League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't used the new Queue yet, but my strategy is to never show my "main". I'll just queue as Ahri mid then go Diana like always. Not only does it prevent against trolls on your own team, but if you need to trade champs it won't show enemy team your priority pick. They will be patching the Queue next patch to not default to your priority champ.


Trakanon Raider
A rioter clarified that he doesn't need an ally for his W. Terrible work on that tool tip and for the passive for the new champ.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Haven't played with the new queue yet, actually going to do the updates today and play tonight, but do you have to select a champion? I'm honestly the type of guy that will just "fill". I've been gold since season 2, I did get plat one season because I fell in love with Shaco and did nothing but play him 24/7 but I'm to the point where I can "fill" and maintain a gold level, which is fine by me. I hate going into champion select knowing I'm going to play Top or Jungle or XYZ, I'd rather just fill in whatever nobody else can play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Anyone level 22 or lower that wants to group with someone new to the game, but was a very, very good and competitive dota2/hon player? I have a pretty good winrate, can hold my own in any role, but I'd love to pick up new tips and improve while grouping with some of you guys.

My skype is CNV2855.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I hate going into champion select knowing I'm going to play Top or Jungle or XYZ, I'd rather just fill in whatever nobody else can play.
There is a "fill" option.

Anyone level 22 or lower that wants to group with someone new to the game, but was a very, very good and competitive dota2/hon player? I have a pretty good winrate, can hold my own in any role, but I'd love to pick up new tips and improve while grouping with some of you guys.

My skype is CNV2855.
I have an alt level 12 I'll sometimes play but you can find me on my main: Ravishing orjoin theRerolledchat channelto find some others.

I don't like joining voice chats though.

Also willing to duo+ with high gold+ players in ranked.


Bronze Squire
Btw for the people complaining about the stacked Q's, you may lose but they get absolutely nothing for winning (from what I saw on streams and such a 5 man gets 1 lp for winning and a 3-4 man was getting 9 or less LP for winning). So it is still beneficial to not do anything more than duo unless you are just playing with friends to play.


Trakanon Raider
EU LCS is all over the place...

VIT, FNC and OG need to make up their mind on whether they are good or not. OG has sucked balls to start, FNC and VIT beat their 'tougher' matchup this weak and fell over to their 'easier' matchups. Really screwing with my fantasy teams...


Got something right about marriage
Every split seems to be that way in EU. Star power seems to be a bane over there. Talking to you Froggen.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It's week 1. Nobody is all over the place yet

FNC lost like their whole team, they were rated in the upper half but nobody knows how good yet. VIT was actually predicted to be decent. OG are the biggest surprise atm as they were predicted to be #1 seed. Still might be, but definitely not off to a good start.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This dynamic queue is good in some ways and annoying in others. It really doesn't play nice with players who "main" a champion ... which is one of the most common tactics for climbing.

Played 8 games tonight, 5 of which were duo with Graiban. I was kinda hoping to get Plat II but failed promos for 3rd time (went 1-2), but really I just wanted to see how this new champ select was working and how duoing would be.

Of the total 8 games I got mid twice. And a few times I had mid, people would dodge, and I wouldn't get it next queue pop. Shit is retarded tbh, because nobody communicates in champ select, meaning no discussion on role swapping etc. People just take whatever they get assigned no matter what now. Ended up jungling 2x and top lane 4x, as Diana for all games. Beyond never getting my lane, somehow Graiban got stuck as Support for an ADC Tryndamere when he had Mid/Jungle selected... unless he hit Support accidentally, but I'm fairly confident he didn't...I'll have to check the stream footage to be sure.

Even with trolls like ADC tryn, we could have won every game tonight. Just had some critical mistakes at times. The games were fun but just really annoyed I couldnt get my lane lol. Went 3-2 with Graiban and before that I was 0-3 so kinda bad 3-5 night but overall it's whatever... Season reset next week.

Edit: Hey Graiban, looks like Support wasn't a fluke!



A Man Chooses....
Mystery solved I suppose. I like it in theory but in application it is kind of annoying. People don't lock in on accident ALL THE TIME. Just revert that one change and it will improve the experience 50% at least.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, he started stacking kills after they got ahead, just playing cleanup. That's why I thought he might have a good split, if Huni/reignover/pobelter win the early/mid game.. he'll get tons of points by default. They looked pretty good there, but then again, C9 has always looked bad without Hai.. so not sure which was the main reason IMT wont yet.

edit: So, I've signed up for alphadraft. Did a bunch of the free tournaments first, won like 10 cents off the freerolls, then deposited $10. It's kinda weird now, cause half the time I'm rooting against my players in our league.


Trakanon Raider
Well.. at least I own freeze.. too bad I didn't start him.. :-/

It looks like I will lose against Sid this week, but would have beat almost anyone else in the league. Such unluck, much sad.

I need Echo Fox to wreck the stats to win some MONEEEYYYY on alphadraft..


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
but would have beat almost anyone else in the league. Such unluck, much sad.
Doesn't look like it to me. You only have 2 players left while others have 3-5. We'll see after tomorrow

Edit: So actually managed to swap lanes in champ select with a little communication. Shit might not be hopeless after all. Got placed Jung but was able to Mid. Mid went Support and Support went Jungle. And then we crushed ezpz. Just need reasonable people on the team, which can be the biggest challenge.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. I didn't realize I was so euro heavy when I wrote that, and hadn't seen where they keep track of how many matches you have left yet. I'm sort of rooting against myself tomorrow, I've got the opposite of some of my remaining players in a handful of money drafts tomorrow.


Trakanon Raider
I knew things would be crazy to start off both the LCS.. but it seems like any time one team seems 'super' favored, they get upset. All the 60/40 matchups have been going the way people predicted, for the most part, but all the 'top' teams are getting crushed by the underdogs.

edit: well.. ok, one of them kinda held up, lol.