League Of Legends


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I think he is talking about a test to even get in to ranked and start playing. Would be interesting if you could do some kind of match/tutorial where they had to react to certain things or show understanding of certain concepts before even getting in to ranked, but that would never happen.
This basically, some people just simply aren't ready for ranked at all and sitting in the silver rank it REALLY becomes obvious. Some people have no idea how to play in a defensive manner, understand how to CS safely, understand how to CS atALL, understand WHY they want smite for a jungle...ect.

I find that in order to win I HAVE to play this way. If I carry in a top / mid role (assuming it isn't called) we usually win.

The issue is the prisoners dilemma, I found that by being positive I can sometimes win, about 50% most times. Man, I really can't tell you and I don't think I have to, the rage that watching my team on the previous image causes. Staying positive in this game isREALLYhard.

Okay cool, team is feeding hard, this is a loss...tell them how they are doing in a calm manner and suggest tips for next game? NO,NO NO NO NO NO...because if you do, what do they do 90% of the time? "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE I DID WELL YOU ARE SHIT" and then I literally want to kill their parents Cartman style. GOTTA STAY POSITIVE THOUGH! Tribunal will bend you over if you get enough reports after some twat feeds.

That rambling post basically sums up my experience in LoL ranked.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
new post because ya..

So many games we have people trolling in champ select. The one I had with jax top basically had him calling every lane and then spamming that he would feed in champ select. Did he do terrible? He didn't do well but he didn't feed either. The issue is that he killed the teams morale before the game even started. This happens SO often that I would argue I go into games 20-40% of the time with a team that hates each other already.

Thing is, it doesn't matter how high you go, I've seen pros play and have days where no matter what they do, they just can't win a game. It's everywhere. As you advance its not like you're going to start playing against worse players, they will be as good or better. It doesn't take much to have a feeder. A lane can snowball real easily. I know if I can get the edge in my lane, I'll keep it and abuse it and will only lose it if the enemy team works together to help their lane out. (Jungle pressure or whatever).

So much luck required. If everyone on my team can just win their lane it would be so simple, but unfortunately it can't always happen.
2 things --

I really don't care as much about winning as I do about having a great game. If you are losing and having a great game then so be it, it was a great match-up that challenged you. What I hate is watching people do what 1st game I posted, the game was a constant stream of "player has been killed" which is a morale killer in-game.

Second is that it is TOTALLY about luck. Had a buddy of mine get placed in silver D1, the guy isn't terrible but he is certainly NOT D1 material. Thing is that he is extremely lucky and pretty much only plays support. What do I get when I play support? The 1st posted game LOL...


Bronze Squire
I personally wish the game in some form or fashion took your play in the game (kda/gold/farm etc) in to consideration when handing out points/taking away points. I believe this is partly why there are issues in ranked. If someone goes 0/8 but the rest of the team does amazing and carries him...he still gets points and moves up and can potentially keep moving up. To me...that person should get no points or very little points and if it was just a fluke game for them , then he will be fine and make it up next game. Same goes for a loss, maybe since I did very well, I break even or don't lose as many points or something if I did well. Dunno.
Opposite of that problem is people will try and keep their k/d/a or other metric up in a game they are most likely going to lose but that isn't quite done yet. So you'll see them staying out of fights that might lead to a turn around or other good outcome for their team.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I personally wish the game in some form or fashion took your play in the game (kda/gold/farm etc) in to consideration when handing out points/taking away points. I believe this is partly why there are issues in ranked. If someone goes 0/8 but the rest of the team does amazing and carries him...he still gets points and moves up and can potentially keep moving up. To me...that person should get no points or very little points and if it was just a fluke game for them , then he will be fine and make it up next game. Same goes for a loss, maybe since I did very well, I break even or don't lose as many points or something if I did well. Dunno.
Or maybe that person that went 0/8 was split pushing all game and helping out his team that way? There is no reliable way to reward people based on KDA/CS alone, there's too many exceptions.


Bronze Squire
Which is why my point was that there should be many factors in going in to it, but I absolutely hate carrying people and seeing them getting points when they made no real contribution to the team. I know it would be flawed, I guess I am just tired of all these people I am playing with that don't deserve to even be out of bronze.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If they don't deserve to be out of bronze it's extraordinarily unlikely that they ever will be, they have to win a SHITTON of games for that to happen. Not to mention, are you just going to punish everyone that has one bad game if they still were polite and tried to contribute to the team? I frankly don't give a shit if one guy on our team played worse than me but still tried. If you want to be ranked on only your own skills, you really should go play a game that isn't based on teams.
The funny part is that siler and up is what? The top ten percent of the player base? I know it isn't any worse then the top fifteen percent. I don't think any of us honestly know what truly bad players in this game are capable of.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The funny part is that siler and up is what? The top ten percent of the player base? I know it isn't any worse then the top fifteen percent. I don't think any of us honestly know what truly bad players in this game are capable of.
Ive seen all the bad you could imagine. Ive been as low as 800 elo and climbed up to 1500ish before the new system. I am probably hovering around 1200 atm.


Bronze Squire
If they don't deserve to be out of bronze it's extraordinarily unlikely that they ever will be, they have to win a SHITTON of games for that to happen. Not to mention, are you just going to punish everyone that has one bad game if they still were polite and tried to contribute to the team? I frankly don't give a shit if one guy on our team played worse than me but still tried. If you want to be ranked on only your own skills, you really should go play a game that isn't based on teams.
Do I want to punish the 1 guy who did terrible that we carried? Absolutely, but I also believe I don't deserve points when I do bad and get carried either so I suppose it is just a difference in opinion.

Can't play a team based game when the team is selfish, wants to play their role, then proceeds to do terrible after I try to fill in whatever is left. As soon as you mention anything to try and help no matter how positive a large portion of the people freak the fuck out and get mad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Selfish like not wanting people on your team to benefit from being on a team? Actually that's not even really selfish, since them getting points doesn't affect you at all, it just sounds douchey to me. The amount of times I have someone on my team literally not contributing is incredibly rare and only happens if they're trolling/afk, and for that there's reporting. Not to mention if they afk/drop they in fact do NOT get points even if you win (so I've heard, I've never dropped so I can't prove this).

The amount of effort it would take to make a system even remotely approaching fair for individual rewards deals with such a fraction of a fraction of the population that it is unarguably a waste of time and energy. Everybody wants to win. Everybody thinks they're the best at whatever they call. You are not unique in that thought.

The thing is, there's always someone better, and sometimes that person lanes against them. Even if a person feeds and has trouble making a difference, who's to say any single member of your team would have done better? Someone should be punished because the enemy laner is actually a much higher skill level and still climbing the ranks over your corpses? I'm sorry but it just sounds juvenile, angry, and way oversimplified to me.


Bronze Squire
Yup, but you are also talking to someone that believes when a pro team wins a world series/super bowl etc...if you are a player and haven't played at least 1 game in the season you shouldn't get a ring. I do suppose to create a system of that nature would take an insane amount of man power to satisfy like you said what is an overall irrelevant number. I guess cause of my play times it feels I always run in to these people. I also will give you the benefit of recognizing as I have been called an asshole before so....ya.


Got something right about marriage
Yup, but you are also talking to someone that believes when a pro team wins a world series/super bowl etc...if you are a player and haven't played at least 1 game in the season you shouldn't get a ring. I do suppose to create a system of that nature would take an insane amount of man power to satisfy like you said what is an overall irrelevant number. I guess cause of my play times it feels I always run in to these people. I also will give you the benefit of recognizing as I have been called an asshole before so....ya.
You're completely out of touch with what goes on in any team environment. You think they don't need 2nd and 3rd stringers who can perform drills to help the starters in practice? You think that just because someone can't perform a task at as high a level as the guy who is starting he can't add strategic and tactical value in discussions? You think he can't watch video and point out nuances the coaches may have missed?

Have you ever played on a team ever in your life?


Do I want to punish the 1 guy who did terrible that we carried? Absolutely, but I also believe I don't deserve points when I do bad and get carried either so I suppose it is just a difference in opinion.

Can't play a team based game when the team is selfish, wants to play their role, then proceeds to do terrible after I try to fill in whatever is left. As soon as you mention anything to try and help no matter how positive a large portion of the people freak the fuck out and get mad.
Part of being on a team, even if it's cobbled together by a matchmaking system, is coming to terms with the fact that not every person on the team is equal. The fact that they went 0/8, as stated above, doesn't mean they didn't contribute. I've gone 1/11/0 before and won the round FOR my team because the enemies didn't consider me a threat and I was able to backdoor as a result. If your teammate went 0/8 top, but your bot lane got to free farm without fear of ganks because their jungler was living in top lane, meant that he served a purpose and helped the team. Did detract from your power by dying? You, as the individual; not the team. Nope. Quit being a douche.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So hey guys. I haven't been posting at all since the rerolled change, been lurking a bit though.

I am wondering what kind of interest folks here would have in having an actual Summoner's Rift 5s tournament being run? I am seriously considering setting it up but I'd like to see how many people we have who would actually want to participate.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
doesn't seem like we'd be able to create many teams, i'd rather do some Team 5v5 ranked with a rerolled team.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm new but I would rather play with people that I could give me feedback and advice.