League Of Legends


Silver Knight of the Realm
Just got S+ on Naut support. Helps the other team was full AD vs Malphite/Nautilus/Renekton, but still.

In my opinion any team that picks full AD should automatically kick everyone out of the queue.
Full AD has a lot of early pressure and can win if they exploit that. It's not just a guaranteed win if you face full AD.


2 Minutes Hate
That dude that played Heimer only to challenger inspired me to play a few Heimer games last night. First game I was Heimer top and I couldn't do anything to carry. I punished Jax, the jungler and a roaming teemo adc and won lane but I couldn't overcome the challenges of a zed vs. zed matchup where our side was losing every matchup. They also had a Ryze. Seriously fuck that champion. We didn't have a tank either but that's my fault for going Heimer top. I had a fun game though, just a normal.

Second game I went Heimer mid against a Zed. I kind of won lane, but I couldn't push his turret in. They had a pretty good team and we had a good jungler in zac, but our ADC kogmaw just kept wandering around the map by himself and getting picked off. It was hilarious. We could get together for a team fight at all. When we did, accidently, we won. But most of the time my team lingered after a win or pushed too much and we lost. Still a really fun game.

I never could win vs. a zed as Heimer. You could never keep him down inside your turret range to do damage because he's a shifty motherfucker. So I leveled Rockets instead of Turrets and was able to keep him 50% health for the most part throughout laning phase so he wouldn't all-in me. I had exhaust so if he tried, he would of been dead.

My main problem with Heimer is that I don't use my mana enough. I place turrets and push passively. I need to remember to poke more with my rockets.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Heimer's got that quirkly playstyle that just works for some people. I personally hate having a Heimer on my team though. I also dislike playing against Heimers because turret spam is so damn annoying and you really have to alter your play a lot. The challenger dude did have some good insights into playing as Heimer though. Leveling rockets seems logical if turrets are being killed frequently. I'll need to keep that in mind next time I play against Heim. I normally kill all the turrets but now people might learn to level rockets instead, making the turrets less of a priority.

I still feel Heimer is a disadvantage overall. Even the chellenger dude said most of his teams disliked the pick until they realized he was a good Heimer. Just means that even the elite players agree he's generally a weak pick unless you're a master at him.

Sidenote: Got Gold III but haven't been able to play Diana in 2 days. (4th & 5th picks last 3 games ftl). Had my 11 game win streak broken due to a 4v5 last night. I still have a 18 game Diana win streak going though.


2 Minutes Hate
I wouldn't say Heimer is a weak pick at all. Obviously not top tier, but he's not weak at all. His ult E or Turret does amazing things in a team fight and his rockets do some decent damage at range. He's not good in every comp, but he's not that niche where he only works in a few.


A Man Chooses....
Heimer's like a good version of Tryndamere. He always pressures, he's always a bitch to gank(seriously, I fucking hate ganking Heimer), he split pushed like a monster. The only difference is he's actually not horrible at team fighting if you can siege up. My buddy plays Heimer a lot, even support, and I always do well with him. Just ward up his side of the map and be ready to countergank and it's easy double kills.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How fucking ironic we talk about Heimer and my next game is Diana vs Heimer lol.

Won it, streak now at 19 for Diana games.

He was a bully early as usual but he pushed too hard and my jungler ganked him twice in a row after I got 6 for 2 easy kills. He then decided not to push as hard but mostly he was ignored from then on as we won the game. I did get carried a little bit. 2nd most damage in the game but our jungler was awesome and our top lane crushed his lane, too.

In chat after the game his team was raging about the Heimer pick, lol.


A Man Chooses....
People like to pick on the non meta picks. I did see a Diana in one of my heimer game. That bitch is tanky as fuck.
Yeah, how dare people lay the most gank-proof champion in the game who also happens to have the highest winrate in the game. People are so dumb.


Bronze Squire
Has anyone tried the new jayce or the update akali with the new pass through distance?
I played the new Jayce, feels the same as old one to me but it was only 1 game. Same with akali since hers was just a small QoL change and nothing huge.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Gold 3 now, I wonder if I can get to gold 1(highest I've been) this weekend.
Nice man. I don't know what's going on but I've been winning a ton lately, 60 LP in Gold III myself. Shitty part is I am rarely getting mid anymore. 5 games tonight and never got mid. I did play Diana once as top because it was vs an Ekko top, and we won to make it 20 Diana wins in a row now lol. Anyway, 3-2 tonight will have to do. Might not get to play till Monday so definitely won't be hitting Gold II or above this weekend, good luck getting there, any other weekend and I'd be down for some duo.

Link to Diana Match History, this shit is getting nuts. I kinda just want to lose 1 soon so I can stop freaking out about it:http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegen...3?champion=131


Vyemm Raider
It's not that I don't understand the horseshit platitudes people spout off about solo queue(you are the only common thread, blah blah blah), it's just that in reality if you are close to your actual skill level and you are only making incremental improvements the random aspects of solo queue have a huge impact on the overall quality of your experience.
I'm not sure that I agree with this. Hear me out, please.

I've found it's almost impossible, if I'm not trolling, to drop below a 35% win rate for any 20 game period. I take that to mean, 35% of my games I cannot lose. My impact on those games is 0.

For example, there was this one game in Bronze 3 where my team had two AFKers. I mean, that game can't be won, right? I just played the game like I always do and tried to win. But my impact was basically zilch. Meanwhile, what I didn't know at the time was my other two team mates were diamond smurfs. Not fake ass "mid or I feed" diamond smurfs. Legit diamond level players.

I sat in my lane and pushed to tower, kept up pressure all game, while my two teammates 2v5'd the enemy team. I was the most useless bitch ever, and if I had afk'd I still would have won. That game was impossible to lose, unless I fed the enemy team intentionally for 40 minutes. And you know what? Even if I had done that, I still have pretty good odds of walking away with a win.

Conversly, 35% of games I really cannot win. Just the nature of the game. If both of these things are true, then my maximum impact on a game is about 30%. Which is close to what you would expect, given that you are 20% of a team in any given game, and you are competing against another player on an opposing team that's worth about 20% of his team, and maybe you can out perform that person and carry your team an additional 10% or so. That 10% or so is what, over time, increases your mmr.

My take away, is that if I'm playing seriously, my contribution will help determine 1 game in 3. That's statistically significant, but only over time. Each individual game really DOES NOT MATTER. As long as you are consistent and working to improve your mmr will continue to go up the more you play.

That's the way I look at it, for whatever that's worth.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished a promo. My wrist and fingers hurt so bad. How I only got an S, I have no clue. If there are other threshes out there pumping out stats like that, then they are god like.