League Of Legends

The Ancient_sl

I would also suggest getting Hybrid pen marks in place of both magic/armor pen marks because honestly they are just better in most cases(autos make up a ton of damage trading early and hybrid helps with that even on mages) and you have limited rune pages right now.
I see the logic in replacing magic pen w/ hybrid, but I don't think replacing armor pen makes a lot of sense. Most champs you'd want ArP on have no use for MaP.


A Man Chooses....
Day 1 purchase.



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Time to refund spirit guard and use steve from accounting until the end of time


Tranny Chaser
This patch is exactly the kind of patch that I like. The nerfs are gentle and properly targeted, there's some light but decent buffs to underplayed characters, and a number of changes that open up new options. There are things to try after this patch, lots of things.

My only concerns are more buffs to Zz'rot Portal and the new AP item. Zz'rot portal seems like it's getting pushed until it's overpowered and I don't know why. Luden's Echo is unique enough it might have some wonky interaction somewhere on someone or otherwise prove nuts. The closet thing I have to a complaint is how fucking afraid of Urgot they are.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea in a game like this, chipping Riot some money every few weeks goes a long way. Especially for a new account that will likely want to play random champs and google random guides that suggest runes you don't have quite frequently. It's by no means necessary; you'll be "skill-capped" for months... but if you can afford to treat LoL like an MMO and pay $15/mo then A) you'll get to unlock a lot more goodies and B) you'll definitely get MMO-esque playtime out of it.
I wasn't planning on spending cash but they had the starter champion set on sale for 500 RP which seemed like a good deal for a bunch of champion unlocks. And when you buy RP you get more if you spend more, so of course I had to buy $20 worth amirite? Now I have a bunch of leftover RP that I guess I should save for when a champion I like goes on sale?

Katarina or Katrina was free to use this week and I've been really enjoying her although I have no idea what use the ult is for, unless it is to save your lane partner from getting squished. The range on her Q is awesome and I love that you can fire it while running away.



Lord Nagafen Raider
When Kalista ult's, the partner turns into a projectile (basically) that fires to a point and stuns the area. In solo queue if you get a Thresh or Annie its awesome cause they can follow up your ult with their own cc. If you get a Sona, yeah, it's mostly for getting them out of trouble.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When I click that R and get that giant targeting reticule, I am getting to select where to fire my spirit bound partner? Do they get to cancel it out or are they stuck if you decide to fire them on top of a turret or into a mass of enemies?


Buzzfeed Editor
Keep in mind you dont have to link your lane partner if it's pointless. Can save it and link with the bruiser/adc/whoever for teamfights.

Kalista is extra great if you have korean starcraft level reflexes, but generally with the ult and the other abilities depending on a teamate, not my favorite in solo que.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ezreal is probably the most common solo lane ADC. Quinn is also an uncommon pick that destroys most of the common tops right now, and she's one of the best roamers in the game. She's also pretty solid mid.


Molten Core Raider
People played Caitlin in mid lane several seasons ago (1 or 2?) since her long range lets her push while staying relatively safe. Also her traps and her E are useful for avoiding ganks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Would you say Corki is new player friendly? He has a dash so you have a chance to escape and his ult is just a long range poke spell. He does build a bit different from most ADCs.


Trakanon Raider
If you are new, Corkie's E will draw you closer to those melee/ranged and you can be caught. It's a nice ability, but if new people think "omg gonna wreck his guy" they will have a tendency to move closer. That spells doom for a ranged adc. Corkie can be bursty with his Q/Ult/E. I never really liked him tho. I'd rather play Luc, Ez, jinx or tris as adc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know I am bad so I hold the "Don't Die" motto above all others. I just played Corki with Bard as my support. Was lonely in that lane.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Keep in mind you dont have to link your lane partner if it's pointless. Can save it and link with the bruiser/adc/whoever for teamfights.

Kalista is extra great if you have korean starcraft level reflexes, but generally with the ult and the other abilities depending on a teamate, not my favorite in solo que.
This is possible but not ideal at all. The link adds damage to your partner which you will need in the lane for more harass. You'll be at a disadvantage if you don't utilize the extra damage.

Is there anybody that has her crazy range but a better ult for solo?
Kalista's range isnt even that good tbh. Caitlyn/Ashe/Varus are probably the longest ranged ADCs.

If you like dishing out damage from the backline you might want to consider some AP champs and go mid lane.

ADC is one of the hardest roles to start with as a newbie.


Bronze Squire
This is possible but not ideal at all. The link adds damage to your partner which you will need in the lane for more harass. You'll be at a disadvantage if you don't utilize the extra damage.

Kalista's range isnt even that good tbh. Caitlyn/Ashe/Varus are probably the longest ranged ADCs.

If you like dishing out damage from the backline you might want to consider some AP champs and go mid lane.

ADC is one of the hardest roles to start with as a newbie.
I assume you left out trist cause of her scaling range but still one of the longest ranges.


Trakanon Raider
Oh, that reminds me. Make sure you get the free skins (and their champions with them). Twitter/YouTube/facebook shenanigans required. You might have to complain to their support if one doesn't work.


Tranny Chaser
Initial impressions of Bard are that he's in his own tier. I'm reminded of what it felt like to play against Thresh during his release.