League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
Zac and Jax buffs incoming. Nerf to trailblazer also. I tried to jungle Rammus last night and it is godawful, you get smashed by the jungle and it takes forever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Zac and Jax buffs incoming. Nerf to trailblazer also. I tried to jungle Rammus last night and it is godawful, you get smashed by the jungle and it takes forever.
Just like every other tanky jungler! It's annoying, I want my nautilus back.


Nunu is so damn awesome in the new jungle. solo dragon/steal buffs/ward the shit out of the enemy jungle. Never even have to base if you don't want to. I never really played the champ before but I love how easy mode he is.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea, I been using WW and Nunu in jungle since they are complete ez mode.

I've dusted off VelKoz this preseason and he's been working wonders.

VK is now my highest win rate champ on champs I've played 20+ games on.

Over 61% win rate in 49 games. My next best is Ryze at 62.5% but only 16 games played and Teemo at 60% win rate but only 25 games played.

I pick VK top or mid and I pick him into practically everyone, including assassins like Zed & Kat. I've found Fiora/J4/Riven to be tough but still pulled out wins in those games.


Molten Core Raider
I've dusted off VelKoz this preseason and he's been working wonders.
FYI, I read a discussion on reddit between a master support and some challenger ADCs. All were agreeing that Velkoz support is a real thing at that elo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
FYI, I read a discussion on reddit between a master support and some challenger ADCs. All were agreeing that Velkoz support is a real thing at that elo.
Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I have picked him as support too. I believe I'm 1-1 as Support so far. I lost a game where I was super fed as the support but everyone else was in feed mode, lol.


A Man Chooses....
Entirety of season 4: "Oh wow, a good Zac, I never see those, etc etc" postgame.

Now: "Zac is fucking broken, stupid riot etc etc".

Literally nothing has changed. I have 300 games on him in two seasons and he is exactly the same. Pantheon is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more broken in the new jungle, ie more relative advantages to how he worked in S4, than Zac. I do not understand. He's a good jungler, no better or worse than he was this time a month ago honestly, except now his dragon tanking is way worse(seriously, it kicks his ass). I used to solo it at 5 or 6 all the time, now it's fucking hard.


Molten Core Raider
Entirety of season 4: "Oh wow, a good Zac, I never see those, etc etc" postgame.

Now: "Zac is fucking broken, stupid riot etc etc".

Literally nothing has changed. I have 300 games on him in two seasons and he is exactly the same. Pantheon is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more broken in the new jungle, ie more relative advantages to how he worked in S4, than Zac. I do not understand. He's a good jungler, no better or worse than he was this time a month ago honestly, except now his dragon tanking is way worse(seriously, it kicks his ass). I used to solo it at 5 or 6 all the time, now it's fucking hard.
Man I have no fucking idea whats OP or not. I let high elo players tell me whats up and assume they know better than I do. People just want an excuse for getting wrecked and exercise selective memory; a [insert "OP" champ here] gets fed and shitpumps the game and its cries of OP... then they forget the three other times some scrub watched Trick2G for a few days and thought they could do all that but really just turn into feedmasta 9000.


Entirety of season 4: "Oh wow, a good Zac, I never see those, etc etc" postgame.

Now: "Zac is fucking broken, stupid riot etc etc".

Literally nothing has changed. I have 300 games on him in two seasons and he is exactly the same. Pantheon is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more broken in the new jungle, ie more relative advantages to how he worked in S4, than Zac. I do not understand. He's a good jungler, no better or worse than he was this time a month ago honestly, except now his dragon tanking is way worse(seriously, it kicks his ass). I used to solo it at 5 or 6 all the time, now it's fucking hard.
It isn't always a change to the actual hero that changes the heroes relative balance. That is the key term really "relative' balance. Like the changes they made to the jungle have made some heroes like the tanky junglers weaker and the sustain junglers stronger etc.


A Man Chooses....
Gilg's jungle tier list for 4.20:

Zac, just because. Pantheon because he's dumb as shit at the moment(solo dragon while taking no damage at pretty much any level, L2 ganks, infinite sustain with ranger, etc). Xin and Jax, both pretty good with new devourer on ranger upgrade.

Not listed: Lee Sin(I am bad), Warwick(I'm a hipster warwick, fuck this shit), Nunu(boooring), Rammus(RIP), Elise(too many buttons), Fiddle(too popular).

Also, someone needs to tell me what situations not to pick Nami in when I support. I just randomly pick her and she destroys. Seems so good with no real weaknesses. Sustain, engage, poke, disengage, pick potential, blah blah blah.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just played a co-op as Kalista to try her out and holy shit my arm hurts already. I'm definitely exaggerating the movements because she's new to me but still :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
Alright bros, it's Black Friday, let's all black out and play league tonight. I'll be on in ~15 minutes doing some arams, will do normals/teambuilder/ranked if anyone else wants to do something.

I'm sure Ravishing will be on, but we always lose when we play together, he's get caught out too much. :p Lolololol <3 Honestly though, after we lost those 2 games I solo queued up and won the next two.
We're just bad luck together.