League Of Legends


Yeah a lot of the people I play with seem to win games purely on mechanical ability with the champions they play, and they really have no clue at all about how the game should be played or what everyone else is doing. Map awareness, objectives, wave management, vision control, pressure, this stuff is all beyond them and this is the stuff I try to focus on because I don't have the strongest mechanics. When people listen to my calls for pushing and objectives we usually win games but it's 50/50 whether they listen. If i'm fed sure, if i'm not they don't care.

Like just for example one of my series games last night i'm jungling against Lee, I forget who our top laner was but he immediately pushed their top to his tower. Lee started blue we saw that and I started red buff on blue side. It was obvious as shit Lee was going to go blue buff -> red buff -> gank top since my top laner was so overextended. I pinged him careful and back a few times and pinged the top Tri.. this guy walks back just to drop his trinket in the river bush where top usually wards and then goes back to pushing to the tower. Ofc Lee ganks, I try to get there in time and I get there just as he dies since i'm WW my clear is slower than Lee early and we wouldn't win the 2v2 anyway. He starts raging in chat immediately I just mute and move on.

I mean it was the most obvious shit in the world what was going to happen but this guy was oblivious and this is Silver I - Gold V MMR. Might as well have been bronze.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I tend to go into most games with the mentality of "I have to carry or else we aren't winning". One of the main reasons I chose to climb with Fiora and Kayle was because they could split push hard and burn down turrets. I'm not super strong with mechanics, and I'm not crazy about team fights, so I usually choose the opposite side of the map from the enemy team and just push those lanes.


I tend to go into most games with the mentality of "I have to carry or else we aren't winning". One of the main reasons I chose to climb with Fiora and Kayle was because they could split push hard and burn down turrets. I'm not super strong with mechanics, and I'm not crazy about team fights, so I usually choose the opposite side of the map from the enemy team and just push those lanes.
I have a friend that plays exactly like this, we basically have to completely avoid voice chat with him because he doesn't know how to do the teamwork thing. He's played this game in top lane by himself for too long for that stuff.

Teamwork and setting up plays a few steps in advance freak him the fuck out.

He's plat 2.

Sad really.

PS: It's only in league, we're Gold in CS:GO ranked, with pre-planned strats and active communication. I guess it's a fundamentals thing.


A Man Chooses....
I hate those people. They literally only know how to push, and they push when there's no pressure anywhere else. Then the either get ganked, or a 4v5 team fight breaks out over dragon and my team gets stomped while they get a turret and think they are doing well. The worst thing is they fucking know they are going to push recklessly, but they still don't spend the 200 gold to get 3 wards and ward up the jungle wherever they are going.

They are almost as bad as the Nasus who sits at his turret for 35 minutes, never pushes even when his laner is roaming all over the map, and then complains about his team dying. 99% of the time those players only use TP to get back to said turret and get 12 more stacks rather than to make plays too.

Basically I hate League of Legends. But it's a lot of fun. To hate.


Molten Core Raider
Well, it looks like I'm gonna need to pick up some soraka matches after watching this:

I liked seeing that vid. Sona is my fav right now and the few recent games I've played with Janna were fun as well. But I suspect Sona will get nerfed (highest win rate in ranked gold/plat) so I liked seeing that there is another sustain support that is decent.

On a side note, I went from Gold V to Gold III without even playing promos. I knew you could skip a tier but when did they make the promos optional?


What's the deal with that lag spike on the first Sona Q every game? I saw someone mention it on Reddit and I thought they were imagining things then I immediately started seeing it..


I wish I was good with Vayne. Nothing looks cooler than that champ just going off on the enemy team. Been practicing against bots with her and its damn painful til I hit 3-4 items.


Trakanon Raider
Complexity will have 2 teams in the expansion tournament.

Management kicked prolly to the bench, claiming teammates did not like playing with him. Robertxlee "retired" to become a full time streamer. Well, apparently not all of his teammates agreed with management. Robert and Prolly ended up making a team with bubadub.

This left Kez and Westrice as the only 2 former members on the official COL team, so COL lost their auto placement and bye. (needed 3)

Management decides 2 teams are better than 1, and despite siding against prolly, they are letting him have a shot to qualify - and his team will get the bye and auto spot. (kez/west qualified through 5's rankings - side note, prolly's team supposedly could not qualify through rankings after a new riot rule)

None of this really matter unless fusion and ca get paired against each other before knocking out the COLs.

Oh, and Zion is joining CLG.


Bronze Squire
I do love preseason for all the team drama. Don't if anybody mentioned it but Scarra is leaving dig to go be coach for clg I believe? Maybe Curse? I don't remember. Also Piglet already talking shit and basically said since he has arrived Doublelift is now #2. He also said hes going to teach his team how to play as a team instead of like they are in solo q. Pretty strong words for just joining a team.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I <3 pre-season. Scarra is now coach for clg. (bringing Zion along with him - dig accused clg of poaching, but like that effing matters when his contract was up in a couple weeks from the time of the accusation)

This of course means that seraph is now without a team, unless they are moving him to a different spot. Also rumored to have grabbed pobelter from EG.

Oh, and lustboy wants to takeover shotcallng from bjerg, so that should help the team.


Bronze Squire
Yeah I <3 pre-season. Scarra is now coach for clg. (bringing Zion along with him - dig accused clg of poaching, but like that effing matters when his contract was up in a couple weeks from the time of the accusation)

This of course means that seraph is now without a team, unless they are moving him to a different spot. Also rumored to have grabbed pobelter from EG.

Oh, and lustboy wants to takeover shotcallng from bjerg, so that should help the team.
That would be great if lustboy took over shotcalling. You could see the different his first split vs the next when he took over more of a shotcalling role. His play went down a little bit. I really feel if he could straight concentrate on his lane he would go back to dominating even more.


I think Ezrael on my team = instant dodge from now on. I swear that champion does no damage.
I feel you on this one, my buddy INSISTS on playing Ez in ranked (3's and 5's), he does OKAY in 3's but blows multiple chunks at 5's. I basically HAVE to take xerath/zyra support in order to make it work. I get the feeling it's a solo vs duo lane thing.