League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
lol.. what MMR do you see people buy Runnan's "way too often" ? I don't think I've seen that item on a player in 6+ months.

TBH every champ plays way different than another which is why you specialize in a few and learn them inside & out. There are intricacies with every single champ. You can lump ADCs into "auto attackers" and "casters" but beyond that there is no point trying to differentiate.
I should clarify that ONCE is "way to often". And I've seen it a couple times in ranked between high silver-low plat. See it a lot more in off game modes like Hexakill and ARAM but honestly it's only marginally less garbage there... you can win with ANY build randomly of course, it's just about how serious you are about winning more often than losing :p


Golden Knight of the Realm
I would also recommend new players try to play each free rotation champ you haven't played at least once. A huge part of the learning curve of this game is knowing how to play against every champ as well as knowing your own. Remembering from that one time you tried a given champ out that he has a dash, slow, steroid, and wicked stun ult (or whatever) is huge when going up against them. Fights happen so fast that when you're new it's easy to miss what your enemy did to you sometimes, especially if it was a steroid with no obvious ability particle effect that raped you. It also gives you more access to finding champs you'll want to put in your personal rotation. So play each once and then stick with your favorites.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think the only time I ever bought Runnan's is when I had to play AD kennen in ARAM because our whole team was AP. It actually worked out surprising well lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fiddle jungle has been my fav jungler all season now. He's so much fun because the places you can ult from over walls to catch people by surprise is awesome. Plus with everybody and their moms playing dive heavy assassins, he pretty much shuts them down completely between his fear + silence.

I about raged so hard last night because league was perfectly fine until about 1:30am, then I just kept getting that attempting to reconnect bug bullshit again. Rito, plz!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Drunk Halloween league tonight bros?
Ugh, I wasn't going to drink tonight but you have a pretty compelling argument. Fiiiiine, you've convinced me.

Although, knowing my luck I'll get attempting to reconnect randomly sometime through out the night but if it's just normals/arams it shouldn't be a problem.


We should get Draegan to figure out a RR voice chat for league. I don't feel like dinking around with curse voice or whatever.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Curse is literally the easiest thing ever. It scans battlenet/league/steam for friend IDs and auto adds them in the Curse software.


2 Minutes Hate
Curse is like the best thing in the world. Why would you want a server or anything. Just use RR chat and c/p the link for games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I want to do some ranked 5v5... drunk is fine
Ill be on a bit longer still.


A Man Chooses....
Low level ARAMs are full of IP farming bots. It's unreal. Like 30% of the players at least are either IP farming bots or accounts being leveled to sell. I hate the coop vs AI games but it's pointless to play ARAMs when half the characters just chain walk forward and auto til they die.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Started playing in December, hit level 30 around February. Started doing ranked right away and got Bronze III after promos. Fell to Bronze V while learning the game and crawled out with Kayle, which took me to Silver III before she got nerfed. Then switched to Fiora which got me to Gold promos, but ended up winning all 3 promo games to gold with Rammus. Feels good man. Have the tips and advice on this board to thank.


Won my Silver I promo tonight... one week to go, one more series to win. 'Shouldn't' be a problem. So many games are so one-sided, flip a coin you either stomp or get stomped people have no clue how to fucking play from behind.. feeders everywhere. They go into lane and die 1v1 or to a gank and then they can't play from 0-1 they end up 0-9 real fast. 90% of the time whichever bot lane wins, wins game.


Bronze Squire
I find the single worst problem is the lanes getting ganked. I feel like 90% of the time a lane gets ganked and proceeds to not consistently ward or even ward at all then gets ganked another 10 times and dies and blames someone else (enemy jg as been here 10 times our jg only 1 time you suck jungler!, mid your lane roamed top 2 times and you didn't follow when enemy mid is roamer and our mid is a pusher or takes the tower etc). Amusing to watch them blame others and not improve. Am I the only one that goes in to a game expecting no help from anybody on the team so I ward like crazy and watch other lanes for MIA in case they don't call?