League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Despite your trash talk.. I feel for ya.
I thought it was 50/50 on who would win, but I never expected a stomp like that. At least Huhi salvaged a half decent score in the game, but I expected them to do a little better. TSM just didn't let them do their gameplan at all.
That pick/ban phase just made no sense at all. How do you let all those power picks go to TSM. Kalista, Alistar, Fiora, Graves. wtfmate.

Stupid fantasy, losing by 6 points because clg! Oh well. I mean, they are playing NRG and TSM and xsmithie gets 13 points. Useless!


Trakanon Raider
That pick/ban phase just made no sense at all. How do you let all those power picks go to TSM. Kalista, Alistar, Fiora, Graves. wtfmate.

Stupid fantasy, losing by 6 points because clg! Oh well. I mean, they are playing NRG and TSM and xsmithie gets 13 points. Useless!
Yea, I feel like they had some kind of comp in mind, and just somehow missed how many power picks they were leaving up in the process. Idk if they tried to scramble to fix it after the ashe pick and seeing what TSM had, or if that was the comp they had in mind to begin.


Bronze Squire
My power play of picking up Froggen is about to go in to action next week (didn't look early in the week to see he was playing this week, fucker put up 51 points)! Look out boys! lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Froggen once he's playing constantly is huuuuge points. He's still easily one of the best mid laners in the world imo.


Trakanon Raider
eh.. he's got a passive style sometimes. He puts up huge points if his team wins, basically. I wouldn't consider him a stud mid by any means, but he's way better then the bottom of the league.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
And I dropped Froggen for Fox lol, but I don't think Froggen will consistently put up tons of points, he doesn't have much talent around him.
Oh, and Sidian, looks like you won. Maybe you checked too soon?


Bronze Squire
And I dropped Froggen for Fox lol, but I don't think Froggen will consistently put up tons of points, he doesn't have much talent around him.
Oh, and Sidian, looks like you won. Maybe you checked too soon?
I think he will put up more points thank Sencux or whatever the fuck his name is I picked up and I like him better than the random guy I have for mid.


Trakanon Raider
Well.. you had Fox, who is the mid on UoL and has been crushing it. They are very solidly the 2nd/3rd best team in EU. Froggen is definitely better then Sencux, this is his team's (and his) first LCS, though. I suppose you don't watch EU LCS tho, and wanted someone you know.


Bronze Squire
That would be correct. If I still had Fox I would probably trade for Froggen anyway since I like him better. I don't know why but I find EU LCS really boring. Might having something to do with me hating the way they pronounce words (I know our language is atrocious and pretty silly so I am a hypocrite but either way) so it distracts me from the games. I enjoy NA LCS and LCK way more.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Don't think so, says I lost by 6. Unless mine isn't updating correctly?
Oh, weird, looks like mine was wrong. I checked the page like 3 times thinking something was wrong too, but it just wasn't updated on my end correctly I guess.

No more undefeated teams in the league


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Week 5 Power Rankings!

Week 1 Power Rankings
Week 2 Power Rankings
Week 3 Power Rankings
Week 4 Power Rankings

Disclaimer: These are my opinions. My criteria weighs total points scored for week/lifetime higher than match victories.

8Last Week: 8
TSM Greenmoon (Sebur), 219.87 | 986.97:

Moves:-Svenskeren, -Ryu, -Fox, +Rush, +Sencux, +Amazing

3rd in Points this week, 6th overall, 1-4 record.

The manager returns from AFK and decided to make some very questionable moves, dropping several high quality players and picking up some below average players in their stead.

Trading for Rush was a wash, though Rush averages slightly lower than Sven and actually scored 2 points less this week.

Dropping Fox was a huge loss. Not only did he not get a valuable player from trade, but Fox was the highest point earner this week in the mid lane and is 2ng highest in mid-lane points for the split. Sencux was the replacement this week whom is risky and inconsistent. This should never have happened.

Another major loss was dropping Emperor. Again, no trade value gained. Emperor did perform poorly this week, coming in 9th for AD carries, but overall he's still 5th in total points for AD carries. Amazing replaced Emperor and had a very poor week as well.

From the moves made, this team scored 44.41 less points than if he kept Emperor, Sven and Fox. This would have put him 2nd in points scored for the week, and possibly skyrocketing toward the top of the rankings. Emperor sitting on the bench all these weeks has been a crime.

Even though this team managed to take a win off the last undefeated team in the league, the very questionable (bad) moves made this past week continues to seat them firmly in 8th. Maybe future weeks will show the true genius behind these moves. Froggen will be replacing Sencux for week 6. It's doubtful he'll top the point totals of Fox but it could be enough to place this team out of 8th by the end of the split.

7Last Week: 5-2
Gilg Picks Eurasians (Graiban), 203.23 | 983.49:

Moves:-Noxiak, +Mikyx

5th in Points this week, 7th overall, 2-3 record.

This team had a huge week 4, which was expected as they had a very easy schedule. Week 5 brings them back down to earth. This team has struggled to maintain a roster that plays 14 games a week.

This week's issue involved the Support position. Noxiak was removed from Fnatic so a change had to be made, but Mikyx was not the player to obtain. Even with the goose egg, this team somehow eeked out the win. The support position will need to change again which should help.

I had very high hopes for this team originally, but somehow this team has managed to remain at the bottom of the point tallies week after week. There are too many middle of the pack players on this roster leading to the inconsistency.

With a 2-3 record this team is certainly not out of it, but there will need to be a surge by several players to put them on top.

6Last Week: 6,
Diana's Lunar Rebels (Ravishing), 187.91 | 963.30:

Moves:-Rush, -Keith, -Mithy, -Shiphtur, +Svenskeren, +Emperor, +Fox, +KonKwon

8th in Points this week, 8th overall, 3-2 record.

This is the second week in a row where this team scored the fewest points. It's also the 2nd loss in a row and it also ranks last in total points scored for the season.

So much negativity going on here which should probably warrant an even lower ranking, but after much deliberation, I keep my team 6th. It was a close call and honestly I could see this team as 7th or even 8th when evaluating past performances only.

Looking ahead, I see this team making a comeback. Of all teams, the most change happened here. 4 of 7 positions have been swapped around. A large part of that was due to being beneficiary to TSM Greenmoon's poor decisions.

It was a pickup of +24.66 points overall, but it could have been better if not for KonKwon scoring 5.10 points and if PowerOfEvil would have been benched. PoE has had two very poor weeks in a row now and probably doesn't deserve to remain on the starting roster. With some slight changes this team should be able to rise.

5Last Week: 4-1
LiftLift's Trash (Enzie5), 198.24 | 1,032.27:

Moves:-Amazing, -Mash, +Dardoch, +Huhi

7th in Points this week, 4th overall, 1-4 record.

This team gets the "unluckiest schedule" award. He literally can't buy a win. With the 4th most points scored in the season somehow this team sits with a 1-4 record. And of course I'm hoping this team sits at 1-5 after this upcoming week since they play Diana's Lunar Rebels.

The big loss here was keeping Rudy on the bench. This jungler for UoL has scored over 40 points in each of his first 2 weeks in the LCS.

Dardoch still outperformed Amazing but Huhi couldn't match Mash. In all, the moves made this week were a 2.55 point deficit and the match was lost by 4.99 points. Adding Rudy or keeping Mash would have led to a victory. Rudy and Mash together would have been 30.93 more points, enough for 3rd highest this week and a blowout victory.

I can see this team going either way from here. Only a couple positions are firmly filled which means great managerial analysis is required every week to squeeze out the maximum possible points. You wouldn't expect this team to be sitting tied for last place when you see how they've scored. Luck also needs to change.

4Last Week: 7,+3
ZTEAM (Infurio), 202.73 | 999.27:


6th in Points this week, 5th overall, 2-3 record.

Four weeks now without a roster move made. It's possible this manager is AFK, however I decided to put this team at 4th this week simply because Fnatic faced a slightly tougher schedule than last week and were able to perform handsomely. Even with the loss to UOL, their players were still able to cash in.

Maybe they've found their groove with the new support? With this team featuring 3 Fnatic players, and if Fnatic start to surge, then this team could see a lot of success in the last few weeks.

Still, with an AFK manager they could just as easily fall back down to the bottom rungs. It's tough to say much else about this team since it's on autopilot.

Where I rank this team is based on how other teams are doing. There are a lot of struggling teams in the league right now, so ZTEAM sees a momentary blip in the 4th position. Going forward I can easily see this team heading downward unless Fnatic really get going.

3Last Week: 3,
Frown Town (Dejekt), 249.86 | 1,135.67:

Moves:-Soaz, +Kikis

2nd in Points this week, 3rd overall, 3-2 record.

I was very close to placing this team 2nd, and I completely expect them to get there soon, but I just couldn't this week. They only scored 5th in points this week but they do remain 3rd in total points scored.

In the week 1 power rankings I had this team 7th, and they've skyrocketed to 3rd. I keep them in 3rd just barely. They have a ton of upward momentum since G2 are performing so well. G2 actually had a poor week which is why this team had a lower point tally than expected.

Assuming G2 get back into the groove these last few weeks, this team should challenge for 2nd, and maybe even 1st. There is a risk that G2 start to flounder though. Week 5 was a bad week and if morale sours we might see a decline from them.

Even with the bad week, Kikis outscored Soaz by 30 points, so that was an excellent decision there. Unfortunately for Frown Town, it didn't really matter since there wasn't any feasible way they could have outscored the Bandwagoneers without G2 having a stellar week.

2Last Week: 2
Sid's Spectaculars (Sidian), 213.79 | 1,143.87:

Moves:-Kirei, -Nukeduck, +Xmithie, +Stixxay

4th in Points this week, 2nd overall, 4-1 record.

The classic week where an undefeated 1st place team loses to the zero wins last place team. This loss alone should have dropped this team from 2nd, but somehow they hang on.

With so many struggling teams in the league right now, there was no real candidate to surpass the Spectaculars just yet. Frown Town is very close, though.

The couple moves this week were poor. CLG didn't perform at all. Replacing Kirei and Nukeduck with Xmithie and Stixxay was a 14.58 point mistake and easily cost this team a win.

This team features a lot of studs which will keep them afloat. Bjergsen, Piglet and Adrian as well as H2k have performed exceptionally well overall.

The manager expects to surpass the Bandwagoneers for 1st place. Those are some lofty expectations. Whether they can hang on to 2nd is yet to be seen.

1Last Week: 1
Bandwagoneers (Mario Speedwagon), 281.25 | 1,254.20:


1st in Points this week, 1st overall, 4-1 record.

Again with the most points scored making it 4 of 5 weeks at the #1 spot in points. It's really boring to have one team so dominant, but that's what happens when Huni and Reignover dominate the LCS. Those 2 players are 28-0 in the past 2 regular seasons. Even though Huni isn't on this team, Bandwagoneers still benefit by having 3 Immortals players.

I know I've become a broken record by now, and with no moves made there's not much to analyze. At this point it's a matter of if anyone can surpass them in the standings, because it's unlikely any other team can overtake them in total points.

This team is tied for 1st in the standings, their only loss coming in week 3 where they couldn't place 1st in points. Very lucky for Sid's Spectaculars to pick up that win. At least 1st place is earning it rather than relying on an easy schedule.

Still, it's not impossible for Frown Town or Sid's Spectaculars to make a run and steal 1st in the standings.


<Silver Donator>
God, I'm so tired of having to read an entire wall of text just to get to my team. Amirite, Sidian? Not as bad for you, I guess.


<Silver Donator>
I'd just be glad if the wall of text had it's own thread.
I was just kidding, because I wanted to shit-talk Sidian a bit.
While I used to hate seeing post after post about all the nerds in the LCS, it's the only reason I check this thread nowadays. It's pretty inactive otherwise. I like Fawe's writeups.
I wish there was more to talk about the game itself. But same stuff that was op last month is op this month and people still like to get their baby rage on no matter which account I'm on. I want that mythical valhalla that the streamers play in where someone dies and instead of raging at you they blame themselves. I'm not good enough to get past mid diamond though, so never going to see that.