League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I dunno, I would pick almost any adc over her (maybe not ashe, that is about it) , but I suppose that is personal preference.
MF has always been strong and is normally just forgotten because she doesn't fit into competitive team comps very often. In SoloQ she is still great. Currently she has the highest win % of any other ADC except Tristana. She will do poorly in lane against ADCs with gap closers: Tristana & Corki mainly, otherwise she can hold her own against practically anyone else if considering equal builds. She has high burst and a good team fight ult.


2 Minutes Hate
I had a Heimer pick into me when I was Syndra and he had the new skin. It was fun throwing his turrets back at him. I won lane and carried for the win. I couldn't be more happier when he picked Heimer into me.. clearly he wanted to show off his new skin lol...

I still pick MF when Im forced to ADC. She's not shit tier at all. You all probably just bad.
That's like the worst matchup. Feelz so bad.


Molten Core Raider
Thoughts on Lucian changes?

Lucian's attack ranges have gone down, but E's cooldown will now get reduced with every hit from Lucian's passive. E also has no mana cost, so Lucian will be dashing quite a bit in the mid to late game.

Our design philosophy when approaching a strong champion is to highlight their strengths while also emphasizing their weaknesses (I told you we'd be repeating this a lot). This mostly relates to the concept of meaningful choices, where we want that champ to maintain their strategic value while also having some tradeoff that enemies can play against. Specifically for Lucian, his high generic power (a strong early and late game, high burst, high mobility, etc) meant he could just be blindly picked without much consideration for the enemy team. For a while, this is what made Lucian such a strong competitive pick - he could adapt to any team and could still perform well.

Ultimately our changes are focused on highlighting some of Lucian's strengths as a spell-slinging, mobile marksman, while also emphasizing new weaknesses - like having a lower range. At higher levels with some items (cooldown reduction!!!), Lucian can fluidly chain Es together as long as he has a target to hit with his passive. This also means Lucian will be one of the most mobile mid-range ADCs in teamfights (there are some concerns that he'll be... too mobile thanks to E removing all slows, but we'll keep a close eye here). Having a lower range, however, also means Lucian will need to take more risks in order to get E's cooldown back up, and he might have some tougher matchups during the laning phase (where before he could win almost any lane). This gives us a lot more space to emphasize Lucian's unique traits, and we'll be watching how he performs after these changes.

ATTACK RANGE 550 ? 500
BASE HEALTH 470 ? 500

Passive - Lightslinger
THE DOUBLE TAP RULE Fixed a bug where sometimes Lightslinger would fail to kill a champion because it incorrectly predicted that the first shot would be enough and would use the second shot to last hit a minion. Lightslinger will now always follow the double tap rule by shooting a near-dead champion twice to secure the kill.

Q - Piercing Light
NEWFARMCIAN Piercing Light now deals 75% ? 100% damage to minions
CAST RANGE 550 ? 500
COST 60/65/70/75/80 mana ? 50/55/60/65/70 mana

E - Relentless Pursuit
NEWNOW WITH MORE RELENTLESSNESS Cooldown is now reduced by 1 second per Lightslinger (passive) hit, doubles against enemy champions (2 second reduction per hit, 4 seconds total for a full passive proc)
NEWNOW WITH MORE PURSUIT 60/45/30/15/0 mana ? 0 mana at all ranks
NEWSMOOTH SHOOTER Lucian now resets his basic attack timer upon dashing
COOLDOWN 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ? 14/13/12/11/10 seconds

REMOVEDCULLED Relentless Pursuit no longer resets on kill during The Culling


Bronze Squire
I feel like he might be a bit more vulnerable in the early game when trying to trade/last hit due to his reduced range but if the E changes play out how I am thinking he is going to be dashing around like a fool late game.


Molten Core Raider
I've always liked playing him like a Graves, which is closer to an ad caster than a typical marksman (poke, poke, -> dash in for the kill with high burst dmg), but I guess they want him to be more mobility based with seems funner, but not necessarily good in a lot of bot lane matchups.


Lord Nagafen Raider
a 50 range auto attack nerf is huuuuge though. That's really going to make his early laning phase muuuuch tougher, which means it'll be harder to get a strong mid game and let's be honest here, his end game was solid, but there's already much better end game adcs.

Hey Ravishing, you rdy for some drunk league either friday or sat? Let's put on our carry boots and rock! That last wknd I went 5-0 (2-0 with you!) before I got too drunk and lost 2 games in a row then I called it a night.


Bronze Squire
a 50 range auto attack nerf is huuuuge though. That's really going to make his early laning phase muuuuch tougher, which means it'll be harder to get a strong mid game and let's be honest here, his end game was solid, but there's already much better end game adcs.

Hey Ravishing, you rdy for some drunk league either friday or sat? Let's put on our carry boots and rock! That last wknd I went 5-0 (2-0 with you!) before I got too drunk and lost 2 games in a row then I called it a night.
I just played him and boy is it obvious. I went to Q a bunch of times and it just didn't work cause I was out of range since I was use to the old range. Might be a bit worse than I thought initially.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hey Ravishing, you rdy for some drunk league either friday or sat? Let's put on our carry boots and rock! That last wknd I went 5-0 (2-0 with you!) before I got too drunk and lost 2 games in a row then I called it a night.
Ill be on Fri & Sat Night. Lets do it.

Pretty sure Doom bots is supposed to be active today, too. We'll need to conquer them.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fuck... I figured I had a pretty good chance to win this week but holy shit, Rekkles is currently 16-0-2 with a Penta already... WTF.

And my guy, Youngbuck, is 0-7-0... LOL.


2 Minutes Hate
Oh ranked. Last night I was playing top Heimer in champ select. Someone on the other team dodged. New game comes in and the same asshole that was whining about jungle the last game came in and banned Heimer on me. I went Gragas support and bot lane did it's job. This jungler went 1/5 in the first few minutes and then spent the rest of the day trying to be Trick2G farming the jungle and never pushing objectives.

We lost, but fuck that guy. I had fun in the game at least.


Silver Knight of the Realm
You guys pairing up for ranked or unranked matches? Just hit 30, I'm good on Leona and solid Kayle. Working towards the IP to get Morgana then Thresh. Mostly like supporting (obv) but played Kayle a bunch lvl 15-24 before Leona had a free week and I fell in love.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That SK vs. MIL game went about as well for me as it could have, I have Kerp and Candypanda :p

Edit: Derp, don't have Kerp in my roster right now, have Link in mid. Oh well, Kottenx still did alright.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuck... I figured I had a pretty good chance to win this week but holy shit, Rekkles is currently 16-0-2 with a Penta already... WTF.

And my guy, Youngbuck, is 0-7-0... LOL.
hahahahhaha, I couldn't help but laugh. Here comes another "waaah my opponents always get lucky waaah" speech from Ravishing. :p Youngbuck with -2.07 haha. I know I haven't done power rankings for like 2 weeks now but don't worry bud, you're still last place! I'm also about to stomp this Tyler fella, he stands no chance.

btw, are there like...playoffs for fantasy lcs? I have no clue. Or does it just "end" when the regular season is over.