League Of Legends


Buzzfeed Editor
Wouldnt that be the opposite drtyrm? In dota 1, his ability to teleport anywhere meant longer travel wasnt a big deal. Because you'd usually keep your dudes more spread out except when gank/stomping. Though did have things like teleport scrolls which I miss in LOL.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mean more there isn't room to have all your clones in good spots on the map. Like the distance between jungle camps is so small that how much value would you really get out of having clones? Similar to Furion, ratting in dota2 feels tons stronger because the guys who can really travel the map are fewer. To split push in LoL, usually you are looking for a duelist who can kill anyone who tries them 1v1.

I have played a little bit of dota2, and spectate it a lot more. The meta and item variety seem to make it less cookie cutter and interesting.


Bronze Squire
Actually, IMO his constant nets is what would keep him from coming to League. There only person similar to the constant CC like that is under specific conditions (Ryze late game) and even he got nerfed because of it. He also would have to have a CD on the teleport part. By the time they would be done with it, he wouldn't be Meepo any more.

Bounty hunter same kind of deal, no way his kit would exist in League as a whole, would be so nerfed he would be useless even though a bit of his kit already exists on different champions.

Furion, would be closest to getting in unscathed I would think.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The "Juggernauts" changes just announced seem pretty cool, and scary... very scary

Might need to play Darius/Garen/Morde now.... Skarner's looks terrible though haha



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
He spawns pillars at enemy red/blue that give gold and vision? Uhm, no thanks.

All hail our new lord Darius.


After a LONG weekend I made it to Gold, swept promos 3 and 0, my malphite support won my final game and I'm super excited, I have actually noticed a MASSIVE difference in people who play at the bronze vs the high silver elo, I am pumped to see how I do in Gold!
Any advice for a dude just trying to get to the top? I jungle mainly and seem to be doing great now that I refuse to chat with people. What changes from silver to gold?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
After a LONG weekend I made it to Gold, swept promos 3 and 0, my malphite support won my final game and I'm super excited, I have actually noticed a MASSIVE difference in people who play at the bronze vs the high silver elo, I am pumped to see how I do in Gold!
Any advice for a dude just trying to get to the top? I jungle mainly and seem to be doing great now that I refuse to chat with people. What changes from silver to gold?
I didn't notice much of a difference until higher gold. I just got demoted back to Gold 2 but I'm playing with mostly plats. Gold 3-5 are kinda whatever, didn't seem much harder than Silver 1 tbh, and Gold 2+ (or ~Plat MMR) is like everyone has hyper awareness and you get punished a lot faster/easier. Or I'm just sucking hardcore atm, or maybe both? My KDAs are abysmal, I'm dying a heck of a lot lately.

I still find teams to be sink or swim too, just played with a super-toxic jungler, we won the game, but this guy raged at every-single-death on our team. We all reported him of course, like we're winning the game and he's shitting on everyone with his attitude. Also been in some questionable team comps. Seems harder to carry as 1 person in these games. Most wins come from better team composition and team fighting.
Like fawe said gold five to threeish is just more of what you are playing with right now. Once you start in to upper gold the game swings more towards team wins then just solo carrying, unless you are a diamond level player. Try and base your picks around team composition and start working on that map awereness.

The latter is probably the biggest thing at high gold level. As a jungle watch for when the enemy mid or top shoves and goes missing. They are probably coming for you with the enemy jungle or multiple man diving another lane. Know when to help shove and when to prep for objectives. Also if you aren't good at it yet then it is time to up your vision control game especially as a jungle. Deep warding for your team will be a huge advantage in early to mid game play.

Toxicity also goes through the roof around this mmr. High gold and low plat players all think they should be diamond players if only their teams sucked less.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The "Juggernauts" changes just announced seem pretty cool, and scary... very scary

Might need to play Darius/Garen/Morde now.... Skarner's looks terrible though haha

I am not sure how making skarner have to do his own weird zone control mini game improves his power levels at all. His ult while fun basically supresses both you AND your target so while interesting there are other ults and non ults that accomplish the same thing for less effort/danger.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Looks like overall Garen and Skarner nerfs, with huge Darius buffs, and who knows wtf they are doing with Morde.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know if it's a nerf to garen, I think good trade offs. Making his ult true damage over magic is nice. Darius A+. The new items tho based off of max hp would be nice on a ulted Mundo.