League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
Njacky claims in a video that he would play on a friends account when he wanted to play with fans and that is what they got him on...believable or not...I am unsure. Rhux openly admitted to doing it for money in the same video (they did it together). I wonder if they actually tracked it or caught the ones that were just blatant...like you could see it on a stream in a chat log etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think most of the accused have admitted to it in one place or another already. I know fans watching the players' streams saw them doing it in a lot of cases (apparently Aphro did that a lot.) Considering how long they took to bring out these rulings they probably made 100% sure.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Hello Everyone,

Sorry to be a bother, but I am doing a statistical methods project for my Masters. Since they gave me leeway to do it on pretty much anything, I am going to do it on League. I need a good sized sample however, and I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill this out.

Here is the Survey:


You can get all of the information required from your summoner profile on lolking.net, please use numerical answers only, also feel free to whore it out as much as you can. I am shooting for a sample of around 1k.

Thank You.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dunno if it's just me but I don't have a Lolking score and no way of seeing my KDA ratios, so couldn't finish that survey.


Golden Knight of the Realm
When you first search your summoner name before you click on the profile it should have your lolking score and your kda listed.


Bronze Squire
Shit sucks. Can't tell me wildturtle is as good as Chaox, but I suppose you have to send a message to make it clear that you need to take this shit seriously. Will be interesting.


The player behaviour stuff is fascinating. I think we can all understand why LoL (and DOTA2, HoN, team SC2) games are more susceptible to toxic players: nobody likes to have their time wasted (or lose, but I think that's less of a factor), and when someone on your team is doing badly they are at least contributing to your time being wasted.

I think the level of effort Riot is putting into curbing the negative behaviour shows an impressive understanding of how important a good playing atmosphere is for the longevity of the game. A lot of people (potential paying customers) will just bail instead of put up with some anonymous dork raging at them. The early days were horrible, but I noticed quite an improvement when the Tribunal came out. I'm really interested in seeing how the other proposals work out.

I wonder what the demographic of the players is like. I swear I notice worse behaviour weekend mornings than late weekday evenings, but that could be just me.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's a f2p game, so there is a HUGE playerbase in the <18 range. Stands to reason that after school and weekend hours will get the most of them.


Tranny Chaser
While I like the gameitselffor me League of Legends has come to represent everything about gamers and game culture that I hate. I quit playing Magic the Gathering over far less than what the LoL community has made me put up with.


Bronze Squire
I absolutely refuse to do ranked friday-sunday night as it seems the shit hits the fan those days.


Fuck, why the hell did they pick Lille and not Paris for the LCS this weekend

I'm NOT going to spend 200$ just for train/hotel to watch LOL games.... Now if they were in Paris....





Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I absolutely refuse to do ranked friday-sunday night as it seems the shit hits the fan those days.
The amount of time I get good games vs bad is really really rare. Trolls, people that have NO business playing ranked playing ranked...

Wish there was an assessment test for ranked, staying in a positive attitude / mindset is really really hard when the below happens.

2nd kill of the game? Me chasing down Le Blanc and killing her for a 500g bonus. Kha was 20 feet behind me full health / mana killing creeps. I was 0 / 0 / 0 at the time and stayed 1 / 0 / 0 for a good while too, until Leb started roaming and was something like 7/1/?.
Wish there was an assessment test for ranked
Not trying to sound like a dick (I haven't ever played a single account enough to even make it to ranked games), but wasn't the ELO system (and it's subsequent replacement) designed to be just that? Work your way out of the drudge into a higher ranking number, and therefore have better matches? All the while the worst of the worst all get bogged down into the lower rankings? Or is the system just too flooded to account for difference in skill unless the difference is huge?


Bronze Squire
I think he is talking about a test to even get in to ranked and start playing. Would be interesting if you could do some kind of match/tutorial where they had to react to certain things or show understanding of certain concepts before even getting in to ranked, but that would never happen.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Part of the problem is that 99.9% of the people get to where they're supposed to be eventually (or sometimes right away), but they refuse to believe it. Now, granted, .1% or millions of people is still a lot of people, but its usually not the ones taking time to bitch about.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Not trying to sound like a dick (I haven't ever played a single account enough to even make it to ranked games), but wasn't the ELO system (and it's subsequent replacement) designed to be just that? Work your way out of the drudge into a higher ranking number, and therefore have better matches? All the while the worst of the worst all get bogged down into the lower rankings? Or is the system just too flooded to account for difference in skill unless the difference is huge?
ELO wasn't replaced, it still exists behind-the-scenes. (It's called MMR but still functions the exact same).
Placement matches still exist. The Hidden MMR affects how many League Points you gain or lose. Leagues & Divisions are just a way to provide goals to work toward.

I've been cursed to remain at shit-tier Elo it seems. Whenever I break free I seem to get every troll, feeder, and 4v5 scenario imaginable. Ranked requires skill, but also luck, to advance.

Thing is, it doesn't matter how high you go, I've seen pros play and have days where no matter what they do, they just can't win a game. It's everywhere. As you advance its not like you're going to start playing against worse players, they will be as good or better. It doesn't take much to have a feeder. A lane can snowball real easily. I know if I can get the edge in my lane, I'll keep it and abuse it and will only lose it if the enemy team works together to help their lane out. (Jungle pressure or whatever).

The screenshot posted above is a classic case of all lanes losing and then getting snowballed. Maybe each of those players just had a bad game, from the ss you'd imply that they all must really suck. Not 1 person on the defeated team has a positive record, but what tends to happen most isn't that every player is absolutely terrible, its that they lost their lane, it snowballed, the the TEAM never provided assistance or never changed up the strategy, each player kept going back to a losing lane and dying again and again. At the end, everyone starts having double-digit deaths and looks like they should never play ranked again. It sucks to be on a team like that but you just have to put it behind and try again and maybe next time try to see whats coming and change something up before its too late.

If you lolking some of those players, that 3-9 Elise has a lot of good games (16-1 as Lux, 12-2 as Kog Maw, 9-1 as Morgana, even a recent win as Elise going 3-5-14). The 1-12 Ziggs has 5 wins and 5 losses in his last 10 games. He seems to die a lot but the 1-12 is his worst game in his past 10...

I hate ranked but can't stop trying for some reason. So much luck required. If everyone on my team can just win their lane it would be so simple, but unfortunately it can't always happen.