League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Was just thinking that, how the hell can you sit faker in the finals?
Same reason that they sat faker during the round robin I imagine, he has an awful record against Pawn (like 6-12 or something) and it isnt like easyhoon is a step back. Easyhoon played a lot this season, including all 3 games of the LCK finals.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Riot has confirmed no knockups on new champ so I can't see him being a very good jungler with the lack of CC. Looks like another Assassin/Fighter. I bet he'll be like Riven/Yasuo. Late game super carry. A melee champ without CC is going to need some sick DPS to make him worthwhile.

I imagine he'll at least have a slow if not a stun of some sort in his kit. Which might make him similar to Kha Zix for jungling


2 Minutes Hate
Riot has confirmed no knockups on new champ so I can't see him being a very good jungler with the lack of CC. Looks like another Assassin/Fighter. I bet he'll be like Riven/Yasuo. Late game super carry. A melee champ without CC is going to need some sick DPS to make him worthwhile.

I imagine he'll at least have a slow if not a stun of some sort in his kit. Which might make him similar to Kha Zix for jungling
I feel like he's going to have some really good mobility but the key factor is whether or not he has an AOE. If he does, he'll probably try to jungle. If not, he'll just be like another zed.


2 Minutes Hate
I hope he isn't boring but it's probably going to be a bunch of skill shots and dashes and an Ult on short Cd that puts you back in another position restoring hp and resources and cool down.

Think zed with zillion abilities.

Also I bet they do something retarded like scale damage off CDR or something. They are always looking for a way to take advantage of items differently. See ashe redo.

The Ancient_sl

Mana is boring. I like different resource mechanics.
Yeah energy and health are much better.

Some champions are mana-less and have a "resource" that ties to their abilities, but every single one of them is all over the place because they are not limited by anything but cooldown. There is no reason they can't have their interesting mechanic and mana as well.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
An Energy champion that makes good use of Energy Runes !
Like +Energy adds AD or AP (ie: Ryze with +mana)
+Energy runes would become relevant. He would have to have a passive that also increases his energy based on some other stat (since no items have +energy).

Energy runes are the last I have to buy to be full unlocked btw.


A Man Chooses....
I hope it's a jungler. I don't really like Rek'sai's playstyle. Gimme someone with the mobility of Lee Sin but roughly as powerful as he is in his supernerfed state.


Bronze Squire
I assume you went jg with him which would explain you not getting S, however, if you took him somewhere else and didn't then I completely agree with you.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I assume he got S but not S+.

S+ is more than KDA.

This is the Syndra game I got S+ with:

Practically #1 in every single category except wards.

25min game
14/0/5 in 25mins
19K dmg, next highest 15k, highest on enemy team 12k
134k total dmg, next highest 106k
8.8k dmg taken, next lowest 11k
12.5k gold, next highest 10.6k
192 cs, next highest 157


A Man Chooses....
The thing is I've gotten S+, once on Zac jungle. Even that game I didn't lead in damage done. I did lead on gold I think, and a fuckton of objectives. I sure as hell didn't go 16-0-16 though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well seems to be possible to get S+ even with having deaths.

Picked Syndra into a Zed. 42k dmg vs 10k for Zed lol.

Since the game knows what lane you choose, it's possible the formula sees how well you compare vs your lane opponent. Crushing my opponent by 32k dmg might have something to do with it.

