League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I had a game today where the enemy Blitz stole dragon with a miracle hook that had to beat out both Smite and a Kalista Rend and it was like, so what? The enemy team doing bonus damage to structures doesn't mean anything. I like the idea of dragon providing different kinds of bonuses with a big scary holy shit bonus at stack five but it's just really, really weak now. It won't take long for competitive play to transition into completely ignoring the thing if dragon stays as it is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Make it spawn every 4 minutes. Team getting 5 stacks at 25 minutes becomes a thing and is terrifying.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Damnit, the Rune sale is over already. I was hoping to get another set before it ended.

I spent 15,498 IP this sale.

Still another 51,250 of normal priced runes before I'm full unlock.

Remaining: (I own 1 of the crit chance, 0 of everything else)

Purchased: (Scaling MR was before the sale, woops!)


A Man Chooses....
Taric free week, just hit level 30 on my other account, need 5 more champs, the jungle gemlord is coming.


Bronze Squire
I dunno, I will have to play them to see but it doesn't seem too bad. I am more worried about the Annie change as I think it will be a problem.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Seen that. Some good info but the only page I use from that list rune-for-rune is his page 15: AP Greedy.
I cater my pages to specific champs and my AD pages are mostly the same except I still include the 1% crit chance
Also I prefer +atk speed runes for Yasuo. I tried +ad runes but +atk speed feels better. I saw Bjergsen had used +atk speed last season in LCS or Worlds, too.
He doesn't even have a +mana page for Ryze or +atk speed for Tryn & Kayle!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I use hybrid pen on a couple pages but the champs I'm playing atm don't benefit as much.

This patch seems small but a few big changes (DFG excluded).
I'm so happy about the Fizz nerf.
The Akali nerf is brutal.
I'm happy to see the Syndra buff to stun but the removal of DFG will hurt a bit. Still going to be one of my primary mid-lane choices.


Tranny Chaser
The nerfs to Fizz, Akali, and Rek'sai are big enough that they will disappear even if they are still decent champions. Lissandra, Nidalee, and Azir are going to continue their terror campaign along with Ahri and Cass. J4 is going to be regarded as The Best jungler.

The nerf I always wanted Fizz to get was for him to be vulnerable on the Trickster part of Playful/Trickster when he's coming down off the poll but before he does damage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What exactly are you expecting from the jungle? Sona jungle or something? More champions than ever can jungle atm. I've seen Nidalee and Morgana jungles these days. Sejuani is back. I even won a game as Evelynn 2 days ago. You have AP, Tanks, Assassins, Fighters... It's the most diverse place to be.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I'm not sure you can really extrapolate jungle rotations from the pro games. Where us normal people play I see a pretty big variety, and old picks like amumu can still wreck a game. Ironically the pro jungles (LS/J4) are often pretty bad.


2 Minutes Hate
What exactly are you expecting from the jungle? Sona jungle or something? More champions than ever can jungle atm. I've seen Nidalee and Morgana jungles these days. Sejuani is back. I even won a game as Evelynn 2 days ago. You have AP, Tanks, Assassins, Fighters... It's the most diverse place to be.
Sure you can make anything work in the jungle, doesn't mean it's the best way to play the role. I would like to see more S tier or whatever the hell people call it junglers. I would also like to see my diversity in the pro game as well.

Yeah I can play Yorick in the jungle and have fun doing it, but there are a lot of other champs I could be playing and doing a better job of it.

The Ancient_sl

Yorick is not a good example, because he's not really that strong. The point is there is a larger list of strong junglers than ever. The so called "S-tier" is hardly definitive and very much subjective.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's nothing they could do to increase diversity in pro games. Balance in League is about as good as it's ever been and you're still not going to see much variety. It's the nature of pro matches. They only have enough time to really "master" a few champs for a roll and once you've invested that time, only significant changes will give enough reason to change it up. We see a lot of diversity over the course of a season, but not week-to-week because of this.

The only way you're going to see more diversity in a shorter time period is if you ban players from playing a champ they've played in the last 5 games or something dumb like that. There's plenty of champs that are strong enough to be in competitive but they aren't just because of inertia and preference, basically.