


A Man Chooses....
I build blade instead of Wits in some scenarios(full AD on their team, if they have a supertank like Mundo, etc). I think WW is good actually, his w pushes objectives like a monster and his ult once you hit 6 is pretty monstrous. Right now I go Xin if he's up, WW, or Pantheon. I always do well personally on Pantheon but I'm like 2-4 with him. It's kind of odd.

Gonna focus on Ryze mid/top for now I think. He seems simple and my solo laning is the single most detrimental thing to my ELO at the moment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm a huge fan of Warwick (and not looking forward to his remake), but Wit's End is very very rarely a good purchase. It significantly slows down getting to a stronger item and unless you're against 3-4 AP the stats just are not worth it.


A Man Chooses....
Yeah his remake will ruin him. His W is 80% of why he's so strong, and they already said it's too broken to survive in his new form. But this is riot so we don't have to worry about that until 2019.

I still think Wits is a good item. If you are double AP, they are double AP, etc it isn't terrible. But I agree generally speaking BOTRK is just flat better.

Need to try Zac some more, apparently his W was doing % damage based on the mob's level 1 health and not their actual health, which could make his jungle clear significantly better.


Oh I'm definitely bronze. I've been playing less than 2 months. It's a fun game but if you think I'm going to carebear to these fucks who suck at the game and then bitch then you out yo damn mind
You come into a thread, telling people they take a game too seriously (on a gaming forum) and say people are out of their mind for telling you things from experience? GTFO.