I think most of yall take this game too serious. These dudes are straight awful and it's fun to laugh at them. Could give a fuck if they get butthurt and play worse cause of it.
On the build: Spirit visage is a great item for ww imo cause of the health, cdr and +lifesteal regardless of the AD though in retrospect, looking back, versus the AD I should have gone randiuns instead of wits.
edit: you guys should try the wits/bork/ff/spirit visage build on ww. The bonus ls compensates for an extra offensive item as opposed to defense and its a kill everytime mid game ganks because you do so much damage while the person is suppressed. If I get ahead even a little, I tell my team to just dive every time, even on full health opponents and with the bonus speed I get out every time as well. I'll say tho, most games I am not the only tank. That last game was definitely in the minority. Current game I'm heading into has Leona and Jax, so I'm def. going wits/bork/ff/spirit