League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
The thing is I've gotten S+, once on Zac jungle. Even that game I didn't lead in damage done. I did lead on gold I think, and a fuckton of objectives. I sure as hell didn't go 16-0-16 though.
What I think you keep forgetting is it is also comparing you to others in the same role, etc. I highly doubt there are as many people who jungle Zac currently compared to those who jungle Gragas. Which from what I have read about what little they have said about their calculation would result in it being easier to do not as good as your Gragas jungle on Zac but still get a better score on Zac.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They have repeatedly specifically mentioned it's not just KDA. Objects, GPM, Wards, and god knows what other secret metrics all factor into the ranking.


Molten Core Raider
As I expected.... awesome. His little dash->rengar jump might make him decent in mid lane if mana cost isn't too prohibitive.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Very maneuverable but going to be tough to balance. Too much damage makes him OP, not enough makes him shit. I see him being insta-ban to never-played on a rotating basis.

2 Passives that give Bonus Damage. Attack speed could be key + Lifesteal necessary. BotRK is probably #1 item on him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It sounds like the intention is for him to be sustained over burst so that favors attack speed pretty heavily. I haven't gotten to see his abilities in action yet but I'm 90% sure I'll enjoy playing him. Maybe I won't feel like I'm gimping my team like with my current favorite of Yasuo :p


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
AP Melee champ who needs Attack Speed + Mana Regen + CDR and lacks good AoE damage other than Ult.

He's touted as an Assassin, which I can definitely see, yet he brings a bunch of utility for team fights.
He's going to be squishy unless he builds AP Tanky. His mana costs are a bit high, especially his Q.

R>Q>E>W Probably best path due to cooldowns
R>Q>W>E might be more damage due to W passive.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah he is all AP. His Q has a combined ratio of 0.8 (I think Ahri's is like 0.6) and lolgg @ the 1.3 ratio on his R.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can't see his best builds having 600+ AP though. I mean, maybe. But I just don't expect that to be the way to go on him.

Edit: A 3 second delay on his W active? Maybe they should make it weaker but actually allow it to work sometimes :p Unless the AoE is like, the whole screen. His ult only hits people standing where he was 4 seconds ago which is mainly going to hit enemies if you're retreating, which usually means you were losing. It's going to make for some serious turn around plays but also just whiff a whole lot.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I can't see his best builds having 600+ AP though. I mean, maybe. But I just don't expect that to be the way to go on him.

Edit: A 3 second delay on his W active? Maybe they should make it weaker but actually allow it to work sometimes :p Unless the AoE is like, the whole screen. His ult only hits people standing where he was 4 seconds ago which is mainly going to hit enemies if you're retreating, which usually means you were losing. It's going to make for some serious turn around plays but also just whiff a whole lot.
600 AP seems about Average when I play AP mid. He might be less due to building nashors or going tanky though.
Just the 3 120 AP items give you over 400 when factoring in the 20% from dcap.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea but despite his spells being ranged (ish), he's melee and has damage oriented around attacking. His builds are probably going to mimic Diana's really. Although his CDs are longer and costs higher so maybe tweaked.


A Man Chooses....
Man people are sandy vaginas. So my Ryze game also has a Talon, which is fine. Unfortunately he accidentally went AP runes/masteries(the lesson: always dodge when your team picks one of the 3 worst champs in the game) and proceeded to die like 11 times. I jokingly suggested he should lose 100lp instead of us all losing 20 and like 3 people reported me. I even got the pop up at the end and everything.