League Of Legends


Golden Knight of the Realm
Alright, patch notes are out.


Prediction #1 for the Season

The machete upgrades are just like the first version of the gold items from the prior season in that they are so good they will show up outside of their intended use. Many people will take Smite, buy a Machete at some point, and upgrade it into either Skirmisher's Sabre (for ADCs, dueling types) or Stalker's Blade (supports, some mages).
"Hunter's Machete can now only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell."

There's no way people will take smite just for those items. They're still a full item.


Tranny Chaser
So as a support player I play a little passive early because I took Smite + Machete and then on the first shop I upgrade into Skirmisher's Blade and then on the way back to lane kill the Gromp to pick up the Gift of the Toadstool buff and 90 seconds. For the rest of the game my Smite does true damage with a 50% slow for two seconds with a low cooldown. That's a damned powerful effect to have every 36 seconds from 4 or 5 minutes into the game onward. It also lets you take jungle camps here or there depending on the situation and gives you another chance to contest/secure dragon/baron.

It's not something I'm going to do on every support but I'm seeing substantial upsides on quite a few of them.
RIP my carry jungles. Did Kha, Ren, and panth a couple times today. New jungle is balls. Basically if you miss your first gank/invade you are so fucked with how strong that camps are. Feels like you need to be a sustain jungler or totally abandon your team as a farm jungler to actually make it work right now.
So, ran a ww game and a nunu game. Felt much better without having to worry about two camps taking you to forty percent. Went against a lee in the WW game and I just outscaled him even though he did get a kill with his first gank. He still was getting rocked in the jungle so instead of just chain ganking while farming he had to pick either or. While I just farmed to six and then ganked when ult was off CD. In the nunu versus rengar game his botched his first gank and couldn't stay in his jungle because I just stayed in there looking for him at below half health. Feels really unbalanced right now if your jungle champ doesn't have good innate sustain. Even the mini creeps in a camp hurt and take a bit of killing if you don't have items. I was leaving the smalls in my nunu game when I invade the rengar and watching him on wards it was like ten seconds to clear the three small chicken looking things and about 10 percent of his health.


Lord Nagafen Raider
WW has always outscaled almost every jungler, the problem was his early game presence, which for now no one has because no one is used to the new jungle :p WW is one of those champs that hits raid-boss status if you go far enough. Nightblue was playing him on the PBE the other day and building... wrong... on him and still thought he was OP. I think he was saying Panth is super high tier in the new jungle, WW, Elise, Nunu all good, Rammus might be ok, and I missed a lot of the others.

As a big WW fan I'm fine with riding this for a few weeks before everything gets wrecked sideways again.

Edit:Here's Nightblue's jungle tier documenthe's been working on for a week or so. So it's hardly the end-all be-all but it has some helpful tips and it looks like the same junglers that were popular are still high-tier, but some new ones are going to pop in.

Edit 2: 54 seconds is the CD of smite with the Summoner CD masteries from utility. Poacher's knife cuts that in half IF / WHEN you smite an enemy monster or 15 seconds with Ranger's (but that's useless if you aren't a jungler too), but otherwise it's a lot longer than before. Still much shorter than exhaust / ignite / heal but I still don't think it's worth it except for very niche cases considering the low damage to enemies that Stalker's does and the slow isn't particularly more effective than exhaust.

Skirmisher's seems like the stand out one right now because with certain champs it does a LOT of damage early on. I fully expect it to get nerfed.


Tranny Chaser
I've been a Fiddle player since season one and boy, am I going to be unhappy when the hammer comes down on him. He's basically the only character that I both like to play and that I think is actually good.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I played jungle twice last night and I'm torn on it atm.

Seems like if you're not playing a very gank-heavy jungler than you're just doing it wrong. Farming jungle for 15+ mins to leave as Superman (ie: Udyr) doesn't seem possible anymore, so if your just farming up and not ganking you're leaving your team very vulnerable and the game could potentially be over before you finally leave your jungle.

I played Udyr 2x cause I didn't want to deal with losing 3/4 my health after 2 camps. I didn't know wtf to build on him and didn't look at any documentation beforehand, so it was a learning experience. I lost both games btw.

First game I was very timid and was farming mostly and just getting oriented with the changes. My team fell behind early and there was nothing I could do, even as full tank Udyr. Losing Feral Flare makes the Phoenix+Tank path seem nonviable completely.

Second game I decided to go Tiger and be more aggressive. The game was a lot closer. I ended up getting caught out a couple times trying to invade but ganks & damage were much improved. I went Poacher's (bad choice) with +atk enchantment and a BotRK and then full tank (FH/SV/Banshee). Other team was mostly AP (Amumu/Malphite/ChoGath) which is why I went 2 MR items. Tiger Udyr is going to be the way to go now. Point is, I focused much less time farming and much more time invading/ganking/going for objectives.

Basically it's back to Season 2 where a Jungler can't just farm anymore. Since I've always loved Nunu Ill probably try him next. I imagine Nunu is going to feel very OP compared to Season 4. The new jungler item is going to give him so much more AP. Nightblue's list rates him highly, too.


Tranny Chaser
With the actually-longer-than-they've-ever-been respawn timers on small camps combined with Poacher I'm really expecting a return to the kind of bitter, cruel counter jungling that most people never got to experience.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh she's playable. Looks like that designer's record of strong as fuck champs holds.
Heh... it should be a crime to give an ADC that much mobility. Only Kalista I played against has been terrible and we still won, but watching the pros makes her look sickly OP.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So looks like the Devourer enchantment is similar to Feral Flare, which I had overlooked previously. Phoenix Udyr still appears to be viable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
With the actually-longer-than-they've-ever-been respawn timers on small camps combined with Poacher I'm really expecting a return to the kind of bitter, cruel counter jungling that most people never got to experience.
It's an interesting structure... Because of the longer respawn times, there's actually a smaller window for you to counter jungle in, but if you do it successfully and just leave 1 small mob up, it's brutal if it takes them a while to come across it. Can be upwards of 3 minutes before they really have the chance to see that camp full again. Poacher's knife both makes counter jungling much easier and also sucks ass compared to the other 3 if you aren't able to counter jungle at all.

People aren't used to going back after 2 camps and upgrading their machete so maybe I should try and jungle in ranked and bump up my preseason ranking some :p


A Man Chooses....
RIP my carry jungles. Did Kha, Ren, and panth a couple times today. New jungle is balls. Basically if you miss your first gank/invade you are so fucked with how strong that camps are. Feels like you need to be a sustain jungler or totally abandon your team as a farm jungler to actually make it work right now.
Panth is still pretty beastly. He jungles fine if you use his W properly.


Tranny Chaser
Lessons of the day -

1. If you think about getting into a base race and the enemy team has baron don't forget that the enemy team has baron. What looks like a massive lead is in fact not a massive lead.
2. You cannot duel top lane Skirmisher's Sabre Trundle. Ever.
3. Devourer Enchant BotRK WW does pretty amazing damage with Infinite Duress
4. Kalista is nuts


Lord Nagafen Raider
Okay, new jungle is kinda....i dunno. It sucks but it's fun. I like the items, but I hate how low you get on some junglers early. I don't really care for the dragon buffs either. I hate the crabs in river too.

Dragon/Baron will take some getting use to. Man the dragon kicked my ass and my support at like level 7.