League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
and that list from Fawe is hilariously wrong, Azir is so much stronger than Velkoz or Gnar it isnt even funny, he is such a dominant lane bully and split pusher
He can bully lane, sure, and I listed that as his main strength, his only strength, but it's still really easy for other Mid laners to get past the bullying. His sentries have too short an attack range, you can easily get away from his pressure. Ranged laners will be able to CS without much issue.

And split pushing? What... he's one of the last champs you would pick to split push. His sentries can't even attack turrets lol. Any AD champ will split push 1000x better. And since most people (including myself) consider him stronger as a jungler, his strength as a lane bully disappears (since he won't be in a lane).

Velkoz and Gnar are so much stronger than Azir. At least VelKoz can do more consistent damage and great AoE damage. Gnar can be turned into a pretty decent tank. They have things teams are looking for. Azir doesn't offer anything to a team.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I feel like Azir has a ton of potential. His late game damage potential is ridiculously high, but I don't know if that will translate to any real strength in game. I can't figure out how to get his jungle to work - he is so fucking squishy I want to puke.

@Worlds: I feel like NA has a real chance this year to do something. We shall see.
And split pushing? What... he's one of the last champs you would pick to split push. His sentries can't even attack turrets lol. Any AD champ will split push 1000x better. And since most people (including myself) consider him stronger as a jungler, his strength as a lane bully disappears (since he won't be in a lane).

Velkoz and Gnar are so much stronger than Azir. At least VelKoz can do more consistent damage and great AoE damage. Gnar can be turned into a pretty decent tank. They have things teams are looking for. Azir doesn't offer anything to a team.
maybe you should actually play Azir then, he can kill towers faster than any other AP midlanerbecause you can cast his W on towers and instead of spawning soldiers it will deal damage to themsimilar to Rammus ult
and by the time you start to splitpush you are probably close to ~40% cdr, allowing you to spam the shit out of W
and after that, he just creates a turret on the rubble and pushes on
he is the AP version of Jinx, if you leave him alone he will shit all over turrets and structures

And Azir doesn't offer anything for a team? What, seriously? He creates a base turret to fall back to. His ult can block an enemy advance OR trap them. He can slow with is Q. He offers so much more than Vel'koz.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For sure. My favorite moment as Azir so far is coming in behind the enemy team through their jungle and summoning a tower at their inner turret spot behind them as my team engages on them in the lane, cutting off all retreat and forcing them to fight under my sun disk. I don't think he's trash tier but he's probably the hardest champion in the game to play well.

Edit: Rather than making a new post I'll just say to wait and see about Azir. He is not as weak as advertised by any means, but he is incredibly difficult to play.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
And Azir doesn't offer anything for a team? What, seriously? He creates a base turret to fall back to. His ult can block an enemy advance OR trap them. He can slow with is Q. He offers so much more than Vel'koz.
You look at Azir in a bubble, I'm looking at him while taking into account the other 120 champions in the game. He lacks a focus. His ult and passive make no sense on him and weaken his kit. He has the potential to do awesome damage but he needs an Ult or Passive that takes his standard damage output from his Q/W/E skills and amplifies it so that he can be seen as being primarily a damage dealer. Right now he has some damage, some cc, some weird passive, and little focus. If he's not meant to be a damage dealer than he needs a knockup on his E when dashing to champions to be seen as a CC champion. The slow on his Q is nice but not enough. His W on turrets doesn't compare to an AD champ as I said already. No idea why you would split push with him at all unless you are jungling. How often do you see mid laners split push? Teams don't want their mid laner split pushing... unless you're Yasuo or Talon or TF maybe. Any mid laner that builds Lich Bane will push turrets faster, too.

Big problem with Azir is you need to be skilled at auto-attacking like an ADC while controlling "pets" to get your auto-attacks within range. Granted, I do lack the mechanics to pull it off good enough. I can see Azir being "good" in maybe 0.1% of the population's hands. He's too wonky atm.

While thinking on his Ult, I really wish it was a damaging ability. So many concepts would have worked. A sandstorm Ult that damages in an area or in a line and maybe acts like a Graves smokescreen as well. THAT would have been awesome and gives him just that little push he needs.

With regard to VelKoz. I'm not saying he's good. But he at least has a focus and his kit all works together and you know what Velkoz does. Damage. His passive works with all of his abilities. There is great synergy. If a team needs damage, you would pick VelKoz over Azir. It's pretty simple. VelKoz has even been picked in LCS but clearly he's not top tier and I agree. Time will tell if Azir gets picked more than VelKoz has. Right now I rate VelKoz higher than Azir.

Gnar will probably be picked more often than VelKoz has so far, Gnar can be a decent tank which is a clear strength that teams need. His transform can be a liability though which is why I'm thinking teams may choose to go another route.
I was comparing Azir to all the new champions that have been released this year going off your list you posted earlier, of course he lacks compared to the other 120 but he is definitely above Gnar and Vel'koz

"His W on turrets doesn't compare to an AD champ as I said already."
really, instead of saying shit like this you should actually try him

and with regards to splitpushing: Azir is also a fantastic toplaner and thats what you want him to do in that position

oh and his ult does damage while the soldiers charge out

Its also funny that you speak of Vel'koz passive having great synergy, I guess 1% attack speed per % of cdr that also applies to his soldiers isn't great synergy and also applies passives from Rylais or Liandries huh?


Got something right about marriage
I can't get any of the video streams of day 1 to work on my Kindle Fire. All other youtube videos load fine. WTF is going on here?!?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Its also funny that you speak of Vel'koz passive having great synergy, I guess 1% attack speed per % of cdr that also applies to his soldiers isn't great synergy and also applies passives from Rylais or Liandries huh?
It's funny you pick apart all these little things I say but like cmon, you're refusing to look at the whole picture here. His passive only helps with the auto's of his sentries, which can equate to more damage, sure, but it still doesn't help with ANY of his abilities. In fact, I would prefer if his passive was reversed. I want +Attack speed items to lower the cooldowns on all of his abilities. Now the passive will let you use Q/W/E/R more often and you'll build Nashor's Tooth most likely to get the attack speed for your sentries. The current situation is just dumb. If you suck at auto-attacking (which most people suffer at imo since ADC is only 1 of 5 roles and is the only main role requiring intense Autoing) then his passive is going to fall off tremendously. You need to be a great auto-attacker to make use of his passive. If you want to harness the power of his Q (repositioning sentries to zone out the enemy) then his passive has minimal affect.
It's funny you pick apart all these little things I say but like cmon, you're refusing to look at the whole picture here. His passive only helps with the auto's of his sentries, which can equate to more damage, sure, but it still doesn't help with ANY of his abilities. In fact, I would prefer if his passive was reversed. I want +Attack speed items to lower the cooldowns on all of his abilities. Now the passive will let you use Q/W/E/R more often and you'll build Nashor's Tooth most likely to get the attack speed for your sentries. The current situation is just dumb. If you suck at auto-attacking (which most people suffer at imo since ADC is only 1 of 5 roles and is the only main role requiring intense Autoing) then his passive is going to fall off tremendously. You need to be a great auto-attacker to make use of his passive. If you want to harness the power of his Q (repositioning sentries to zone out the enemy) then his passive has minimal affect.
"if you suck at auto attacking then he is underwhelming" is true for almost all other champions too and isn't just Azir specific and as such isn't a great argument that helps your case there
besides, Nashors would be a good item on him if the passive would actually work with his soldiers which it currently doesn't, a shame because he would be one of the few champions that could actually use that item


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
"if you suck at auto attacking then he is underwhelming" is true for almost all other champions too and isn't just Azir specific and as such isn't a great argument that helps your case there
Eh? Do you play league?
Im watching Worlds and of the 10 champions in this current match (Royal vs TPA), only the 2 ADCs rely on Autoattacks for their primary means of damage. Autoattacking is definitely a good skill for ALL champions, sure, but it's not something you need to excel at with the majority of champs. Most champs in LoL rely on abilities for their primary damage. Azir NEEDS to auto like an ADC to do his damage as well as sling abilities to make sure his autos will land. It's doubly intensive compared to almost every other champion.
Just curious, have you actually played Azir at all?

Azir NEEDS to auto like an ADC to do his damage as well as sling abilities to make sure his autos will land. It's doubly intensive compared to almost every other champion.
no its not unless the auto attacks from an ADC can suddenly pierce through all enemies standing ebhind the front target and "sling his abilities" come on now
Q is a skillshot that damages and slows all enemies being hit by your charging soldiers and also acts as a means to reposition them
E is a simple dash to your soldier (if only one is out) or you get to pick one if you have multiple soldiers
his ult is a simple wall not unlike Namis wave
the only real "skill intensive" plays here is combining his abilities (W -> Q to enemy -> E to enemy and stun them then using your ult to push them back to your team) but managing the auto attacks with his soldiers is much easier than it sounds on paper
it isn't any more complicated than managing Zeds shadows to get the most out of them


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just curious, have you actually played Azir at all?
Yes. Why have you brought this up 5+ times now? If you actually read anything I posted you would have seen me say I've played him on both PBE and Live. Howabout you?

Not going to nitpick anymore, we'll see where he stands in a month or so.
Yes. Why have you brought this up 5+ times now? If you actually read anything I posted you would have seen me say I've played him on both PBE and Live. Howabout you?

Not going to nitpick anymore, we'll see where he stands in a month or so.
because anyone who has played him can point out the errors in your arguments there, I mean the only real "difficult" decisions you have to make during CSing is where you place your soldiers and because of their piercing attacks will clear a minion wave faster (and with less clicks) than an ADC clicking on each low hp minion individually to kill it
and I did play him, not on PBE but before and now after the hotfix, both as mid and toplaner, haven't tried him in jungle yet


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
because anyone who has played him can point out the errors in your arguments there
My primary argument is that he's weak and UP. Are you saying he's balanced/OP? I figured you were arguing just to argue tbh... I think most people realize he's very weak. I wasn't even the 1st in this thread to say he's weak. I was just trying to highlight WHY he's weak. Claim I'm wrong all you like but he's definitely weak.
My primary argument is that he's weak and UP. Are you saying he's balanced/OP? I figured you were arguing just to argue tbh... I think most people realize he's very weak. I wasn't even the 1st in this thread to say he's weak. I was just trying to highlight WHY he's weak. Claim I'm wrong all you like but he's definitely weak.
maybe you should read posts more closely then cause I was answering to your statement earlier where you said that out of all the newly released champions this year you claimed Azir was the weakest and I pointed out how wrong that statement is