League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
I just got to a part in Witcher 3 where they mentioned cyberpunk 2077.

So I rewatched the trailer and all I could think about was this thread and Gilgamel when listening to the song...



Molten Core Raider
However it sounds like getting in a game with you would be one of the times I have to hit the plus elo button.
Slim chance of that! He's busy doing God's work in low Gold.

I've got a handful of buddies that complain like Gilgamel -- I always, always tell them that if they'd shut the fuck up and just focus on what they could do better, then they'd actually improve. But all of them A) deny that they're a rager or toxic. In their eyes, they're not doing anything wrong if top dies and they type snarky shit like "stop playing like a bronze and buy wards." B) If the enemy team starts to build the advantage, their play falls off a cliff and any mistake made on their team just continues the cascade. They have no emotional control. Correlated, people tend to remember their great games when they were playing strong. They forget the crapton of losses from playing like trash on super monkey tilt; or the losses are remembered as "4th time in a row team fucked me."

My brother said to me the other day when I commented on an extended losing streak: ("Well, I kept getting shit teams so I decided to just play whatever I wanted and stop caring.")


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The part about Gilg's ramblings I find funny is he thinks he's teaching these people a lesson but by doing what he's doing he's actually giving them exactly what they want: attention. Simply acknowledging their stupidity is all they want. They know it affects you and they are glad to be noticed. Ignoring them is the only true punishment. Ignoring them shows you really don't give a shit. It makes them reflect upon their actions. Heck, in some cases they realize their temper tantrum isn't working and they actually start playing again. Winning the game is the ultimate f-u to these people. It tells them how fucking worthless they truly are.

Acknowledging them and causing additional turmoil in the game just makes you another toxic asshole.


2 Minutes Hate
I played a mordekaiser jungle game because of a reddit pay. I totally forgot how squishy he is you play him full ap. (no items at the beginning of the game with no creeps to hit for your shield)

Bad champ still.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The cap on this whole story: that N3ac3y guy doesn't play LoL anymore. His account got banned for toxicity.


A Man Chooses....
Slim chance of that! He's busy doing God's work in low Gold.

I've got a handful of buddies that complain like Gilgamel -- I always, always tell them that if they'd shut the fuck up and just focus on what they could do better, then they'd actually improve. But all of them A) deny that they're a rager or toxic. In their eyes, they're not doing anything wrong if top dies and they type snarky shit like "stop playing like a bronze and buy wards." B) If the enemy team starts to build the advantage, their play falls off a cliff and any mistake made on their team just continues the cascade. They have no emotional control. Correlated, people tend to remember their great games when they were playing strong. They forget the crapton of losses from playing like trash on super monkey tilt; or the losses are remembered as "4th time in a row team fucked me."

My brother said to me the other day when I commented on an extended losing streak: ("Well, I kept getting shit teams so I decided to just play whatever I wanted and stop caring.")
The point is I don't call out people having a bad game or who disconnect or whatever. The only people I go in on are people actively trying to be shitheads, like the Soraka. Saying you might not die 14 times if you buy a sightstone 35 minutes in when the game is over is not detrimental to our ability to win, the game is over at that point.

And I don't give a fuck if my words specifically teach them a lesson. Half the time it makes them blow up even harder go way over the line, which leads to them getting punished by the system, which is a satisfactory conclusion in my opinion. That's why the severeness of the new system is great. The other half of the time like I said I find it more entertaining to fuck with them than to try and make nice with them, which is what it's all about.

I swear you guys have been brainwashed by Riot though, which I find hilarious. My shift in attitude this season has had zero detrimental impact on my ranking or my play, has made my time more enjoyable to me personally, and if that makes me a toxic asshole then a toxic asshole I will be. Pick up basketball is in my opinion the closest thing to solo queue in real life, and if you act like a shithead doing that no one caters to you or goes out of their way to pacify you. They tell you to stop shooting 25 footers or they will pick up someone else, and if someone truly deserves it the option is always there to punch them right in their fucking face. That's exactly what solo queue needs, a "punch in the fucking face" button right beside the report one.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Problem is you keep changing your story. 1 example is you were pissed off at the team comp not picking hard cc to lockdown a kat/yi, so right from champ select you are already salty about the team and go along with the theme to not pick any hard cc. Now you say you only troll after the game is clearly over (which imo is sort of "ok", but still a waste of energy). Sounds to me you probably aren't toxic often but your attitude "flips" very quickly & easily. Same happens to me sometimes If I'm having a string of bad games but honestly I am more embarrassed at myself for wasting the energy. I would never try justifying my actions. I also never write-off teams simply from champ-select, so it sounds like you are a bit more of an advanced case than myself.


A Man Chooses....
It's not writing a team off, it's acknowledging the failure of the composition. When you pick full AD against malphite/leona or you pick a team like that you are intentionally cratering your own chances of success. You can still win, it's just retarded to pretend like you aren't tying one arm behind your back. Just like the people who blind pick riven/tryndamere top. They can do it, it can work, but you're just asking to get fucked.

I'm massively self-critical, probably overly analytical honestly. People who are trying to climb yet ignore simple shit like that don't make any sense to me. But instead of getting annoyed I just jump into the stupidity with them. It's more fun that way. Last season someone posted stats that full AD comps won like 38% of their games, yet people still do it all the time. You eventually just have to embrace the dumb.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Depends. If I haven't picked yet then I will attempt to pick what the team needs. No need embracing the dumb and fucking myself before the game even starts. If I picked and people below me don't cater to our needs then yea, it's a bit frustrating knowing the game is going to be harder than it should. Gotta embrace it and just do as best you can at that point.


Got something right about marriage
Am I just missing it or did they remove the hide spoilers feature on the lolesports site?


Trakanon Raider
rip azingy
helios to dignitas

And I think TDK is finally getting their koreans this week.

oh shit, pool party zac is finally on pbe along with zac chromas.


A Man Chooses....
They put a black Zac chroma on the PBE but they aren't putting it live. Don't get it.

Pool party is okay. Was kind of hoping for an ultimate skin since they have waited so long to put another one out.


Trakanon Raider

They really aren't letting the black skin go live? That was the chroma I was wanting to buy based off what they were showing.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I knew I was having a pretty decent win streak with Diana but didn't know it was this good atm (14 games):


My win rate is sitting at 57% after 185 games played with Diana.
Last Season my win rate was 57% after 81 games.


A Man Chooses....
You guys have inspired me. Decided to play nice and try for a couple of days. Maybe it was holding me back.

I still don't know how you deal with people in this game without an aggressive sense of humor towards them though. The Zac loss was due to an invading shaco at level 2, which I warded for and warned them of before the match and at level 1(shaco is the ultimate one trick pony, completely predictable), and our bot lane did not react and eventually after a 30 second fight mid and I died and our bot lane literally never moved. I mean how do you keep playing with people like that? I immediately didn't give a fuck if I lost that game, just so they would lose.