League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
Last season on a fresh account I tried to lose all ten promo games on a fresh account and couldn't do it. I ended up going 2-8 with the two wins being 100% impossible to lose. It put me at Silver 4. I figured I'd just need to lose some more and I'd be Bronze in no time at all. The first game out of promos was a 5v4 that could not be lost. I gave up on the whole idea.
You must of gained decent MMR while leveling. Your promos are based on your normal MMR when you've never done ranked before.


A Man Chooses....
I still feel like roughly 60% of the game is decided by which team has the person who refuses to group/not get caught in late game once you get to that point. I also have come to the conclusion today that ADC is the most important role in the current meta, because if theirs knows how to position and clean up fights by chewing through the tank line and yours doesn't it's an almost insurmountable problem. Mid feels the weakest it has been in years, and you have to ignore top basically because ganking top gives away an dragon/bot control and you have to get your bot lane ahead. The game is just so much easier when you camp bot/kill dragons on cooldown and ignore the other two lanes than if you actually try to snowball them all. This also makes those games where one top laner has TP and one doesn't feel amazingly easy if you're on the team with the TP. I've convinced my buddy to take TP even on assassins when he plays them top and we are just wrecking games obliterating bot over and over.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I still feel like roughly 60% of the game is decided by which team has the person who refuses to group/not get caught in late game once you get to that point. I also have come to the conclusion today that ADC is the most important role in the current meta, because if theirs knows how to position and clean up fights by chewing through the tank line and yours doesn't it's an almost insurmountable problem. Mid feels the weakest it has been in years, and you have to ignore top basically because ganking top gives away an dragon/bot control and you have to get your bot lane ahead. The game is just so much easier when you camp bot/kill dragons on cooldown and ignore the other two lanes than if you actually try to snowball them all. This also makes those games where one top laner has TP and one doesn't feel amazingly easy if you're on the team with the TP. I've convinced my buddy to take TP even on assassins when he plays them top and we are just wrecking games obliterating bot over and over.
I don't understand this mentality. Split pushing has been nerfed to hell and back, and it is still a really good strategy with a proper comp in solo que. If I see a defensive team fight comp on my first 4 teammates, or the enemy has a 5 man all in team fight team, I'm going to pick a split pusher duelist and never group. Some characters are incredibly awful in team fights, but incredibly good in 1v1 and 2v1 situations. Take shaco and trynd. Both are utterly terrible in team fights, but both destroy people who try to fight without help. Any character that can solo pressure any objective at any time very hard is incredibly dangerous in solo que. I've had numerous games as trynd where I go 0-5 in lane and still carry hard because trynd can solo baron at will, he can solo contest dragon at will, he can push towers incredibly fast.

What he can't do is team fight effectively against most teams, especially at the high plat and low diamond levels. You have to learn how to buy these sort of players time and buy them room if you want to win. A lot of lower elo players realllly dont understand how to be vultures. A good split pusher can force a team to break up, and if you're ready to strike when it happens, you can win. A big part of being effective in solo is understanding where you need to be relative to your team comp. The answer isn't always the same, and a lot of people play it always the same. The biggest offenders of this are always the ADC players. So many of them dont understand at low elo that sometimes you play agro, sometimes you need to just stand back and pick your nose the first 10 secs of a team fight.


A Man Chooses....
I play a ton of Nasus, so I feel you, but I still think you are wrong. Split pushing in solo queue immediately leverages responsibility onto a bunch of different parties in ways that are just destined to fail. The split pusher has to effectively push, while understand the rest of the map. Is there pressure elsewhere so if people come to stop him his team will make a favorable trade? Is he strong enough to 1v2 his lane opponent and the jungler, or at least escape? In most cases, the end result is a dead pusher and a team who isn't positioned to take an objective off it. You have to be able to react to the map to split, and you have to buy wards or have a jungler who is willing to facilitate your endeavors. On top of that, you immediately put an onus on the other four members of your team to do what is ultimately the hardest part of solo queue: not getting out of position or being baited into a fight with a numbers disadvantage. You, as the split pusher, can do your job perfectly. But more often than not someone on your team is going to get caught, and the other three are going to fight, and then you end up with a 4 for 1 and the enemy team taking two turrets and an inhibitor while you push for an inner.

I like Shen right, but this same concept is why I think he's trash in solo queue. Teams won't even wait for me to push up a sidelane near a turret before someone is caught or dead. I nearly passed out last night when I called 20 seconds on my Sej ult and a team actually waited 20 seconds before forcing a dragon fight. People just aren't thinking clearly and want to fight, fight, fight and outplay people, at least in mid gold. Nasus is different because you can draw 3 people, kill two of them, get away, or just TP into team fights and murder everyone. But playing Jax or shaco or anyone like that in solo queue strikes me as a masochistic way to play the game. Every game is going to be hugely frustrating because while you may understand how to optimally perform your role your team is probably going to do dumb shit and cry at you about it the whole game.

It's a whole lot easier to just pick an engage champion, order people around with pings, and choose when your team fights. I can't imagine helplessly trying to ping people back while you build up a wave to push with and blindly hoping they don't go full retard while you are doing so.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Nasus and shen are not pure split pushers. Nasus can duel well enough to split push, but his escape is way too bad to do it purely against most teams. Shen simply doesn't push fast enough to do it effectively.

And whats best for you really depends on your play style. I'm really good at split pushing. I'm way better at it then any other role in the game. The game has been constantly changed to make split pushing more and more ineffective, and there are now team setups that make it very hard to split push when that rarely was the case, but I can and do consistently carry games solo when team selection lets me go pure split push.


Molten Core Raider
I only made it to Plat V, and that was at the end of S4 -- that being said, I really doubt the meta has changed enough to remove the impact split pushing has in solo queue. It is somewhat of a wager for both teams; which team can make the least amount of retarded fucking mistakes because now the gamestate isn't as simple as "group 5 and slug it out." Plus, the sheer number of people that, still to this day, think that split pushing=backdooring=bm is ridiculous and it seems to tilt the shit out of them.


Split pushing as trynd is my specialty but I feel like I either get fed and carry my team or they get blown up in a 4v5 or 3v4 etc and we lose. Seems like it would only be effective if you could communicate with your team via voice chat in solo q.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I play a ton of Nasus, so I feel you, but I still think you are wrong. Split pushing in solo queue immediately leverages responsibility onto a bunch of different parties in ways that are just destined to fail. The split pusher has to effectively push, while understand the rest of the map. Is there pressure elsewhere so if people come to stop him his team will make a favorable trade? Is he strong enough to 1v2 his lane opponent and the jungler, or at least escape? In most cases, the end result is a dead pusher and a team who isn't positioned to take an objective off it. You have to be able to react to the map to split, and you have to buy wards or have a jungler who is willing to facilitate your endeavors. On top of that, you immediately put an onus on the other four members of your team to do what is ultimately the hardest part of solo queue: not getting out of position or being baited into a fight with a numbers disadvantage. You, as the split pusher, can do your job perfectly. But more often than not someone on your team is going to get caught, and the other three are going to fight, and then you end up with a 4 for 1 and the enemy team taking two turrets and an inhibitor while you push for an inner.

I like Shen right, but this same concept is why I think he's trash in solo queue. Teams won't even wait for me to push up a sidelane near a turret before someone is caught or dead. I nearly passed out last night when I called 20 seconds on my Sej ult and a team actually waited 20 seconds before forcing a dragon fight. People just aren't thinking clearly and want to fight, fight, fight and outplay people, at least in mid gold. Nasus is different because you can draw 3 people, kill two of them, get away, or just TP into team fights and murder everyone. But playing Jax or shaco or anyone like that in solo queue strikes me as a masochistic way to play the game. Every game is going to be hugely frustrating because while you may understand how to optimally perform your role your team is probably going to do dumb shit and cry at you about it the whole game.

It's a whole lot easier to just pick an engage champion, order people around with pings, and choose when your team fights. I can't imagine helplessly trying to ping people back while you build up a wave to push with and blindly hoping they don't go full retard while you are doing so.
This is pretty close to my thinking. Split pushing is very effective but in yolo queue to do split pushing effectively you have to trust 4 random people not to constantly get murdered in 4v5 situations. This tends to fail far more often than it succeeds. To really make split pushing shine you need teams to communicate effectively with each other and that just does not happen often in solo queue.


Molten Core Raider
This is pretty close to my thinking. Split pushing is very effective but in yolo queue to do split pushing effectively you have to trust 4 random people not to constantly get murdered in 4v5 situations. This tends to fail far more often than it succeeds. To really make split pushing shine you need teams to communicate effectively with each other and that just does not happen often in solo queue.
It happens often enough man -- sometimes split pushes work out and other times they don't... but the times in which they don't rarely translate directly into a loss. It just means instead of mindlessly pushing toplane, the guy needs to switch strategies. People love hyperbole in this thread: look at Furry calling Shaco and Trynd "utterly terrible in team fights". This isn't true. I've won games due to my top laner putting so much pressure on top that the rest of the map was ours by default; I've lost games because the guy doesn't realize or care that his team is going to 4v5 and lose repeatedly. I've also lost/won games on the flip side of that... enough so that I really dread seeing a strong enemy split pusher bringing wards and laying waste to the topside of the map -- it's going to make victory hinge on if someone on my team steps up and gets things coordinated enough.

Support mains (me) are usually in a good position to try and communicate/coordinate, and I really love having a good split-pusher top-laner. Closing out games can be tough in solo queue but a good splitpusher makes it easy.


Molten Core Raider
I feel that Trundle split pushing top lane is underrated. If he can't 1v2 the enemy top + jungler, he can certainly get away from them. With just a tiamat he can clear an entire creep wave with auto-> Q -> auto and once he gets a sheen he can kill towers faster than just about anyone. Oh and he also wrecks in teamfights.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I feel that Trundle split pushing top lane is underrated. If he can't 1v2 the enemy top + jungler, he can certainly get away from them. With just a tiamat he can clear an entire creep wave with auto-> Q -> auto and once he gets a sheen he can kill towers faster than just about anyone. Oh and he also wrecks in teamfights.
Trundle is a fine pick, but his split push is a bit slower than I like in the current meta. Much like shen, he's an all arounder fine char for solo que. Trynd is just way better at the pure split push role. Trynd just really has the best all around kit for being a split pusher. He's an incredible duelist, extremely mobile, an extremely fast pusher and really effective at kill towers fast. Plus his ult lets him suicide kill towers too. Trundle is just kinda tough and runs around. He's out classed by trynd in every split pushing important regard.


A Man Chooses....
Still trying to figure out a way to get demoted. Dis boolsheet. I'm getting like 27 per win and losing like 12 when I lose, so I'd have to lose like 20 in a row or some shit and I can't do that to other people I queue with. Faaaaack.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I dunno. When I'm trying to lose, its pretty easy for me. I went straight into bronze 5 as 0-10.

The secret to losing a lot is to not only throw, but never get the mindset "WHAT IF I TRY!!!" That was my biggest problem when i first decided to make bronze smurfs. I'd always end up tryind, and then stupid shit would happen like me carrying hard as AD jungle leblanc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel that Trundle split pushing top lane is underrated. If he can't 1v2 the enemy top + jungler, he can certainly get away from them. With just a tiamat he can clear an entire creep wave with auto-> Q -> auto and once he gets a sheen he can kill towers faster than just about anyone.Oh and he also wrecks in teamfights.
Especially in league of tanks. bye bye armor&mr.

The Ancient_sl

Still trying to figure out a way to get demoted. Dis boolsheet. I'm getting like 27 per win and losing like 12 when I lose, so I'd have to lose like 20 in a row or some shit and I can't do that to other people I queue with. Faaaaack.
Duo queue with someone way lower than you, your MMR will fall fast.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
If you want a bronzie account buy one. Trying to craft one is not worth the effort.
its not that hard to trash an account to bronze. Its great for carrying friends and stuff, but you can't play it consistantly. If you have a fetish for rank climbing, buying them is the only real option.


Molten Core Raider
Trundle is a fine pick, but his split push is a bit slower than I like in the current meta. Much like shen, he's an all arounder fine char for solo que. Trynd is just way better at the pure split push role. Trynd just really has the best all around kit for being a split pusher. He's an incredible duelist, extremely mobile, an extremely fast pusher and really effective at kill towers fast. Plus his ult lets him suicide kill towers too. Trundle is just kinda tough and runs around. He's out classed by trynd in every split pushing important regard.
I think the only thing Trynd is better at than Trundle is 1v2, *maybe* 1v1, and not having mana. Trundle with trinity force kills towers faster than Trynd and with a tiamat probably clears creeps just as fast if not faster.