League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's a minor debuff to laner gold on jungle camps but a noticeable buff to jungler gold which is nice.


A Man Chooses....
Not that big a buff. The camps go down 10 gold and up 10 with machete, and then up 20 with upgrade, but you only get the bonus gold on big monsters so if you give away red/blue it's a net loss for that camp.


Trakanon Raider
I've come to believe in Pantheon support. Especially if your team already has WW as the jungler. Push bottom lane after 2 waves, go solo dragon. Nasty nasty.


A Man Chooses....
Smite can now save up a second charge on PBE. Interesting.

Also, you can make your own minion waves with the new item:



Lord Nagafen Raider
It's bugged to have no cooldown on the PBE right now. It's 150 CD normally on making the gate, the time between voidlings is actually pretty fast. It could be hella good for split pushing comps.


Trakanon Raider
Is it for split pushing? I assumed it was for pushing a sidelane while staying grouped - especially since the voidlings blow up when they hit a structure.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Either or. The voidlings do tons of damage to towers so you can use it to speed up your own push or throw it in a lane and group 5 elsewhere, yea.


Trakanon Raider
Oh, they actually do good damage to towers? Hmmm.. This might be better than I thought. Do the voidlings have an expiration date? Or do they just die from damage and structures?


Lord Nagafen Raider
It looks like they stay at full health for like 15-20 seconds then die fast, and can take damage from other sources. So you can't place the gate like behind your tower and get full benefit from it. But if you can throw it down near the enemy tower the tower will go down fast with no enemies around:

Edit: You can see it in that video but you also get gold for minions they kill and they seem to do significant damage to those as well


A Man Chooses....
God I hate the new jungle. The gold/exp nerf is fucking ridiculous. If they don't fix this shit for season 5 I may quit for good. Go like 13-4 and end up with the third or fourth most gold. A jungler who plays efficiently and performs well should be as powerful as the solo laners, period, at least from an exp perspective. They need to find a way to fix Udyr afk farming and being two levels over everyone in the game without making every other jungler a broke ass support.


Tranny Chaser
Once the nerf to Trailblazer goes through I'm not sure what the jungle is even going to look like. It's basically the crutch item for a large chunk of the cast. I thought when new jungle items were first introduced (the spirit stone and its upgrades) that we were moving towards a jungle that was open to as many different kinds of characters as possible. With this current season we are basically back to S1 or even preseason 1 where the only people you really want in the jungle are high sustain tanky/supporty types because everyone else gets shit on. We're right back to Fiddle, Warwick, and Nunu with Pantheon mixed in.

I want a jungle with jungle item support that allows you to pick almost any type of character for it and still be able to do stuff, damn it.

edit - no idea why the Pantheon dragon cheese is still not fixed


2 Minutes Hate
Has anyone seen anyone do something different with Elise? Going some kind of Udyr type of build with Devourer/Triforce into tank. I thought I saw someone talk about it somewhere on the internets, forget where though.


A Man Chooses....
Has anyone seen anyone do something different with Elise? Going some kind of Udyr type of build with Devourer/Triforce into tank. I thought I saw someone talk about it somewhere on the internets, forget where though.
I've seen triforce Elise before but I don't understand the reasoning for it, unless you want to split push. Her ratios are kind of shit and she does really well with health and penetration. I don't think she's enough of a duelist to really play as a split pusher, and she can't 1v4 like Nasus or run away like a shitlord like Udyr.

But hey, it's solo queue. Abuse devourer while it lasts. I had a devourer Shyvana who farmed like 300 minions in 35 minutes the other day and 1v5'd.


Trakanon Raider
Time for some eu lcs news.
FNATIC is dead in the water. Will be sporting a lot of new faces after xpeke, cyanide, and rekkles left the team. (unknown team, retirement, and alliance)

Amazing is looking for a team again.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The biggest problem with every lcs team is that everybody recycles every other LCS "retired/kick" player. You never see any new blood getting chances because it's constantly voyboy/amazing/saintvicious/etc/etc/etc. It's annoying because all those players have proven they blow ass because they don't have the dedication but because they are a "top yoloqueue" player teams will pick them up.

Amazing was trash in EU, was trash in NA, yet teams will still pick him up because he was "lcs material" just annoying.