Used to love playing trynd when you would run three ls quints, and rush a vamp sceptre. These days you get bullied a ton in lane and have to hope your team can hold on while you farm up after landing.Maybe I'm retarded, but went top trndamere vs yorick. From get go first several levels was rape. Constant swarm of zombs nuking me down whether i targeted them or ran. Basically easily kept me off the creeps to last hit. I can see some melee handling it fine and a range not a big deal. But for some like trndamere it felt hard counterish. (IE not only couldnt I go in to steal a last hit without taking a fair bit o dmg, he could chase you into your own tower pretty easy with the range on the slow zomb.
I stopped practicing her when she got her little work around because I was x petting her to get nerfed. Hasn't happened yet.I gotta believe Nidalee is on a short leash and will be hit hard soon:
These stats are from website which only looks at plat+ games.
The latest patch has made her shoot up the ranks insanely fast.
She's the #1 Jungler according to this website, #2 Top and #6 Mid.
Except me! He's got to be one of if not the best split pusher.Trundle beats a lot of things pretty easily, but no one ever plays him for some reason.