League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've gotten S plenty of times on a few different champs but I have only gotten S+ a few times: once on Nautilus jungle and twice on Poppy and one of those two on Poppy was last night. Maybe it's easier on Poppy because nobody played her before her rework? Similarly, Nautilus is usually played support or, more recently, in top lane and not as often in jungle. I wonder if the grading is different based on what role the champ is played in.
The rating is absolutely different based on the role, and supposedly even the build (AD Malz mid is rated vs other AD Malz mid, not AP Malz mid) if you believe rito. And yea got plenty of S and even a few S+ in normal/ranked/Ascension, but still saw only 1 across all of poro weekend (although played less of it) so the poro king algorithm must have been way more stringent, or had way better people playing it.

I'm a big fan of most of the mage, AP item, and dragon changes on the PBE. The big question marks I see on itemization is: Morellonomicon looks way overloaded and a must-buy on almost all mages right now. Rod of Ages maybe weakened too much, hard to say. Hextech Rocket Belt or whatever should only allow activation when in combat with champions to prevent free gapcloser to start fights for champs that should have to burn flash for that.

The mages themselves all look more fleshed out at least. Power levels may be all over the place for a couple patches though. I'm psyched about more Veigar AP building and moving his ult to be more consistent and less arbitrarily anti-mage. Annie changes seem ok, have to see how Tibbers' plays out but looks fun at least in theory. I like the Vel'Koz changes a lot. A huge chunk of Brands power got moved to the absolutely bonkers 3-stack-explosion on his passive.

Mages are frequently in a bit of an underwhelming place right now, and the ones that do see more play (utility/assassin types) aren't directly being tweaked. I'm optimistic about this.


Molten Core Raider
The rating is absolutely different based on the role, and supposedly even the build (AD Malz mid is rated vs other AD Malz mid, not AP Malz mid) if you believe rito. And yea got plenty of S and even a few S+ in normal/ranked/Ascension, but still saw only 1 across all of poro weekend (although played less of it) so the poro king algorithm must have been way more stringent, or had way better people playing it.

I'm a big fan of most of the mage, AP item, and dragon changes on the PBE. The big question marks I see on itemization is: Morellonomicon looks way overloaded and a must-buy on almost all mages right now. Rod of Ages maybe weakened too much, hard to say. Hextech Rocket Belt or whatever should only allow activation when in combat with champions to prevent free gapcloser to start fights for champs that should have to burn flash for that.

The mages themselves all look more fleshed out at least. Power levels may be all over the place for a couple patches though. I'm psyched about more Veigar AP building and moving his ult to be more consistent and less arbitrarily anti-mage. Annie changes seem ok, have to see how Tibbers' plays out but looks fun at least in theory. I like the Vel'Koz changes a lot. A huge chunk of Brands power got moved to the absolutely bonkers 3-stack-explosion on his passive.

Mages are frequently in a bit of an underwhelming place right now, and the ones that do see more play (utility/assassin types) aren't directly being tweaked. I'm optimistic about this.
Yeah I think you're right. I just now got an S+ playing tanky Ekko jungle and going 19-2-14... must be because he's been almost perma-banned in solo queue for like the last month. Someone wasted the ban on Taric


Molten Core Raider
I want to try top-lane tanky ad malzahar and abuse his new passive. Even with zero ap his ult does 30% max hp if channeled for the full duration.


Avatar of War Slayer
catalyst. locket is back?!

Not 100% on those cass changes. old stacking passive. gone. instead. free boots. (with no pen or tenacity.) Looks like twinfang gets the leech, but no mention of cd?

mal passive does seem beast.


Lord Nagafen Raider
New Taric is great once you get out of lane phase and can link to a tank. Stunning off a Garen chasing someone down is pretty sick.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Sona is broken still.

S+ in URF, went 26/6/17

That's after a warmup game in URF going 14/14/10

insta ban her unless you plan to play her.


Trakanon Raider
With yellowstar going back to europe and forgiven leaving h2k, it is time for doublelift and forgiven to take turns playing adc & support and shit talking each other.


<Silver Donator>
Love me some urf shaco


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got S on Jhin on my first Urf. B on AD Kog second one. A+ (had to have been fractions off S) Veigar 3rd. Played AD Ez 4th got like A- or something, that game we shoulda lost but enemy team bickered and threw. So far 4-0 even against Eves, Sonas, Luxs, Ezs, etc.

Some champs are really obnoxiously dangerous. Azir was basically 1v5ing us in that last game from 15 minutes in. Fizz is a pain in the ass but doesn't seem to accomplish much. Taric has crazy potential but hard to realize it. Lux is vastly overrated, I think Eve is too.

Edit: Should say, if you have a little bit of sustain or peel on your team, Veigar is absolutely mental. Game lasted 20 minutes and I had over 900 AP with 4 items.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. it was my first time in Urf, and I thought. hey super short cd ult and light bindings will be great!

but in practice. wasn't. the cd on binding was still too long in comparison to real short cooldown burst damage. And light binding itself, even if landed is just a root. not stopping ranged dps, or even melee, when kat shunpos on you. and its a skill shot. which again, vs targets with 2s cooldown dives, really sucks.

Poppy is probably good. short cd dives, anti dive shield. Leona too possibly, but I got an S with her already. is the reset on that a week or month?


Bronze Squire
Maoki is a problem. I think my crew's current ban list includes Sona, Shaco, and Taric as those 3 we really just don't want to deal with. I figured Azir would be terrible, going to have to try it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Azir is terrible to the point where I literally couldn't even see how he was damaging me. With Q's and autos going off so much I think most of his soldier animations don't even show up. He would Q them near me for a little damage and then I would just die suddenly.

Poppy is probably good. short cd dives, anti dive shield. Leona too possibly, but I got an S with her already. is the reset on that a week or month?
The Chest cooldown on a champ resets at the beginning of the season. Your possible chests cap at 4 and you get one per week. So even if we assume 52 weeks per "season" (I dunno how they'll handle off season unlocks) you would need to use 52 different champs to unlock all possible chests. Getting an S on that many yourself is going to be really, really hard. Playing with a group of people it's a little easier since you get bonus mastery points AND if any of them get an S, you get the chest on your current champ (if that champ didn't get one already)


Trakanon Raider
So.. I just had a crazy idea for something Riot should implement. We were in chat before an URF game and one guy starts going off about not banning shaco so he can play. Then, he kept ranting about how he called top and freaking out (no one else said anything about going top).
It was clear he was either a completely toxic player or totally trolling. Either way, everyone else was making comments like 'great.. this should be a fun game'.
My suggestion is we should have the ability to report a player in pre-game chat for toxic behavior, just a checkbox with no description text. If all 4 other players do it, it would kick them and either find a new person in queue to replace or send everyone back to queue. But, at least then you don't get a dodge penalty.


Bronze Squire
Can't have that, could be abused by premades or someone to take the bullet so they can dodge due to a bad comp. Pretty similar to how me and my group of friends abuse the report system to get people banned when all 4 of us report people. Couldn't tell you how many times I have gotten the pop-up message saying that my reports have gotten someone banned.