League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Elements needs to 1) change their abbreviations 2) replace the person responsible for their picks/bans 3) inject their shotcaller with some testosterone and/or mt dew


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, pretty disappointed with Elements but impressed with UOL and SK. I gave up Forgiven early and now I'm really regretting it.


A Man Chooses....
I just had a vayne/blitz get 6 kills in lane before 12 minutes against my Leona/Varus. Like what do you even do with that shit?

Edit: Seriously, why do I play this game? In placements and I have a 8/17 Fiora who does nothing but zombie push the whole game, despite us being up a ton of kills and objectives early. She just split pushes and 1v4s til we lose.


Bronze Squire
I just had a vayne/blitz get 6 kills in lane before 12 minutes against my Leona/Varus. Like what do you even do with that shit?

Edit: Seriously, why do I play this game? In placements and I have a 8/17 Fiora who does nothing but zombie push the whole game, despite us being up a ton of kills and objectives early. She just split pushes and 1v4s til we lose.
The first one there is probably nothing you can do about it. You just take it as a loss and understand there was nothing you can do , preserve your mindset and move right along. As far as the 2nd one, if ya'll were doing really good as a team then I would advise you either push with her or split and take advantage of them sending too many to stop her. She could be the worst player in the world but if she is causing a ruckus elsewhere for you to take advantage of then do so.

The best advice I can give you is along the same lines, it may sound obvious but take advantage of what you have or recognize what the "idiot" is doing and see if you can make use of it in some way along with playing well yourself and not causing a shit fest in chat.


Tranny Chaser
Well, with the Fiora you start following her around so where ever she is her team is with her. "Group on Fiora" and then literally follow her around until the game ends. The Vayne lane is whatever. You just need to have the attitude that you're better than those chumps and you'll prove it in the next game. If you get pissy and start riding you keyboard than you're a fucking tool and deserve whatever you get handed.


Bronze Squire
You either roam if you are mid or jg towards bot and proceed to gank an over aggressive bot lane and push their shit in making them play safer or as mentioned above by me and Arbitrary you just say fucki it I am better and move on to next game. I went through 2-3 promos to get to silver from bronze (had a terrible like 3-10 placement run that put me there). I did them back to back mind you, because I knew I just had to focus since I was going to get out cause I am better than them and I knew it was just a matter of the right string of games allowing me to get out. I haven't pushed back to gold yet but mind you it will be the same difference.


A Man Chooses....
My supports are 4/40 in my last 4 games. I give up.

You don't understand Sebur. This is literally retarded blitzes or threshes just getting double killed bot almost immediately every game, then proceeding to die over and over. If I go down there to gank I just get pulled into their vortex of despair. Literally they are dead before I hit level 3.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's like that in gold for me right now. One game I'm 33/7 and the next game I'm 1/12 because our top left the game after going 1/8 and we won't surrender, so we engage shitty teamfight after shitty teamfight until our nexus blows up. It's okay though, because 5 minutes after DCing Vlad comes back to afk in base. Hooray!

Ranked has just been incredibly hit or miss for me this season. Some games I play like shit, other games I don't, and then I have streaks where my whole team comes into the game on tilt and someone quits out before we have a chance to play the game. Really frustrating season so far, just waiting for it to all even out as I play more games. The key is to go do something else after one of those games so you don't become part of the problem yourself imo.


Bronze Squire
Hmm, can I ask you what time you are playing between? Like is it a particular time every day? I find nights to be the worst and days generally better. Also where are you ranked currently?
My supports are 4/40 in my last 4 games. I give up.

You don't understand Sebur. This is literally retarded blitzes or threshes just getting double killed bot almost immediately every game, then proceeding to die over and over. If I go down there to gank I just get pulled into their vortex of despair. Literally they are dead before I hit level 3.
just wait until

is out


Silver Knight of the Realm
It's like that in gold for me right now. One game I'm 33/7 and the next game I'm 1/12 because our top left the game after going 1/8 and we won't surrender, so we engage shitty teamfight after shitty teamfight until our nexus blows up. It's okay though, because 5 minutes after DCing Vlad comes back to afk in base. Hooray!

Ranked has just been incredibly hit or miss for me this season. Some games I play like shit, other games I don't, and then I have streaks where my whole team comes into the game on tilt and someone quits out before we have a chance to play the game. Really frustrating season so far, just waiting for it to all even out as I play more games. The key is to go do something else after one of those games so you don't become part of the problem yourself imo.
The first week or two of the new season it was pretty awful, like you describe. Since then it really hasn't been bad. Over my last 20 games, I have a 70% win rate and no ones been particularly toxic, no afks, generally a pleasant experience,


Potato del Grande
I think i'm taking a break again after my games this morning. My last game was in particular bad. We were up 18-2 on kills, way up on towers, up on dragons. Then my team all decided to be fucking retards and do stupid shit and throw the game over the next 40 minutes. Teamwork vanished, everyone started trying to 1v4, no focus, sloppy engages, sticking around in retarded spots to get 4v2'd after a pick off, etc.