League Of Legends

I play Sion every lane but middle.
Sion is actually a really good choice if you are looking to climb. Effective everywhere until mid to high plat. At that point he has too many bad matchup bot that people actually know how to take advantage of.


When I was ranking up it always felt like you had to improve at either mechanics or game knowledge at different times to get to the next threshold. Bronze to silver was basically mechanics since everyone played like an idiot. Silver through gold was game knowledge because nobody really had outstanding mechanics and it was decision making that won or lost most games. Playing through plat made me grow my mechanics because everyone had a decent grasp on the game and if you weren't hitting standard cs numbers or rotating at the right time then you just couldn't stick around. Diamond is really just a cluster. You have a bunch of mechanically skilled players who are dumb as shit, and a lot of people who always make the right call but just get outplayed.


A Man Chooses....
I play Sion every lane but middle.
I play Sion/Nasus middle quite a bit. You shitstomp certain matchups and it's fucking hilarious. I don't mid so it's either top champs, Cho, or something trolly like Lee Sin when I'm forced to.

I need a Fizz sensei or something. I am so terrible with that champ no matter how much I play it.


2 Minutes Hate
Never tried it. Can he shove enough to not get roamed on or lose his tower early without getting harnessed to death? He also seems like he'd be pretty vulnerable to gang's in mid if the enemy jungle avoids his conditional cc.
Sion can push pretty hard if you want him to. Though I haven't played him since his E was nerfed with pass through damage. Poke is still awesome. I should play him more actually.
I've tried both, I'm just terrible with him. I go in and die, or I don't do anything.
So teamfighting issue then? For an ap fizz you are going to play like any other assassin. Wait for an engage single out the squishy and blow them up. You of course can and should initiate with your ult if someone is out of position. At that point though don't be a bad fizz. Wait on your team to engage before you slide in. I see a lot of fizz players, ult and dive on the ultimate target only to get instant popped. Second thing is to not be a button masher whether you are using tri or lb you want to slide, auto for proc, then w for proc. If you run ludens then the spacing is easier. Lastly save playful trickster for escape and not for damage. Dive your target get your procs off and then see where you stand. If trickster is needed to kill the target then it's a judgment call. If you hurt them to to the point where they need to back off and you're being targeted then trickster out and wait on cds. It's not to complex you just need to get the timing down for weaving abilities and autos.

Triforce bruiser is really just a halfbaked disruption bot with okay kill potential early cause of tri. In teamfights land your ultimate so as to hit as many people as possible and try for mass slows with trickster. Other then that you just do chip damage and seems scary to the carries.

For laning if you are top you can actually cs easily and trade well against most standard tops. Level q first if it's a farm lane with lots of Tele action. Level w first if you are trading a lot.

Mid lane is pretty much q first for wave clear. Most matchups all suck pre six so just cs what you can and then go for the pop at six or a good roam.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Last night was weird. Won 3 straight to get into gold III promos for for 4th time since being demoted. Won with Syndra, Diana, Diana. Next game I'm 2nd or 3rd pick and my team banned Diana for some reason. Other team already picked Fizz whom I usually counter with Diana. Didn't have time left to make a good decision so I rush picked Tahm top. Well Fizz was actually top and I got rekt. Probably won't play Tahm top again but I really would love to play him as Support if I get stuck doing it. I want to try getting off a ranged Devour vs enemy ADC during laning. Game was lost.

Next game, Diana banned again! WTF? So I pick my 2nd mid main, Syndra. Go against AP Ezreal. Usually prefer Diana vs Ez but whatever. He's annoying but I win lane anyway. My team cries all game about no Ezreal ban even though I basically had 2x his kills and 1/2 his deaths all game long. Pretty close game but we lose in the end. Enemy Volibear got too strong and I couldn't keep him off me & team wouldn't peel for me. Easy 0-2 loss in promos lol.

Next game, Diana banned 3rd straight time! What's going on here? I was first pick so I ban Ezreal since I'm without my counter and hopefully my team won't cry. I go Shyvana jungle and wreck. Shyvana has been terrorizing games lately so I needed to give her a shot. She's so damn strong I might actually start maining her again. Last time I played her seriously was Season 2. Only played her 6 games in Season 3 & 4 combined but have 106 games played Season 2. I don't even understand how she got this strong? She melts people. I went Devourer>BotRK>Visage> Game was practically over. I bought a Thornmail to try soloing Baron. Got him to 50% before a teammate decided to help. I was around 50% too. Might have been able to solo, it would have been close.

So few takeaways (TLDR): Diana gets banned my last 3 games, why? Perhaps AP Ezreal mains not wanting to face her? Shyvana probably my new main for a while, too strong. Tahm wasn't as fun as I expected in Top, should be better as support. I can't seem to win a promos anymore


Lord Nagafen Raider
Runeglaive Mid Diana has had way more success in pro play than Runeglaive Ez so that's probably why


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know if the new river king is a great support but my god he is fun as hell to play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played a game as jungle Jax with Devourer yesterday and had a River King on both sides. Ours seemed better fortunately, but yea he is fun to just have in the game even. Devourer seems ok on Jax, I think it gives him a stronger presence when you leave the jungle, but it's nothing mindblowing. Would still rather do lane Jax as AD or AP


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So yea.. gonna spam Shyvana for a while. Need to mix it up and she's just too OP. Only 2-0 atm but it's been ridiculous. I do 2 full jungle clears (including crabs) before backing and the only reason I back is because of respawns. I'll probably start counter-jungling with her once I get more comfortable. I have high hopes I can rock a 100% win rate for a few more games at least, the dream is 10-0 start. I also seem to own 4 of her skins so that's nice. Diana & Syndra only have 1 good skin each so it gets rather stale. I was gifted Ice Drake Shyvana from the facebook connect thing. The Ice Dragon model is badass.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What jungle path do you take with her?
1st 2 games I started at Gromp but typically I start wherever my bot lane is for a strong leash. I just do every camp on the path and end with 2 crabs to get a bit of health before going back into my jungle to clear it all again. Luckily I've been able to get both crabs in both games i played on my first clear.

So far it's been Gromp (Smite) > Blue > Wolves > Wraiths > Red (Smite for health) > Golems > Crab > Crab > Gromp (Smite) > Wolves > Wraiths > Golems > Back

I went Gromp game 2 and was blue side and my top laner helped a tiny bit but I did get pretty low in health. Was like 1 hit from death at Golems on the 1st clear. Definitely go for a strong leash from bot lane and you should be good. First game I was Purple(Red) Side and my bot lane gave me a good leash on Gromp and I never got below 50% health before backing after 2x clears. Also, use Smite AFTER they leash you otherwise they won't give a good leash.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think someone mathematically showed that the golem buff from smiting saves you more health than smiting red gives you so that's why people start golems usually.