League Of Legends


Got something right about marriage
So how much do you think can be attributed to Hai coming back as the shotcaller and how much can be attributed to them changing coaches?
Mostly hai. Sure the coaching swap helped bolster their pick and bans. However I think the bigger impact was two fold. Hai is c9s leader and has probably the best shot calling in na. The old members listen to him without a second thought which elevated their team fighting and objective rotations. The second big thing is that according to incarnation playing with hai allowed him to get comfortable and actually display his top tier mid skills. So with hai joining you shore up the bad calls and team fighting from early on in the split and their star mid can actually play like one.

The bonus of having hai jungle is that you can somewhat obscure his mechanical weaknesses because of the nature of jungling while at the same time allowing hai to have more team control because he isn't having to focus on laning.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm also excited to see how c9 does in worlds. It has been clear for two years that Hais lack of champion pool has really made them an easy out... This year should be different with him in the jungle.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So how much do you think can be attributed to Hai coming back as the shotcaller and how much can be attributed to them changing coaches?
It's the combo of Hai and Incarnation's increased confidence, in my opinion. End of split Incarnation was dominating lanes, he even outplayed Bjerg. It's been intimated that he and Meteos just didn't see eye to eye on how they wanted to play, and Hai is much more inline with what Incarnation is looking for.

Hai is also pretty amazing, if you ever watched him do ranked 5s while streaming it's amazing the sheer amount of information he's spitting out at all times. He never stops talking, always confident, always making plans. The guy really is an amazing shotcaller.


Got something right about marriage
Over the years Meteos had gotten a lot less agressive. He used to tower dive early like every game and start snowballing his lanes, then he just started to sit and farm and waited for team fights.


Bronze Squire
Not sure how you can say CLG will choke in worlds when they absolutely crushed everybody in the summer finals, like the games weren't even close really. c9 is awesome because they actually do have some non-meta picks which can throw teams off and TSM once again will choke because Bjerg and his 4 wards have shitty teamplay.

I mean, Hell, CLG bootcamping in Korea with just about every other NA/EU teams. I'm honestly only worried about some of the Korean junglers eatting Xsmithie alive, cuz that could be bad for CLG. But at least you can always fall back on Aphro to make the plays and dlift to basically outfarm and outplay almost every other adc.
It is CLG, that is why. I feel like just like EVERY NA team does at worlds their "star" players will disappear in to the abyss and not show up as per usual. Have you even watched other regions? Dlift is good but he isn't as good as some of the other regions adcs. SKT is on a monster rampage atm and I would wager to say unless something crazy happens they win worlds this year easily. NA/EU will get stomped as per usual as well and most will go out in the group stage. I just don't feel NA/EU has leveled up as regions at all.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't think it's 'choking' if it's obvious that the Korean scene is S-Tier and no one else comes close.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not so pessimistic about the EU/NA teams. I can see Fnatic/C9 doing well. TSM/CLG will be long shots. I even like H2K and Origen. SKT might be "S-Tier", but they gotta be in the finals vs someone and I can see an NA or EU team being there with them at the end for sure.

The Koreans might have an edge, but the gap is closing.


Molten Core Raider
So I've been playing a lot of Master Yi jungle lately to perfect him and just had my best game in solo queue. Usually I don't toot my own horn, but when I get more KDAs than the whole other team, I felt like I had to share:



Got something right about marriage
Do they always do blind picks for game 5 in the LCK? Was watching Jin Air vs CJ Entus and game 5 was a blind pick draft phase with no bans.


Lord Nagafen Raider
blind pick game 5 is so awesome. Everybody can play their "best" champion, or play their "best" team comp. LCS really needs to adapt that rule.


Trakanon Raider
eu relegations
holy shit, just turned it on and sk is down 2-1.
3-2 gamers2
lol, as much as i hate ocelote.
get rekt sk.


Bronze Squire
Did anybody actually end up going to a lane or did the game not even start? Haven't seen stuff that bad in awhile.