League Of Legends


Potato del Grande
Wizardhawk played more ranked games of only Ryze in s3 than I played ranked games in total and was still stuck in bronze. Not sure how I feel about that.
Yeah Ryze was the one I started using to climb from B3 to S1 and I wasn't stuck in bronze at the end of s3 if you would actually read my posts. Almost hit gold, like I said, was 96 LP the day season ended, didn't have enough time to get those last 4 or 5 games in.

Ok, 34 wins more than losses, not quite as much as I thought it was but still a lot of games over 50/50 and I wasn't moving up through the ranks by going 50/50 win/loss, so my point about having to go 500/400 to get plat still stands. My season 4 stats were bad because I didn't really play in season 4, I was playing Eve again, Dawngate, dota 2, moving out of florida, etc. etc.

I think at the end of S3 sites like lolking and lolnexus were showing me around 1450 mmr.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For runes you can and should buy T1s. They have >50% the stat value of T3s for 7% of the price. Never, ever buy T2s. By the time you can buy T3s you should have a better idea what and who you like to play.
Same rune T1 is 5 IP, T2 is 35 IP, T3 is 820 after they lowered prices on T1 and T2 a few weeks ago,

May as well buy T2 now and skip T1 now.


Trakanon Raider
That's a lot of god damn games in bronze.

Anyone ever use this program? Friend linked it to me and it looks interesting

LSI - LoL Summoner Information
Couldn't this potentially get you in trouble? I remember people losing their shit over the Curse thing with team ulti and jungle timers and the resulting debate and inconsistency on the forums about it.

I really like the death recaps and the summoner stats are pretty neat but this seems kinda iffy.
Couldn't this potentially get you in trouble? I remember people losing their shit over the Curse thing with team ulti and jungle timers and the resulting debate and inconsistency on the forums about it.

I really like the death recaps and the summoner stats are pretty neat but this seems kinda iffy.
Is it giving any actionable in game info? If not it should be fine. I mean I've been using a program that gives you all.skins, just client side, for a long time now and haven't had a peep from riot. You would think something. Like that would be worse.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Except only you can see the skin so Riot doesnt care. There's all kinds of client side skin shit you can modify, including the map. This LeagueLSI seems old and doesn't look like Riot cares about it either since everything it gives can be found on websites already. Except the death recaps.

I personally won't use it just cause I like keeping my system vanilla and I have a 2nd monitor to load up stats already
Except only you can see the skin so Riot doesnt care. There's all kinds of client side skin shit you can modify, including the map. This LeagueLSI seems old and doesn't look like Riot cares about it either since everything it gives can be found on websites already. Except the death recaps.

I personally won't use it just cause I like keeping my system vanilla and I have a 2nd monitor to load up stats already
Well I figured it wasn't an issue since I've been using the program forever. Just thought riot might have issues with it because I've had no desire to buy any skin since installing it. Before finding the mod I dumped about 800 bucks in to the game. Need to protect their revenue right?


Trakanon Raider
weirdest League position shift I've ever seen.

Winterfox is benching Imagine (support), moving Altec to support, and bringing their coach Paragon to be ADC.

No comment on the toplane nepotism failure...


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
dang, this thread fell to page 2.

EU was not kind to me today. H2K was the only team to pull through. Where did they come from? They are in 2nd or 3rd place atm in EU.

I didn't really watch any games. Must not have been anything interesting for this to fall to page 2!


Lord Nagafen Raider
TO be honest I never watch any EU games, unless it's like SK or Gambit, sometimes EL, but usually their games are boring as fuck. I started to watch UoL until I realized they aren't a top tier team so meh. I watch a ton of NA usually, CLG, TSM, C9, TL, Grav. The other 3 I don't care for. SO basically there are 6 teams in EU I don't give a shit about and 3 teams in NA I don't. Plus it really depends because if it's like CLG vs Coast, who gives a shit because CLG will stomp. Same goes for SK vs ....some random team. See, I can't even think of the bottom 4 teams in EU because who gives a shit.


Got something right about marriage
EL is one of the bottom 4 teams in EU. So is Roccat who were "supposed" to be a top tier team. I don't really care much about the EU scene either but there are some good games and even certain lower tier teams over there show flashes of brilliance like UoL.

Yesterday's CW vs EL game was pretty good and worth a watch.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I never watch the Korean scene, decided to watch right now and Faker picks Viktor, his first Viktor game ever in competitive. Nice.


Trakanon Raider
EU is infinitely more watchable than it was last year. Still has bad teams not worth watching unless you want to see how they pulled off an upset, but the top teams playstyles improved over last splits farm fest until late game. Elements being terrible is the best thing that could happen and it did.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I watch Korean and NA mostly. I prefer Monte + DoA as my go to casting duo, glad they are doing IEM.


A Man Chooses....
Anyone else think Sej is going to be warwick-preseason 5 level OP when the new jungle item comes through? She already farms like a monster, and her winrate is ridiculous.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone else think Sej is going to be warwick-preseason 5 level OP when the new jungle item comes through? She already farms like a monster, and her winrate is ridiculous.
Probably. I have been playing Sej a bunch already when Fizz gets banned out so works for me!